
Chapter 1

Nickolas Frescobaldi

"Mom I'm on a vacation."

After a long run, I found myself seeking some rest. I sat on a bench, my forehead creased as I spoke to my mother on the phone. I had decided to take a break and leave my home country, Italy to stay in Philippines for a month or two, due to my business obligations here. However, my mother was not pleased with my decision.

"Mio Dio Nickolas! It's dangerous for you to fool around. Please remember that you're the Duke of Italy, and you should be here fulfilling your responsibilities," my mother scolded. Irritated, I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Conosco, mamma. I just want to rest," I replied, shrugging off her concerns. Frustrated, my mother let out a sigh.

"You're always resting, figlio. You're already 32, and if you're not going to give our family another heir, then you better get your ass back here and do your responsibilities as the duke," she insisted. I felt a surge of frustration. It wasn't my choice to be born into the Frescobaldi family, and I didn't ask for the position of duke in the first place.

"Addio mamma, ti amo," I said, ending the call with a grin. I had no intention of returning until Reyanne agreed to marry me. Despite the potential dangers of being alone outside, I believed I could handle and protect myself well. Having trained in combat since childhood, I felt confident in my abilities.

Just as I ended the call, my phone rang again. Annoyed, I answered, assuming it was my mother once more.

"Mom, I told you already—" I began, but my sentence was cut off by a different voice.

"I'd rather die than have a crazy son like you," a man's voice taunted. I groaned, realizing the identity of the caller.

"Lucas," I blurted out, realizing who the bastard is. It is my best friend laughing on the other line as if he made the most funniest joke.


I just shook my head as I drank water from the mineral bottle, I bought earlier.

Lucas had been my closest companion since our mothers were friends. We've known each other since we were little, I grew up only having him and my three cousins as friends. Well It's hard growing up from the Frescobaldi clan.

He is also the one responsible for bringing me to this country, ten years ago. Since then, it became my solace. And whenever I had free time, I would return to the Philippines.

"Good day, your excellency," Lucas said sarcastically.

"Shut up, Lucas," I muttered, growing tired of our banter. Lucas continued to laugh, unperturbed.

"By the way, how's Irish? Leroy told me she's coming home for Vin and Kristine's wedding anniversary," I inquired, hoping to change the topic. I could imagine Lucas grinning mischievously on the other end of the line.

"Yep, I visited her yesterday before my flight. I just arrived from the airport. Tyson can finally stop being suicidal now," Lucas replied, chuckling. Irritated, I hissed at him in response.

"And also, I need something from you," Lucas stated, causing my forehead to crease further.

"I have no money," I shrugged, to which Lucas frowned.

"You have tons of that, you bastard, and I have more than a lot too. I don't need your money," Lucas retorted. I glanced around, aware of the stares from people passing by, and damn! I even spot some paparazzi nearby.

"What do you need, then?" I asked irritably.

"I need a wife," Lucas confessed seriously, causing my face to crumple in surprise.

"No thank you," I joked. "Lucas, you know that I'm straight right? I know I'm really handsome and we've been really good friends but that's all I can offer," I added on serious tone with a silly smile on my face, Lucas frowned.

"F*ck you Frescobaldi! Hell would freeze before I do that. That's just disgusting!" he frowned making me laugh. He just sighed. "I am not in the mood for this. "I really need a wife," he hissed.

My brows furrowed. "You're not joking?"

"I wish I am," he clicked his tongue in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" I pressed.

Lucas, who was on the other line, let out a frustrated groan. "Yes, I'm serious, Nickos. I really have to find someone to marry, as soon as possible," he replied, the urgency evident in his voice.

"Man, that sucks," I commented, sympathizing with his predicament. "But why the rush?" I rested my back on the bench while wiping my sweat. My mind drifting as I soaked in the surroundings. The sun cast a warm golden glow, dappling the path ahead. I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the gentle breeze against my face.

I heard Lucas took a deep breath, as if gathering his thoughts. "Remember Emori Luan? The boy I often visit at the orphanage?" he asked, his voice filled with emotion.

My mind immediately recalled the sweet, innocent face of the young boy. "Yes, of course. What about him?" I inquired, curious about the sudden mention.

