
Futuristic Fighting Field

In a world where individuals harness unique powers, they battle for survival in a futuristic dome. This dome, a marvel of advanced technology, serves as an arena for combat against creatures from different epochs. Each victory allows participants to ascend levels, unlocking ancient fables that enhance their abilities. However, failure transports them to an alternate realm of endless conflict. Here, warriors fight relentlessly, their reality a cycle of battles and survival tests. The story centers on Hae-Yun, a participant in these battles. Driven by curiosity and determination, Hae-Yun seeks to uncover the identity of the dome's creator. Alongside him are his three friends, their camaraderie and collective strength are crucial in navigating the challenges of the dome and the alternate realm. The ultimate goal is not just to locate, but to access the true paradise that lies beyond the city. According to legend, those who manage to emerge from the five layers will discover the entrance to heaven. However, when the main characters finally reach this elusive destination, they find that it has already been destroyed by the monsters...THE HUMANS

Xsurae · แอคชั่น
26 Chs

So this isn't a joke

Suddenly, Haein's voice echoed through the Dome. "We can talk!" he shouted, his voice filled with surprise and relief. His words hung in the air, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. It meant they could share their ideas and work together to find a way out of this level. but the question was how if only one person passed through the door that would mean everyone would be teleported to a different dimension.

For a moment, Hae-Yun stood still, his mind racing as he tried to formulate a plan. "If only one person can enter the door, there must be multiple other doors. It's better to separate and if we can't find any other door then we come back to this one," he thought to himself. With a plan in mind, he decided to gather everyone's attention.

"Everyone, listen to me! I have a plan!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the Dome. But there was no response. He tried again, raising his voice even louder. This time, Yesil responded.

"What is it?" She shouted back, her voice carrying across the distance. Soon, the others joined in, their voices filling the Dome.

Once he was sure that everyone was listening, Hae-Yun shared his plan. "Remember where this door is and then explore the area around you to check if there are any other doors," he instructed. As soon as he finished speaking, a screen popped up in front of everyone:

Time: 20 minutes

Notice: If the level is not completed within this time, contestants will face penalties.

Upon seeing this, everyone shouted in unison, "OK!" and then scattered in different directions, moving at lightning speed. Hae-Yun stood there thinking for a moment before he too, ran off in search of another door.

After a while of fruitless searching, everyone gave up and quickly made their way back to the door. They arrived one by one, their faces etched with exhaustion and disappointment. 

 (they are all still in the Dome but in their own spaces just like Domain expansion but the only difference is they see the same door so if anyone does anything to the door in their own space the others can see what is happening to the door on the other too)

Once everyone had returned to their respective spaces within the Dome, a chorus of voices echoed through the vast expanse, "No door found!" The words hung heavy in the air, a testament to their shared frustration.

Hae-Yun, however, remained undeterred. "Just wait here while I think of something else," he shouted back, his voice steady despite the mounting pressure. He retreated into his thoughts, his mind racing as he tried to come up with a solution. 'We can't use any glitches or it becomes a penalty,' he reminded himself.

Just as he was about to delve deeper into his thoughts, Haein's voice cut through the silence. "Hey 'teacher's pet', try duplicating the door. That doesn't count as cheating if I'm right," he suggested, his voice echoing through the Dome. Everyone fell silent, their attention focused on Haein's idea.

"OK," Hae-Yun responded, his voice filled with determination. He lifted his arm, his hand pointing towards the door. He closed his eyes, focusing all his energy on the task at hand. The dust in the air began to stir, drawn to him like a magnet. It swirled around him, creating a spectacle that left everyone watching in awe.

The dust gathered from all corners of the Dome, converging towards the door. It was a sight to behold, a testament to Hae-Yun's control over his abilities. The dust swirled and danced around the door, creating a mesmerizing display.

With a swift motion, Hae-Yun twisted his hand. The dust responded to his command, moving behind the door and taking its shape. Multiple doors began to form, each one an exact replica of the original.

Hae-Yun lifted his finger, the dust still maintaining the shape of the doors. With a final push of his energy, he shifted the dust doors beside the original one. From their respective spaces, everyone watched as the dust slowly built up, forming new doors beside the original one.

The sight was nothing short of magical. Despite the dire situation, there was a sense of awe and wonder as they watched Hae-Yun manipulate the dust with such precision and control. It was a moment of hope amidst the chaos, a glimmer of possibility in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

With the dust doors now in place, Hae-Yun focused his energy once more. The dust began to shimmer, its particles vibrating with energy. Then, in a blink of an eye, it transformed, taking on the same material as the original door. The once swirling dust now stood as solid and tangible doors, ready for everyone to walk through.

The sight was nothing short of miraculous. The once desolate battlefield now held multiple doors, each one a beacon of hope. It was a testament to their resilience and determination, a symbol of their refusal to give in to despair.

With the replicated doors standing firm and ready, each of them took a deep, steadying breath, bracing themselves for the unknown that lay ahead. One by one, they stepped forward, their hearts pounding in their chests as they crossed the threshold of the doors, ready to confront whatever awaited them on the other side.

Silence fell over the Dome as they disappeared into the doors, their figures fading away until nothing was left but the echo of their footsteps. The anticipation was palpable, a heavy weight hanging in the air.

But as soon as they stepped through, they realized something was amiss. The duplicated doors had indeed worked, but not as they had expected. Instead of leading them to their desired destination, the doors had teleported them to an entirely different level. And this time, they were all together.

A wave of confusion washed over them as they took in their new surroundings. They were no longer in their individual spaces within the Dome but in a completely different environment. But despite the initial shock, they quickly regrouped, their resolve unshaken.