
Game of The Universe

On June 11, 2045, a game called (Game of The Universe) that claims to be the second world that connects the entire universe suddenly goes viral on the internet. And the game also claims that the power in the game can be used in the real world. When the people playing the game could actually use the power in the game, the world that initially didn't believe the game's claims was immediately shaken by the unbelievable fact. Yi Yun is a high school student who is a top gamer. Even in the Game of the Universe that almost everyone on earth played, he still managed to reach the top 30. Due to a certain item he had painstakingly obtained, Yi Yun managed to return to the past to the day before the Game of the Universe appeared.

Saubi1234 · เกม
28 Chs



Yi Yun who fell from the air finally landed on a city that looked almost destroyed.

It was not an ancient city, but a modern city that even after it was nearly destroyed, it still looked much more attractive than any city on earth.

Rows of skyscrapers that looked very futuristic filled the city.

Even though the city was destroyed, there were still people left in the city.

Of course, those people looked very different from the humans on earth.

As the name of their land, these people call themselves the tribe of light.

From a physical point of view, they actually have a physique similar to Asian people. However, from the color of the skin, eyes, and hair, everything was white as snow. Their appearance was simply amazing.

If that light tribe lived on earth, they would surely be able to look down on the people of the earth just by their appearance.

Of course, the destruction of their land made them look downright miserable.

In fact, all that was left of them were commoners who didn't have much of a place and status when their land was at its peak.

All the knights and nobles who ruled the land were annihilated long ago.

Of course, there were still a few people with a certain status left. However, most of them are people who got their status through science, such as doctors or scientists.

Even though those people were actually just NPCs from this game, the way they acted and interacted was almost the same as humans on earth.

In truth, Yi Yun had always doubted whether they were really just NPCs, or real living beings.

Yi Yun who suddenly descended from the sky startled several of the people around him.

When they saw how Yi Yun looked, they looked surprised for a brief moment before shouts of joy escaped their mouths.

"It's a hero as the prophecy says."

"The heroes have come."

"The heroes who will save and bring our land back to its former glory have finally come to our land."

If this game world had a plot, then the people of earth who came to this world would be considered heroes, who according to a prophecy would be the ones who would free them from the monsters destroying their land.

It was only natural that they looked excited when they saw Yi Yun's sudden appearance.

The day of the hero's arrival.

It is a day that all the residents of the three lands who have suffered so long have been waiting for.


Yi Yun paid no heed to those people as his attention was currently fixed on his body which was beginning to undergo changes, the voice that continued to echo in his head, and the virtual screen that appeared in front of him, which only he could see.

(Congratulations, you are the first to enter the Game of The Universe.)

Those words shocked Yi Yun because he didn't expect that he would actually be the first to enter.

(Since you are the first to enter, you will get twenty percent more energy points every time you level up.)

When Yi Yun heard the reward he got, his eyes immediately sparkled like stars.

In this game, the player's strength is basically measured using energy points.

Normally, every time a player leveled up from level one to level ten, the player would get 10 energy points in each level.

In other words, those at level one had 10 energy points while those at level two had 20 energy points and so on up to level ten which had 100 energy points.

Of course, apart from leveling up, there were still other ways to increase energy points. However, these methods are not ways that can be done easily. Leveling up is the only easiest way to increase energy points.

Yi Yun who would get twenty percent more energy points meant that he would gain 12 energy points every time he leveled up.

When Yi Yun reached level ten, his energy points would reach 120 points which was actually equivalent to the energy points of a level eleven player.

For levels eleven to twenty, players will get 20 energy points every time they level up.


As Yi Yun was filled with joy over his first gift, Yi Yun's body also continued to undergo changes.

That change happened because this world turned Yi Yun's mortal body into a body that in earth terms was a body with super strength, evolved, cultivation, magic or something like that.

Because the game world itself was closely related to science, people in Yi Yun's past life used the term (evolved) more often.

After the evolution is complete, the player will immediately reach level one with 10 energy points.

How strong was a person with 10 energy points?

If we compare it to humans on earth, that 1 point of energy might be equivalent to the strength of a very strong man on earth.


And as Yi Yun's body continued to undergo changes, another voice once again resounded in Yi Yun's head, which made Yi Yun's face even more radiant.

(Congratulations, you are also one of the first ten people to enter this game. You will get one divine monster pet.)

Following that voice, a row of images of monsters, which looked extremely noble then appeared in front of Yi Yun. The images are also complete with descriptions of the monsters in the images.

Yi Yun actually already possessed the divine beast that he dreamed of so much in his past life. It was a (Winged White Tiger).

In terms of fighting ability on the front lines, (Winged White Tiger) was definitely number one.

Without thinking, Yi Yun immediately clicked the (Winged White Tiger) image.


The other images disappeared before the White Tiger image moved onto the virtual screen in front of Yi Yun.

On that virtual screen there are various things from Yi Yun's game profile, level, energy points, friends list, coins, to the inventory where the White Tiger image is now located.

Of course, there was much more that Yi Yun himself was too lazy to pay attention to.


Yi Yun once again clicked on the White Tiger image.

(Enter Your Pet Name)

A form appeared after Yi Yun clicked the image.

Yi Yun was quite confused by the name he wanted to enter. In his previous life, all of Yi Yun's pets were a little too ordinary so Yi Yun didn't really care about the name.

"Ah…" Yi Yun was suddenly enlightened after he remembered someone who made fun of him a lot.


Yi Yun then entered his older sister's name with a satisfied smile.