
1.Average young man

"Bruh, Get the fuck off! Who the hell-likes girls with dicks? And that manga is just gay." Said a young man in his early twenties.

He was probably 5'7 to 5'8 feet tall and he was not buffed or muscular either. He seemed like a regular young man who can be found anywhere. The only thing that's significant about him is his face. He passed blue deep eyes. He had a chiseled jawline and a well-structured face. His blonde hair matched his snow-white skin tone perfectly making him charming and attractive while portraying him as innocent at the same time.

"Damn you Daeger! so, your saying I am gay?... Answer the question I am about to ask," Said a man who was walking by his side on the platform of the road.

Daeger smiled and replied nonchalantly.

"Yeah, Go on..."

"So, Who will select from these two types? A woman with a muscular man's body with a beard and she possess a vagina but, obviously no tits. And the other is a woman with extremely alluring curves and tits but, the only problem is she possess dicks... Who will you select or get attracted to?" The guy questioned.


Just as he was about to explain a man with a knife in his hand came running as he was chased by police officers. He immediately picked daeger as his hostage since he looked like an easy target.

"Put your weapon down!" The police officer ordered.

The man clutched his knife more firmly and pressed on the surface of Daegar's neck and began speaking.

"Let me go or he will die."

'Why did this have to happen? I didn't even have a relationship with a woman! Am I about to die now?' Daegar was internally screaming due to the sudden turn of events.

Never in his wildest dreams would he thought that he will be taken hostage by a criminal on his way back home from his university.

Daeger struggled to escape from his grip while others weren't able to anything and his otaku friend did nothing but observe the scene that unfolded. Everybody was powerless at that moment.

"You fucker let me go!" He said and bit his hand and at that moment the police officers shot their guns and the man slit Daeger's throat in a startle.

'I didn't even get a girlfriend in my life...Is this how I die?' With a question, he fell to the ground while blood spurted out of his neck. His eyes lost color and stared fixedly at the vast blue sky.


"Hah HAh, What Happened? I didn't die?" He opened his eyes muttering those words while panting.

Strangely he felt himself in the embrace of someone big and soft. As he drifted his eyes he found himself on the lap of an extremely alluring woman. She seemed to be in her mid-thirties and she was extremely tall. Her breasts were huge and she was too tall for him. She was around the height of 6'6 feet. Her wavy blonde hair and her captivating grey eyes and her cherry red lips. Everything feature of her body seems beautiful.

'What? where am I ?' He stared up at her with a question mark on his head.

Strangely his face seemed to be wet. And the woman wiped it with her hand and smiled at him.

"Aww, sleep more my dear...It will be alright"

He knitted his brows and checked his hand.

'What the hell why are my hands looks like six-year-old ones' hands?'

Suddenly he felt a surging pain entered his head. He felt like his head would blast off. He gripped the woman tightly unknowingly tears dripped down his cheeks and he shut his eyes tight. The woman tightly hugged him seeing his pale complexion.

He began to see visions of some unknown events. After a few minutes, his migraine left him for good. To his surprise he was able to get the answers he was searching for.

'So I am a six-year-old boy with the same looks and same name... My parents died and this woman adopted me because she was my mother's close friend... I am currently in her house and it seems it's been two weeks since my parents died... Fuck! Is this the reincarnation shit? Anyway, I find this odd. According to my past, they should have died when I am twelve years old. Who cares? It's all about the past now and I lived without them for years now crying is useless now...' He spoke to himself.

"Mom, can I eat something? I am hungry," He asked the woman.

Her name was Caroline according to his information and currently, her husband has gone to his work and she is Newtuber. Finally, she has a daughter who is one and a half years younger than him. In short, she is his younger sister.

He quickly accepted the facts and began to adapt. Because who wouldn't? He received a second chance so he took that as his opportunity.

"Ohh! Here we go..."

The woman suddenly opened her top and her voluptuous huge teats came into his view. They seem to be all most an F cup for sure. He was not able to comprehend what was happening. He felt like something is weird because in his past he lived in an orphanage and he didn't know someone named Caroline.

"Mommy I want to drink too." A voice of a little girl entered his ears.

When he turned he found a cute little girl sucking one of the woman's teats. She was his younger sister valeri. He didn't know how to act as his face reddened in embracement. He was a twenty-year-old young man by the mind in that essence how can he get breastfed? More importantly, Is he a baby to be breastfed? The world itself felt quite odd to him.

'Should I suck them too?' He gave a hard gulp staring at her cherry areolae. They seemed extremely arousing. His foster mother waited for him in anticipation.

"What? My dear, didn't you say you are hungry? Why is your face red?" She drew her hand and placed it on his forehead to check his body temperature.

"My-My you seem alright... Why aren't you drinking?" She asked caringly.

'Fuck me! This is embarrassing...' telling himself he chose to suck her pink nipple along with his little sister.

Her thick milk flowed inside his mouth. The woman quietly watched tv while sitting on her couch as they both continued sucking her milk. She seemed quite happy that he accepted her as his mother.

After sucking her he was in her embrace for a while and then made to sleep in his room. His little sister came barging inside him nagging him to play as soon as the sun raised up.

"Big brother come on let's play."

She was too short and extremely cute she seemed to have inherited her grey eyes from her mother and black hair from her father.

He smiled seeing her pouting just because he refused to play with her. Soon after he accepted to play with her for a while. She seemed quite affectionate to him.

After playing he decided to learn about that world. He joined an all-boys school. He joined the same grade as his sister. His sister seems to be intelligent and a prodigious girl that she got a double promotion. So, they were obviously in the same grade.

From what Daeger understood about this world is it's a world with futanari as the majority mixed with women. Men were the least in the population count. Moreover, it seems there are demi-humans in that world. It was both a modern and fantasy world. Demihumans created a kingdom of their own while humans had their own. And they seem to be in a peace pact. So, there wasn't any problem for him at the moment.

The story is f**king weird as hell anyway I don't know If people would like this.

Sword_demon0creators' thoughts