A hint of sadness crept into Lucas's voice. "I want to adopt him," he confessed, his longing evident. "But here's the problem—I can't. The orphanage requires prospective adoptive parents to be married. I just want to give that kid a loving home, you know how much he means to me. I want to do it the right way."

He seems problematic, I just hissed at him. "Good for you then," I said nonchalantly then laughed at him.

The bastard just frowned in annoyance. "Oh fuck you!" he cursed, making me grin.

"I'd rather die than fuck you," I joked to annoy him more and before he could respond, I already ended the call.

I rose from my feet and started running again, I just grinned when I saw the reason why I am here as I started running towards her direction with a bright smile plastered on my face.

Reyanne didn't even glance at me and just ran faster but I managed to quickly catch up to her making her brows furrowed.

"Reyanne," I called her name.

She just rolled her eyes on me, clearly unamused by my presence. "Get lost," she retorted, her tone cold and dismissive.

I chuckled, undeterred by her icy reception. "Nope, don't wanna," I replied, shaking my head. Ignoring her protests, I continued running alongside her.

As the Duke, Nickolas Frescobaldi, I knew many women would jump at the chance to be in her position. Reyanne should consider herself lucky, as I was going out of my way to pursue her. However, she remained resistant, rejecting my advances time and time again.

Reyanne was my ex. We had been in a relationship years ago, but circumstances had led us to part ways. Since then, I hadn't found another woman who met my standards like she had. Reyanne was perfect, a combination of intelligence, beauty, and grace and she's also a renowned lawyer.

I want someone who could fit the role of being my duchess and Reyane fits it perfectly. After 5 years I saw her again, I even saved her from that bastard who kidnapped her and My cousin Saphire.

With a determined resolve, I had been trying to convince her to give our relationship another chance for the past six months. I was wealthy, handsome, and capable of providing her with everything she desired. Why couldn't she simply say yes? The complexities of a woman's mind continued to elude me.

As we ran, our banter continued, filled with playful jabs and exasperated sighs. Eventually, we reached the condominium building where Reyanne resided. She came to a halt, her breath slightly ragged and then glared at me.

"Will you stop following me?!" she retorted.

I just shrugged. "Am I?" I grinned.

Without a word, she entered the elevator and I did too. She pressed the button for her floor and stood, arms crossed, as if daring me to say something.

"I just dropped you off," I said nonchalantly, my tone dripping with casual indifference. Shrugging, I added, "No need to thank me."

Reyanne rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed by my attempt at humor.

Finally, we reached her floor, and Reyanne wasted no time in exiting the elevator. She shot me one last glare before slamming the door shut. I stood there for a moment, frowning at the closed door.

I just placed my hands on my pocket as I walked back to the elevator, down tto the ground floor. All eyes were still on me, I'm kinda used to it.

My thoughts were interrupted by the buzz of my phone, signaling an incoming message. I retrieved it from my pocket and glanced at the screen.

It was a text from my friend Vin, reminding me about his wedding anniversary. I let out an exasperated sigh and typed a quick reply, assuring him of my presence, I pocketed my phone.

As I turned to leave, my eyes caught sight of a beautiful woman standing nearby, engaged in a lively conversation on her phone. She exuded an aura of happiness, her genuine smile captivating everyone around her. My heart skipped a beat as I found myself inexplicably drawn to her.

"I'll just visit Rey," the woman uttered with a smile. "Yeah I'll tell her," she added.

The woman's features were strikingly beautiful, with fierce honey-colored eyes, a straight nose, and plump, heart-shaped lips. She wore a simple outfit—a loose shirt and denim shorts—and yet, she emanated an effortless charm that captivated me.

Unconsciously, I found myself studying her, unable to tear my eyes away. I took a deep breath, attempting to regain my composure, but her presence continued to affect me deeply. She must have felt my gaze, as she glanced in my direction, her eyes meeting mine.

In that moment, a rush of warmth coursed through my veins, and I felt an unspoken connection. The woman grinned, and winked at me playfully, before returning to her phone conversation.

I closed my eyes, trying to steady my racing heart, before turning away.

Taking a few steps, I couldn't resist stealing another glance at her, hoping to prolong the brief encounter. However, to my disappointment, she had vanished from sight

But then a sudden realization hit me. My cousin Saphire and her husband Matt had invited me to an exhibit taking place that evening. They had learned about my vacation in the area and sent me an invitation, highlighting that the event was for a charitable cause.

