
Galactice Dimension

At a High school in Japan, a class was suddenly summoned to another world. Demons had already conquered the world, and the serving humans lived in three small countries. However, the truth is much different from what high school students think. The main character is then separated from his classmates, leading him on a journey that takes him to another world, time, space, and dimension. His journey will take him to face the human race.

Eliseo_Lopez · ไซไฟ
28 Chs


On a clear, starry night at an apartment building, on the top floor, an older man is getting ready to put his grandson to bed. "Hey, Grandpa, could you tell me the story again, the one that you told me about a world that faced a big bad monster, and some heroes stopped it,"

"Sure thing, Ajax, but this is the last time. Then you go to sleep."

" Ok!"

"Once there was a being of chaos that came from nowhere; it was a creature that defies logic and reason. Its name was Void-Devourer". 

The Void-Devourer was a potent entity that could obliterate all forms of life and creation in its path. The monsters created by the Void-Devourer were responsible for destroying countless worlds, including ones similar to our own. Even planets inhabited by intelligent beings were not spared from the massacre, with all life on them being systematically wiped out until none were left.


 Then, one day, a group of people decided to form a resistance to defeating Void-Devourer and the monsters it created. This group was called Xi-Wang. This group was formed by dragons, demons, angels, demi-humans, other extraordinary beings, and humans. With their combined power, they had the grit to keep fighting. They built machines that could only be billed by using magic and science. The battle continued for years, with many lives and species lost.

 A select group of individuals from different races were chosen to fight in a final showdown against the Void-Devourer. The battle took place among the stars, with ships capable of flying in space used as weapons. For those who preferred to engage in close combat, giant robots were constructed. Dragons, demons, and angels were among those who were able to navigate the dangers of space and participate in the war.


 Close to the end of the battle, the group of heroes realizes that they aren't able to kill Void-Devourer because it is a being that defines everything they know. So the heroes had only one option: to send it to a place where it could hold Void-Devourer and wouldn't be able to harm anyone or anything ever again. They used their power to destroy a hold on the universe where reality does not exist. With their remaining strengths, they sang a song that could restrain Void-Devourer, pushing him into the hole and sealing it.

Once the batter was over, the heroes left this dimension. They open a portal that takes them to a higher existence where they are far away and close to us.