
chapter 5

The king was flying off cursing the unknown force for making him run away like a coward " Once I get to my ally kingdom ill come back for you and let his troops have their way with your wife and daughter while you watch them crying."


Back to Dan

Dan was looking over the map of the country it wasn't large it was the smallest out of the surrounding nation. " We got a nice chunk of land from this war if we can build a port here we well be able to influence the sea who controls the sea controls everything."


Elf king POV

across the sea a great ancient forest with a tree like castle" what did the Oracle say" a handsome elf with silver hair and blue eyes.

" she got a message from the goddess there's a kingdom across the sea with mighty power that can crush any kingdoms if it wishes" another Elf said

" a new kingdom is on the rise we should be cautious of them if they come across the sea" the Elf king said

" there is more father the kingdom isn't just man but Elf and man together in one power kingdom and they have a tree of life built inside the kingdom" the prince said

"tree of Life and Elfs under the same roof as humans that's very interesting indeed look into this matter at once we should gather as much information on them as e can" he said

" I'll do it immediately, why don't we send my sister over to set up a marriage agreement with this human king he well die one day and she can rule it once he's gone" he said

" after living for so many years that's the best you can come up with offering your little sister to human have you lost your mind boy I should send you back for training that small mind of yours" angrily he said

" I'm sorry father its just that I ...." cut off

" Leave now and think of what you said I well forgive you just this once boy if you continue to act without thinking I well surly punish you for lack of sight" he said

the prince walk away vary fast leaving his father looking at his back angry when the prince left the room the king let out a deep breath *sigh*" what a foolish child I have thinking he can send my baby girl away hes surely mistaken ill send him away before he send my ba girl" he said standing up " but he has a good point when the boy dies of old age we can take over his kingdom" looking out he widow now.

END of pov


Dan was preparing to leave the city back to his castle, he left Duke Vector with his army of 235,000 troops to get everything under control before sending them back home.

What you guys think did the grammar improved, or it still sucks, ANYWAY I was thinking of adding some Dark parts with the story if you like the idea ill added it but not stuff like chopping a leg off and still thrusting lol

Skyhunter1creators' thoughts