Richardson was born in a poor family. Her father Anthony Richardson and her mother Elizabeth Weah Richardson were both illiterate. They lived in Gbarnga, Bong Country. They moved to Monrovia in search of a job to live a better life. After they arrived in Monrovia they met Sister Agnes Godfrey who asked to be Angel’s guide mother because of that Angel was opportune to attend the best Catholic school in Monrovia, St. Teresa Convent. Her father later died of a heart disease when Angel was six years old. At age twelve, Angel wished of becoming the second female president of Liberia. She dreamt about “Future Liberia” as a paradise on earth. Will Angel achieve this dream? What will the society do to help her? What will Liberia future be like? Lets find out! You must be curious as I am? Trust me you won’t want Liberia's this amazing story. Grab your ice cream, pop corn, juice or what ever you can find. Sit down read, laugh, and learn about “Liberia’s Future”. Like and share to unlock the next episode. Follow me on: Watt Pad- Bella Angel Douglas Facebook- Bella Crystal’s Library
Angel's POV.
I was on my bed studying.
Narrator( Inna and her mom lived in an old Congo house, with a single bedroom and a bathroom. The paint was peeling off the wall, the floor tie was broken. The little glass window was broken, there was a blue curtain hanging at their window. The window was at the far left corner of the room, the was a table beneath the window. Their bed was made of bamboo stick.)
Out of a sudden I felt tired. I knew that I needed some rest. I closed my books and packed them at the top of the bed. I lied down and welcome the darkness. Then I had a dream.
In my dream!
Paradise was on earth.
This paradise was Liberia.
It was so beautiful and wonderful.
It was beyond human's imagination.
A free and fair Liberia.
Leadership without corruption.
Streets of gold.
Buildings like diamonds in the sky.
Citizens like Angels.
Liberia was the best country in the World.
Everyone came to this paradise on earth.
Liberia was the best in everything.
She was the brightest star in the sky.
Citizens were proud to be called Liberians
They honor Liberia like gods.
They were willing to die for their country.
Unfortunately, I woke up! I wished I wouldn't have waken up. I wished, I could have ended that dream about "Future Liberia." I couldn't stop thinking about that dream!