Curiosity piqued within me as they mentioned that a renowned artist, the same person who had painted my mother's portrait during one of my international trips, would be present. It seemed like an opportunity not to be missed, and I decided that attending the exhibit would be a worthwhile way to spend my evening.

Glancing once again at the imposing building before me, my thoughts drifted back to Reyanne. As much as I desired to extend an invitation to her, I couldn't shake off the fear of yet another rejection. She had been steadfast in her resistance to rekindling our relationship, despite my persistent efforts.

Shaking my head to clear away the negative thoughts, a new idea took shape in my mind. Perhaps I could ask Reyanne to join me for lunch the following day instead. It would give us a chance to spend time together in a more casual setting, without the pressures of an evening event.

A mischievous grin crept across my face as I reveled in my determination. "You will come back to my arms, Reyanne," I whispered under my breath, my voice filled with unwavering conviction.

Jonarlene Zafra

I smiled as I entered my best friend Reyanne's apartment. She had given me a spare key, granting me the freedom to visit whenever I pleased. "Reyanne, my babe!" I exclaimed with sheer glee, my voice filled with excitement. However, instead of reciprocating my enthusiasm, she gave me a cold glare. It was evident that she had just finished her jog, her face glistening with perspiration.

"You don't have any appointments today, right? Right? Right?" I fired off the questions in quick succession, desperately hoping for some quality time together. Reyanne simply smiled and nodded, her expression softening. The confirmation made my grin stretch wider, infecting my face with uncontainable joy.

"Anyways, here's the invitation. You should definitely come, babe!" I said, eagerly extending the invitation towards her. She accepted it with a smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Stop with the gross endearment, Lene," she retorted, her tone laced with irritation, causing me to pout playfully, as if wounded by her response.

"You should buy a painting or two! The money I'll earn will all go to charity because I'm truly kind-hearted," I teased, playfully nudging her as I made my way to the fridge, scouring its contents for something to munch on. Reyanne stood there, staring at me blankly, as I hugged the food items I had procured, relishing in the simple joy of snacking.

"Wow, making yourself at home, Jonarlene?" she sarcastically remarked, raising an eyebrow. I couldn't help but chuckle at her remark, teasingly responding, "Well, your house is practically mine anyway."

"Don't you have something else to do? Like preparing for the exhibit or something?" Reyanne inquired, her voice tinged with exasperation. I playfully stuck my tongue out at her, a mischievous glint in my eyes, deliberately teasing her further. She shook her head, a mixture of amusement and resignation evident on her face.

I borrowed her phone and playfully captured my own image, knowing that her phone gallery was already brimming with my face, much to her chagrin.

She don't even have any of photos of herself on her phone other than court rooms, sceneries and some unknown kids.

"Boring," I commented.

I mischievously sent the photos through her messenger app, knowing that she would discover them later.

"Lene, my gallery is full of your face again!" she exclaimed, frowning and shaking her head in mock disapproval. She had changed her clothes and was now fully engrossed in reading the files sprawled across the table, her mind preoccupied with work.

"Of course, I'm too beautiful today. I have to take some pictures," I quipped, a playful smirk dancing on my lips. Reyanne hissed at me, her attention returning to the papers before her.

An hour passed in a blur of laughter and conversation, but eventually, it was time for me to bid farewell to Reyanne's cozy sanctuary and make my way back home to prepare for the much-anticipated exhibit later in the evening. I navigated through the hallways, ultimately finding myself in the parking lot, where my car patiently awaited my return. I slipped into the driver's seat, igniting the engine.

Before driving, I checked my messages and frowned when Lucas still haven't seen my messages, reminding him about the exhibit tonight. I let out a sigh, finally decided to start driving back to my house.

Lucas is kind so I have to show how kind I am,I want to impress him, that's why the money I will earn from this exhibit will all go to the charity.

I realized he won't notice me if I keep on bitching around so I should let him see how kind I am atleast.

As I started driving, my thoughts involuntarily drifted towards Lucas, a kind and intriguing person who had occupied my mind for quite some time. I had admired him since high school, and despite attempting to explore relationships with other individuals, my heart stubbornly clung to the memory of him. Lucas was simply too perfect to forget. A warm smile graced my face at the thought of him.

