
Fungal Wars

"Fungal Wars" follows the journey of Gravitas, a determined protagonist who finds themselves trapped in the mysterious world of Euthryia after a catastrophic event. Blending elements of fantasy, adventure, and survival, the story chronicles Gravitas's quest to navigate this unfamiliar realm while simultaneously striving to find a way back to their own world. As Gravitas embarks on their journey, they encounter a myriad of challenges and obstacles, from treacherous landscapes to formidable adversaries. Along the way, they uncover hidden powers within themselves. Driven by a steadfast determination to return home to their family, Gravitas navigates the intricate politics and power struggles of Euthryia, forming alliances and facing adversaries in equal measure. Along the way, they forge deep bonds with fellow travelers and discover unexpected allies in their quest. Throughout the narrative, Gravitas grapples with moral dilemmas and inner conflicts, wrestling with the consequences of their actions and the weight of their newfound abilities. As they delve deeper into the mysteries of Euthryia, they uncover ancient secrets and unravel the enigmatic forces that govern the realm. As the story unfolds, Gravitas must confront their own fears and uncertainties, ultimately coming to terms with their place in this strange new world. With each victory and setback, they grow stronger and more resilient, drawing closer to the truth behind their existence and the key to returning home. "Fungal Wars" is a gripping tale of adventure, discovery, and redemption, weaving together elements of magic, mystery, and intrigue in a richly imagined world. Through Gravitas's journey, readers are drawn into a captivating narrative that explores themes of identity, courage, and the enduring power of hope. https://discord.gg/NS6mrZg6

LionCrow · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Chapter 51: The Second Mind

First and foremost digging through the mutation menu I learned a lot about brains on the differences they can have. There are a lot of parts that go into them and each one can be enhanced as a separate entity or a whole. Magic brains on the other hand have different parts to them then you would expect.

I'm currently trying to build this expansion to my brain using a combination of the systems mutations available and the core engineer skill I possess. So far nothing is hooked up but a lot of major parts are there. I have to do a lot of meticulous connections and micro placements myself using my skill. The menu just places the mass in a corresponding area, not necessarily the most optimal.

What I found is that I need Specialized Neural Networks: Just as a regular cortex consists of neural networks for processing sensory information and coordinating motor functions, a magic-based cortex would need specialized neural networks designed to handle magical energy. These networks would be responsible for channeling, manipulating, and controlling magical abilities.

Magic Receptors and Transmitters: Similar to sensory receptors in a regular cortex, magic receptors would be needed to detect and interpret magical energy. These receptors would need to be highly sensitive to various forms of magic, allowing the cortex to perceive and interact with different magical phenomena. Along with the properties required for transmission of such.

Energy Conversion Mechanisms: A magic-based cortex would require mechanisms for converting magical energy into usable forms for processing and manipulation. This could involve specialized enzymes or proteins capable of transducing magical energy into electrochemical signals that can be interpreted by neural networks.

Magic Processing Centers: Just as the cerebral cortex contains specialized areas for processing different types of sensory information (e.g., visual cortex, auditory cortex), a magic-based cortex would need dedicated processing centers for different types of magic. For example, there might be separate areas for elemental magic, healing magic, illusion magic, etc.

Integration with Existing Brain Structures: The magic-based cortex would need to be seamlessly integrated with existing brain structures responsible for cognition, memory, and decision-making. This integration would allow for the incorporation of magical abilities into everyday thought processes and actions.

And then there are additional things that need to be done like Training and Development: Like any other part of the brain, a magic-based cortex would require training and development to reach its full potential. This would involve practice in using magical abilities, honing control and precision, and integrating magic into various aspects of daily life.

Don't forget about Protection and Defense Mechanisms: Given the potentially volatile nature of magic, the magic-based cortex would need built-in protection and defense mechanisms to safeguard against magical attacks, interference, or overload. This could involve barriers, shields, or adaptive responses to neutralize threats.

So what I came up with is a quadral-spheric array of interlocking intertwining cortexes that have modular control to them. This means they function independently and dependably on each other depending on what kind of spell I'll be using along with room for growth in case I miss something or find a cool new understanding later on. Essentially it is a plug and play mind that wraps the surface of my main brain, while also connecting to the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe respectively to their higher functions. 

The central control unit of my second brain has an array of options to it allowing me to quickly pick the type or types of mana I'll be using, seeing as I've been using glands up to now this part of the brain connects through the main brain and into the brain stem for quick use of my glands. Don't get me started on the feedback portion of this, it was so complicated I almost felt it was wrong when I finished working it together. 

