
Galactic Conqueror

Dark. It's so fucking dark. (To be re edited, and redone on may 30th USA) Death is the only lighthouse that is always lit. No matter where you go even at light speed, ultimately, you must turn toward and go towards it. Everything fades in the universe, but Death endures.

Ravenchast · ไซไฟ
9 Chs

Reinforcing The Future (Cont.)

"My ministers in charge of today will go back to discuss reforms and make up for my shortcomings. The Minister of the Industry will stay here for now." Yun Yun saw that the prime minister, the six ministers, and the four marshals all had no objections to his reforms and were very satisfied.

"We shall carry out your will!"

Except for the Ministry of Industry who did not leave, the other ministers stood up and left the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if you are leaving an old minister behind. What can you do to entrust me that you could entrust to the Ministry of Works instead?" The Minister of Industry asked in confusion.

"Here, see this? Read this book and tell me more about it." He handed the book on scientific theories of the old modern era of the earth to the Minister of Industry, then lowered his head and began to approve the memorials by his side.

How can he be the Minister of Industry of the Supreme Mighty Empire when he is already the Emperor if he didn't have some real talent and learning, he wouldn't have made this old guy the minister of the Ministry of Industry.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" The Minister of the Ministry of Industry became more and more energetic as he read it, and he was in awe of the case.

If the things in this book are realized, it can definitely bring the empire's power to a higher level.

"Your Majesty, this book..." The Minister of Industry and Commerce swallowed dryly and looked at him with longing eyes. If he is allowed to read more of this book, he can guarantee that within a dozen years, he will be able to tame the heavens in the sky and use it for himself, creating electricity just like how Ben Franklin flew a kite to capture lightning.

"Look at these things next!" He took out the design drawings.

The maid quickly handed over the design drawings to the Minister of Industry.

"steel rod kite design diagram? Such a thing can allow us to tame the heavens. Using it for our own purposes? Incredible." The minister of the Ministry of Industry looked at the perfect design and couldn't hide the wonder in his eyes. "Your Majesty, I am confident that we can build these things and make electricity appear within a dozen years, no, five years, five years!" He patted his chest with confidence. His thoughts are not as conservative as those of the old prime ministers. He is wild in thinking and has a strong ability to accept anything.

This is why Yun Yun told him the theoretical formulas for gunpowder and firearms, later on, he could make them.

"Then I'm waiting for your good news, my minister. You can't take away the book, but I permit you to copy it." Yun Yun raised his head and looked at him seriously.

This will be the basic template for electricity in the Supreme Mighty Empire and must not be given to anyone.

If you want to develop Civilization, you need teaching materials. Make time for his civilization, for this universe of Fantasy Tales may not give him the time.

"I know my Liege! I will not disappoint His Majesty." The Ministry of Industry assured, patting his chest.

"My Minister, what do you think about refitting your specialized dual minister position, the Ministry of Industry into the Academy of Science?"

Yun Yun put down the pen in his hand and looked at the Minister of Industry in front of him with interest.

"I have no idea about retitling myself into the Academy of Science. Anyway, it is to serve the empire. Whether it has power or not, I don't care. I like to tinker with weird things. If it can enhance the strength of our empire, then I will be happiest." The Minister of Industry and Industry said with a smile. His idea is very simple, as long as his achievements are recognized by His Majesty and the people of the empire.

"Don't take it lightly. The Academy of Science affects the development of the entire empire. Your responsibility seems light, but it is also very important. To promote the development of the country and promote the development of our empire, your Science Academy must work harder." Yun Yun looked at him seriously. The development of Civilization is closely related to the Academy of Science.

"Yes, your majesty... The Science Academy will never let His Majesty or the people down." The minister of the Ministry of Industry assured equally seriously.

"Dismissed!" Yun Yun is satisfied with a smile, looking at the back of the minister that was leaving.


After leaving the Supreme Mighty Empire Palace.

Elf Warrior Ilesere and the others did not leave the planet immediately. Instead, they folded their technologies, hid them, and walked in this very city.

Speaking of which, this city is not very developed, with cement pavement, relatively retro tile-roofed houses, and well-planned traffic roads.

"Sister Ilesere, this Supreme Mighty Empire seems a little different. In such a relatively low Civilization, it can be planned so well. The core content of the governed law is also relatively sound. It is all for the sake of the people of Civilization. That mortal emperor is really an amazing leader."

The elf warrior Avachel looked down the street, looking at the carriages passing around her, her eyes filled with wonder.

If there is horse excrement from carriages, within five minutes there will be dedicated street sweepers to clean up the excrement on the street, and those on the carriage will be fined later as each carriage has a number behind them.

At this moment, a patrolling soldier with a writing utensil taking notes of carriage fines, almost the same height as the elves, strong build, and wearing armor came over.

"Three ladies, please take the sidewalk. This is a road specially provided for horse-drawn carriages." The soldiers that were patrolling stopped in front of the three of them. The captain looked at the three blonde beauties without much emotion. She must be an uneducated woman from the Western Lands.

"This...captain, it's all a road, why don't you let this go?" Elf Warrior Ilesere asked, pretending to be puzzled.

"Lady, the carriage is traveling very fast, and a person who looked from the commonwealth suddenly appears in the middle of the road. The carriage cannot stop. Wouldn't that lead to human death? There is a lot of paperwork involved especially for someone in your green-tainted iron armor. So, His Majesty ordered people to specially plan the lanes and sidewalks. Carriages should use the lanes and people should use the sidewalks to avoid losses of people's lives." The captain immediately knew that this must be an uneducated girl from the Western Lands. She was lucky enough to come to the Ancient Lands, but she didn't know the rules of the Ancient Lands.

"Then why can they?" Elf Warrior Chase pointed to the street in confusion, where a man was pulling a two-wheeled vehicle, and a girl was sitting inside.

"That's a rickshaw. His Majesty is looking for a way to make money and survive for those people who want to work, have strength, and can't find a job. And a rickshaw is also considered a carriage, so it can naturally run on the driveway." The captain said proudly. Being born in this empire is his pride. If there is an afterlife. He still wants to be born here.

"OK, thanks!" After hearing this, Elf Warrior Ilesere smiled at the captain, then took Avachel and Ehlonna out of the driveway and headed to the sidewalk next to them where there were some stalls set up, but no shopkeeper there.

"Sister Ilesere, this mortal emperor, we've really underestimated him." Ehlonna was also in disbelief.

"Along the way, the faces of the people I saw were filled with happy smiles. I can only say that this mortal emperor is a very good monarch, but it is a pity that he does not want to believe in elf faith..." Elf Warrior Ilesere nodded. If other leaders in other civilizations could be half as good a monarch as the Emperor of the Supreme Mighty Empire, they may not be needed as elf warriors anymore.

"This person, on this planet, is definitely an emperor who will be famous throughout history. He is even unprecedented in terms of ruling. Throughout his life, he has been leading his Civilization from weak to strong and finally became so strong that he destroyed all the enemies who had schemed against him and unified the world. To be honest, it's really hard for me to understand that in an era of underdeveloped transportation and backward communication, to unify such a huge planet and become the only Civilization on this planet can only be described as a miracle." Elf Warrior Avachel said.

"Let's go! It's time for us to go back and recover. After more than a hundred years since we came out, this is the last planet with intelligent life we can find within the allotted amount of light years."