
Frozen Sword in a Cultivation World

A mysterious star shot across the sky as piercing laughter stretched across the starry sky. In star that was shot lay a blond boy separated from where he belonged. It was a moment to be remembered and it was recorded in the notes of Remembrance, and as the star left the worlds behind. Note: This is a Record of A Mortal's Journey to Immortality fanfic. The original novel was one of my favorites back in the day. Paired with our boy Yanqing. He needs some Ws Will update whenever I feel like it. First time writing so writing quality is probably not the best. I will also update some of the earlier chapters since the quality isn't as good as later on.

Reader_Noti · วิดีโอเกม
31 Chs

Chapter Five: Identity

The stars are glistening in the sky. I want to see more of this light, but it seems that night time can only last so long.

It's been roughly 6 hours since I woke up and discovered the Big Dipper. The sun is beginning to shine once more upon the land, and yet I feel there is something else in me. 

Everytime I lose control it feels like my body's instinct is overwhelming my own self. 

Could it be the original Yanqing? Is it him? I've tried mentioning the lore that I knew about Loufu, but there's no reaction. Could I be Yanqing?

I remember before the calm took over, the general was saying something, but each time I tried to recall it my body reacted violently. If you really are here, why don't you respond…?

Now there's even more questions than before. Who did this to me? I just want answers, but the more I think the more questions there are.

Everytime I trained my [Status] would increase my stats and skills, and everytime I went into that state my stats would increase exponentially…

Was it Yanqing?

The flying swords from earlier and the memories that arose right before my rampage. Was there a war in Loufu? It would explain the mysterious injury that I had when I arrived, but it doesn't answer anything else.

Is my body mine? Am I Yanqing, or am I simply a thief?

I gruelled over the countless existential crises that were invading my mind until I slammed the ground in frustration. With the brute force, I was able to crush a fleshy substance. 

Ah. I'm still on the battlefield. Countless corpses still remain around me, with my clothes completely stained with their blood, and yet I don't feel much aside from the fact that it's disgusting to look at. 

Judging from their clothes it seems to be chinese? I didn't study the clothing differences between Asian countries so I could be anywhere. Though, it's more likely I traveled to a different world considering the arrow from earlier. 

There's no way an arrow could reach that speed or power normally. 

If I'm not dreaming then I need to pray that this is a Xianxia world. Without any techniques or powers to increase my mental state I would eventually go crazy because of Mara…

I remember reading some similar novels, but why does the word Xianxia and Cultivation keep popping up in my mind?

Also considering the fact that I may be the only blonde in this world could make me a giant target. Maybe I should get a cloak and a mask?

Well first things first I need to clean my clothing. 

As the boy stood up amongst the ravaged bodies of soldiers, the stars were slowly rearranging themselves as a piercing laughter surpassed the imaginary tree, and went beyond. 

The silence that permeated the battlefield came to a close as footsteps were heard leaving the area. There were no survivors in the Battle of Liang Forest as the only traces found were countless corpses.

Vestiges of shock and fear remained on the bodies that were left remotely intact. Each body is cut so cleanly in such a way that some may consider it an art… 

A new mystery was created in the Lan Province that day. 

It's been four hours since I started walking, and I'm already missing that cold marble floor already. Do I have Stockholm Syndrome? 

My stats have increased dramatically allowing me to move at insane speeds already, so what should be my course of action?

Looting! So much loot everywhere, and with my [Ice Control], removing the blood is of no trouble to me. Though, I should be feeling disturbed or puking right now. Am I still human? Questions for later. 

After the massacre I can feel something else in the air, it's weird. The only way I could describe it is when you see those bug-like creatures in the air when your vision is not up to par. But in my case I can see that it's sparsely gathered.

It feels weird, almost like the environment has been plundered of something. On the bright side, if I'm still in the Universe then Loufu should be searching for me soon… right? The general won't abandon me…

Time passes so fast and yet so slow. Should I stop keeping track of it? It's already been 3 days since I walked away and the river leads to nowhere. It just ends abruptly at this mountain, which makes no sense considering that it should have caused a flood already. 

