
Game developer of the era

Mark woke up in a parallel world with a game developer system. Follow in Mark's footsteps as he grows from a shop owner to the biggest game company CEO in the world. System: Host , now that you became the greatest game developer on earth it's time to move on to the next one.... Discord link : https://discord.gg/QuVqd5vk

Strike4_Blood · เกม
27 Chs

An amazing performance

As the people were talking excitedly about what was going to happen next Mark went with Mariah behind the stage.

"What!? You are going to sing as well?"

"Of course, I can't miss a chance like this, also …. Don't you want the people below to know what an amazing girlfriend you have?" whispered Mariah closed to Mark ears.

"F… FINE! Fine! You can compete as well" said Mark as his face was getting redder by the second.

Mariah was so close that he could feel her breath on his skin. And although Mark was not the conservative type it was still his first experiences with a woman, so he easily got embarrassed.

"Yaaay! Thank you so much baby!" said Mariah with a smile as he gave Mark a peck on his cheek.

Mark smiled back at Mariah and couldn't help but feel grateful to have such a supportive and enthusiastic girlfriend. As they walked back out onto the stage, Mark announced to the crowd that Mariah would also be competing in the next event.

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, excited to see what Mariah would bring to the competition. Mark couldn't help but feel proud of Mariah and her willingness to step out and perform in front of everyone.

The lights in the café went off and Mariah started softly humming a song in the microphone as the music started playing as well.

She was performing a love song from "Rise of immortals" called "My happiness is thinking of you".

"Summer's gone; the chrysanthemums open."

"Autumn wind sends a little worry."

"A gust of autumn rain is pounding the glass"

"The deciduous piece of the piece is sad."

"Sitting in the window, looking at your diary".

"The lines in the words are full of you"

"Yesterday's romance, unforgettable memories."

As Mariah went on singing the crowd of people below the stage did not utter a single word. Everyone started to close their eyes as they remembered their first love, or some were missing their girlfriends from far away.

Mariah's voice was like a lullaby, soothing and calming the hearts of everyone in the café. As she sang, memories flooded back to the minds of the audience members, reminding them of the people they loved and missed.

Mark watched Mariah perform, proud and in awe of her talent. He knew that this moment would stay with him forever, and he couldn't help but feel grateful.

As Mariah finished her song, the crowd erupted in applause and cheers, thanking her for the beautiful performance. Mariah took a bow, smiling and basking in the glow of the audience's appreciation.

The rest of the participants took to the stage one by one, each showcasing their unique talents and singing styles.

There were those who chose to sing popular songs from the game, while others chose to sing the theme songs of some of the NPC's in the game.

The crowd was enthusiastic and supportive, cheering for each performer as they took the stage. Some even joined in on the chorus, adding to the already lively atmosphere of the café.

Mark and Mariah watched from the side of the stage, their hearts swelling with pride at the success of the event. They knew that the hard work and preparation that they had put in had paid off, and that they had created a memorable experience for everyone present here tonight.

As the night wore on, the last performer finished their song, and the crowd once again erupted into applause.

After the singing performances were over, Mark went back on stage and announced the winners of the competition. The crowd cheered loudly as he announced the first, second, and third place winners, each of whom received their respective prizes.

As promised earlier, there were also consolation prizes for the fourth and fifth place winners, who were equally delighted to receive their prizes.

The winners came up to the stage to receive their prizes and take photos with Mark and Mariah. They were thrilled to have won and thanked Mark and Mariah for organizing such a wonderful event.

Mark and Mariah took to the stage one last time, thanking everyone for coming and for making the event such a success.

They also announced that the PVP game tournament will start tomorrow, and everyone should prepare themselves for a truly unique championship.

They also promised that there would be more events like this in the future, and the crowd cheered in agreement.

As the audience began to disperse, Mark and Mariah started to clean up the café. They were tired but satisfied with the success of the event.

The night may have ended, but the memories that were created that evening would stay with everyone who attended for a long time to come.