Arriving at my house, I made a beeline for my room, where my designer dress lay gracefully on the bed, awaiting its grand debut. The gown, a stunning red backless bodycon dress, was meticulously chosen to accentuate my curves and captivate Lucas's attention. Tonight, I was determined to make him drool over my beauty.

Engaging in a meticulous routine of preparation, I stepped into the bathroom and indulged in a luxurious bath, savoring each moment as I pampered myself. Afterward, I blow-dried my hair and skillfully braided it, adorning my face with carefully applied makeup that accentuated my features.

Slipping into the dress, I couldn't help but admire how it hugged my curves, exuding an aura of confidence and allure. A spritz of perfume, a precious fragrance acquired during my recent trip to France, added the final touch of elegance. With the clock striking 8 pm, I knew I was running a bit late, but my excitement outweighed any concerns about punctuality.

I wonder if Lucas is already arrived?

Curiosity lingered in my mind as I reached for my phone, extracting it from my pouch. As I snapped a few selfies, I couldn't resist posting one on Instagram, sharing my glamorous transformation with the world. Within minutes, the picture garnered thousands of likes and comments. I simply shrugged, knowing the attention was expected.

Since I was all dressed up, I headed to the parking lot and hopped into my favorite car. Starting the engine, I drove to the venue. When I arrived at 8:40 pm, the place was already bustling with people—businessmen, models, actresses—all attending the event. They admired my artwork, and it was truly heartwarming, even though I knew some were here for business purposes.

As I scanned the crowd, my eyes locked onto Reyanne, who was accompanied by Lucas and a tall, handsome man with medium-length black hair. There was something familiar about him, but I couldn't quite place it. The three of them appeared deep in conversation, and I made my way toward them.

"Reyanne! Lucas!" I called out, catching their attention. I approached them with a bright smile.

"Good thing the two of you came," I said, kissing Reyanne's cheek and hugging Lucas.

"Uh, yes, of course," Reyanne replied, her voice a little shaky. I then turned my attention to the man standing with them.

Lucas cleared his throat and began the introductions. "By the way, Lene, this is my friend Nickolas Frescobaldi," he said, causing my smile to widen. I nodded in acknowledgment.

"The duke?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. Lucas confirmed with a nod, and I glanced at Nickolas again. He possessed features that took my breath away—an impeccably defined jawline, thick eyebrows, clear blue eyes, and luscious lips.

Nickolas cleared his throat, his gaze still intently fixed on me. It made me feel a tad uneasy, so I looked away briefly.

"And Nickos, this is Jonarlene Zafra. She is the one who created all of these masterpieces and one of my closest friends here," Lucas introduced. I smiled at the duke, who continued to stare at me in an almost disconcerting manner.

What's with him?

Nickolas cleared his throat, he seemed nervous. "Please to meet you, Jonarlene," he smiled. I reciprocated with a polite smile, accepting his handshake.

"Please to meet you too," I replied, my brows furrowing slightly when he continued to hold onto my hand. His lingering touch felt unusual, causing a sense of discomfort to stir within me. I gently pulled my hand away, trying to mask my confusion with a casual remark.

"And, uh, also, you can let go of my hand," I uttered, my tone tinged with mild surprise. His mouth formed an 'o' shape as he released my hand, his actions accompanied by a slight blush coloring his cheeks. The momentary exchange left me perplexed, wondering what had caused him to hold onto my hand for longer than necessary.

Clearing his throat, Nickolas composed himself, his gaze fixated on me once again. There was an intensity to his stare that was difficult to ignore, a certain curiosity or intrigue that seemed to emanate from him. It felt both unsettling and captivating at the same time.

The awkward encounter left me with a lingering sense of curiosity about Nickolas Frescobaldi. There was something about him that went beyond mere politeness, something that piqued my interest. As the evening progressed, I couldn't help but steal glances in his direction, pondering the mystery that lay behind those captivating blue eyes and that enigmatic presence.

I'm kinda nervous about this kind of plot so if you find something wrong, feel free to tell me. :))

Lots of love! ^^

peculiarlullabycreators' thoughts