I want to eat something, but whenever I kill a deer or rabbit in order to eat it, I have no experience in removing the fur and it just gets everywhere. Draining the blood kinda works, but seeing something cute turn into that makes my stomach churn. 

As much as I dislike fish, I can only eat that now. Goodbye fishes with weird horns on your heads, you are now being hunted to extinction!

No, but seriously. Why do these fishes have horns? Xianxia and Wuxia crap? Will these things turn into a dragon one day and hunt me down? Well they taste surprisingly great so…

I want to eat chips, burgers, and the milk tea the general gives me… Man, I wish I had some kind of entertainment other than just playing with water all day. My [Ice Control] is improving alongside my other stats, but the second talent is still locked. 

If I really am Yanqing then…

These memories flowing in me would make sense…

It's been a week and I'm pretty sure if this was Earth I would have crossed the Atlantic Ocean from how much I walked already. I began following the weird bug creatures in the air trying to find if they could bring me somewhere. 

My [Ice Control] is beginning to stagnate and my experience isn't increasing as much as before.

Making swords more designed and intricate is fun though, it's becoming a new hobby of mine. The glistening light that reflects off the surface is quite beautiful, but it seems to be lacking something. 

I can see why Yanqing, or me? Loved swords so much. It's quite fun to train in them. I've had previous training with a sword, but having talent while training feels completely different. 

I'm able to create a variety of armor and weapons as a result of my [Ice Control], but I still can't control more than 6 at a time for some reason. 

I've also begun pondering which world I could have been sent to, and if it's one of the novels I read then I want to cry. Hopefully it's not Against the Gods, A Regressor's tale of Cultivation, or any novel from the Desolate Era/Swallowed Star worlds. Getting randomly blasted into oblivion is not something I would want. 

Those old books were quite awesome to read, but I cannot remember where I found them…

It's been over a year and my urge to kill these creatures is skyrocketing. I followed them for half a year straight only for them to turn back in the original direction I went. 

Should I try to meditate…? 

Would that be cultivation, or would I get teleported again…

I finally reached civilization. It's been over two years since my encounter with the battlefield. The damn butterflies finally brought me somewhere, but I'm starting to feel reluctant to part with them. 

Each of them has a unique color, ranging from yellow, green, red, blue, and white. Sometimes there are lighter tints of color, but they seem a bit sparse. 

I've been camping around the village that I found because of the previous incident. If I see blood or humans in general, would I slaughter everything again? Well, it's now or never. Time to gamble!

After an hour or so I saw two human figures walking out into the forest with no weapon. They were a male and a female, with tanned skin. The body of the male wasn't overly muscular, but there were clear definitions on the man's arms. The women looked much more delicate, but still average.

Should I jump scare them? Wait no, would they die of shock then? Decisions, decisions, and first contact is always scary. Should I rehearse? What if they leave first? 

I didn't know that even Xianzhou humans suffered from anxiety, or is that from me? Screw it, let's go!

As the couple were wandering around into the forest for an exciting adventure, a young man dressed in a fancy Hanfu appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello there" stated the young man who appeared out of nowhere like a ghost.

The heart of the couple briefly skipped a beat before it shifted into the rhythm of a tap dance, "...aaaaaaaaaAAAH", the two screamed before fainting. 

 "So much for first contact… Man, am I that scary?"


[Status]: Recovering

[Race: Human - Xianzhou)

[Health: 1234/1234]

[Mana: 440/440]

[Strength: 27+32]

[Stamina: 25+40]

[Agility: 37+32]

[Dexterity: 41+20]

[Intelligence: 58+30]

[Will: 20+5]

[Skills: Instinct(B+), Madness(B-), Swordsmanship(A) - Mortal(?), Bloodlust[B]]

[Talents: Ice Control(B) [999/15000], Locked]

Note: Yanqing's original stats could be said to be around 100 for each stat. Though some stats are obviously higher than others. Due to the injury, he is still currently recovering and cannot get a real gain until then. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also please tell me if there's any grammatical errors. I will fix them as soon as possible.

Reader_Noticreators' thoughts