1 before the story starts

i just wanted to go over this before starting the story so that some know it all asshole won't start flooding my comment section with hate comments read to the end before you decide to read my story.

comments and reviews :I am not a professional power scaler in fact i am not a power scaler at all so if you disagree with me on somthing feel free to comment on it if i find your point valid i'll consider changing the story a bit but if you have no proof then please don't start commenting shit like thanos can beat fucking full power galactus and all is heralds without the infinity gauntlet or any other power amps just because he's thanos and give no fucking proof.

i also want to say this now for my main source of scaling characters i will be using trusted youtuber videos namely: seth the programer and chuck if you don't know their channel and want to know what video i gained the information i used to scale the fight while writing and why i think this character can beat another character i'll leave the link to the video in the comments of that particular fight and if you still don't agree comment and give me your proof that i'm wrong.

I'll also go over this I AM NOT A HUGE TIME COMIC FAN AND JUST RECENTLY STARTED so it will take awhile for me to upload in between chapter since i'll be reading comics and doing research for the story so if i get somthing wrong and you want to correct me i'm really open minded just tell me what it is and give me your proof.

I also want to say this i am a really big dragon ball fan so if it looks like i know more about zamasu than i do about galactus or thanos that's because i do.

second do not expect this to be a normal mc wins almost all the time fanfic my mc will win sometimes and lose i want to make this an actual story not me jerking off my mc for most of the fanfic .

also i do not have good grammar but that doesn't mean i won't try, the writing quality of my book will go up has i write.

now i need to get into the actual mc has i said the mc is zamasu so he will do things that zamasu would usually do like being racist against mortals but he won't be copy and paste from super his character will evolve and develop has the story goes on because he is not in super i want a situation where is character at the begin of the story to what it is by the end is comparable but different from each other meaning that if you read the story over again you could go i can see this guy with this personality changing into this guy with this personality by the end of the story .

has for zamasu's power he will be a mix of anime and manga zamasu but a little superior to both also has he does have goku black in him he will use some of goku blacks abilities which include the abilities goku had before goku black took over is body so basically zamasu's abilities goku black's abilities and goku by the end of univeres sixs arks ablities of course super saiyan forms are excluded so his level of raw speed and power should be around vegito level with him having a better range of skills to choose from.

last thing is zamasu's growth it's stated that he can grow in power rapidly and that is body has limitless potential has said in the anime so you can expect around tournament of power goku or goku black levels of growth so it's not an exaggeration to say he can achieve ultra instinct.

for non believers: ( Gowasu notes that Black and Zamasu's fusion has expanded their combined power to no visible end. In addition, Fused Zamasu possesses Future Zamasu's immortality and Goku Black's limitless potential growth, making him a near-perfect entity.)

( also chapters will be coming out in about 2 weeks or less )