I essentially riddle my mind with magic from my core, millimeters away from the most crucial parts of my mind. Good thing there were parts that would allow me to dampen the areas from mana interference. This all in turn feeds and weaves into the construction area of the second brain this part connects to my hippocampus, which needed an upgrade to control the resulting structure. This was one of a few areas that needed such parts. But the coolest part is that with my new body I was able to hook the tooth-like structures of what used to be my gills up to Magic Receptors and Transmitters. So I can essentially fire out magic using my brain as some kind of tesla coil-esk like design. As well as gather information back to my Magic Processing cortex, this is done in hopes to one day be able to nullify any incoming spell. I'm currently working on setting up the Specialized Neural Networks to simulate in parts but not construct the spell. I don't want my mind to get a virus essentially, which is very doable both the simulation of spells and the construction of mind magic viruses.

The receptors at the edge of my mind are built so I can still use them to cast mana but I wove in areas for thought and calculations at the base of them to allow for me to think about trajectory and blah blah blah which also causes buffer room between my brains and the outermost parts of my body. So I have a lot of room still if I wanted to add a third brain but it would almost be easier to just add another layer or expand one of my cortexes. I have a specifically designed cortex that allows for me to refine spell shapes in my mind to build larger more complicated spells, this feeds into another cortex that allows me to weave long strings of a spell without forgetting any of the preliminary understandings or forethought that go behind making these spells. 

Oh, I almost forgot I'm building a special library of spells that have extremely minor defects to them that allow for me to tell what is my spell versus someone else. They kinda have really tiny signatures woven into them that don't participate in the formulation of mana blurbs to make a spell like fireball. This includes the construction of the mana itself which I'm currently hoping to stabilize a working formula for each one of the mana types, which interesting fact they all have these really weird patterns. I kind of hope my diode-like interpretations of them hold up in the mana construction cortex space efficiency is key to this brain. I want to be able to fire off my mana constructing cortex on multiple layers all at once. So I should have a way to each part to 90% total mass even though it would only be set up for 10% required. This means I can double up on the neural networks and use the ones designed for earth magic and fire magic when I want to fire off two fireballs at once without changing the spell formula. Think of it as just little tiny gates and each one allows for multiple uses even though they have a quick link setup for their main function they can still be called upon for a secondary process.

I have all my receptors set up to passively gather information about the quality of mana and the formation of mana in the air. They can identify a distance up to 300 meters which is roughly 1000 feet or one fifth of a mile. They seem to have no upper limit when I want to upgrade them. It is just that I need to get used to my brain first and then upgrade them some more. I can already tell that I'm going to be hurting from just being able to sense that far off.

I only have a few more connections left and they are all the main connections to the brain. The neural networks are being constructed as I understand this all better then next thing I will have to do is begin calibrations or one could also call it flexing some brain matter. I don't think I mentioned this but that second brain of mine is currently able to produce slightly higher quality mana with the same amount of speed as my glands. It just isn't going to be able to do it in the same quantity as my glands as soon as I upgrade them. 

All and all this whole thing cost me a little over eight biomass to bring to life. With the work I spent in my core it cost me a total of ten biomass to tune the thing and it'll probably be nearly nothing to fine tune to optimize it for use. 

Here goes nothing. With the final four major cortexes finally connected I received an update to my status board and a huge searing headache as if all the information of every mana particle just spilled into my brain all at once in a 1000 cubic foot area. Dealing With a sensory overload I fall to my knees outside the dojo unable to get up, holding my head as all the neurons in my brain begin to fire wildly. I have to learn to control this thing, too bad I built it or I'd be screaming I need the manual. With the connection of the last pieces of brain matter hooking up the lines of my mind mana go dead. The Captain, His Elegance, and Zenmaster look at me knowing full well that our mind bridges have gone dead completely without a trace. 

Not knowing what to do they start making their own mind bridges to each other. (His Elegance) Whats going on? (Zenmaster) I don't know, the line dropped dead but he is kneeling right beside us. (His Elegance) Do you think he is getting attacked? (The Captain) Maybe, from the looks of it he's having trouble thinking I can't get a clear mana channel to his mind. It's like something keeps knocking it away. (His Elegance) Start scanning the mana in the air for anything that seems like a spell. (The Captain) I don't sense anything. (His Elegance) The only thing I'm picking up is faint mana coming from his head. What do you think it means? (Zenmaster) Maybe it was a hit and run.