
Before Dawn (One Shot): The Beginning

He remembered that day.

That day, he was sitting on the roof of his father's house, located somewhere in the mountains, along with his sister. He was still a kid back then, too young to have seen the world. Merely two years in age as well.

"There" he said, pointing towards the sky.

"What?" his sister, Aster, asked confused.

"I came from there" he replied without hesitation.

His sister laughed.

He smiled at the fond memory, although he was panting slowly. His back leaned against his, commonly known as The Destroyer of the ninth world.

"Tired already?" asked The Destroyer.

"No, actually. I'm just a bit afraid" he replied. The Destroyer smiled.

"Are you not afraid of anything? Great destroyer?" he asked.

"I am. But, what I am afraid of is just not you" The Destroyer replied.

He leaped forward, turning around from his right, his right leg aiming towards The Destroyer's legs. The Destroyer jumped up, probably a thousand feet, his jump changing the trajectory of the meteor they were standing on. The meteor started spinning rapidly, as if the day became night and the night became day in less than seconds. In one split of a second, he saw The Destroyer right above him, and right at that moment, he jumped, charging straight towards The Destroyer, changing the trajectory of the meteor once again, which went on to collide with another meteor in the belt. He tried to punch The Destroyer in the face, The Destroyer blocked using his arms, but the punch was strong enough to send him crashing on a nearby planet. The crash made a large crater that continued to grow deeper. An impulse resulting from the crash ran throughout the planet, splitting it into, what looked like, five equal pizza slices. The Destroyer finally landed on the core. Without wasting even a moment to think, The Destroyer leaped, even faster than before and tried to punch him in the face, but he dodged by moving his head towards his right and bowing down which he followed by an uppercut aimed at The Destroyer's chin from below, The Destroyer moved his head to his right and dogged, his left leg aiming towards the Challenger, who blocked it with his left arm. The impact from the kick transformed into what looked like some green colored energy waves that travelled all the way to the parent star, blowing away at it's scorching flames like wind blows away a candle's flame. Nearby objects all lost their trajectories. The Challenger was sent hurling away from the point of impact, but suddenly, at just the moment when his toes were in the direction opposite to that of The Destroyer, he released a burst of pure white energy wave thing, which appeared to act as counter momentum, as if a ball hitting the walls, he rushed straight towards The Destroyer, with his right fist clenched covered in the same pure white energy. The Destroyer also released the same white energy wave from his back and rushed towards him with his right fist clenched that he too covered with the same pure white energy. Their fists clashed, and in a massive supernova like explosion, released energy in all directions like a bright orb of dazzling white light. Everything nearby, in the radius of thirteen lightyears or so, got annihilated, stars and dust particles alike.

Post impact, The Destroyer and The Challenger had gotten some distance between themselves. They were something around 70 meters apart.

The Destroyer, now smiling faintly, called out first, "So, you too were hiding your true strength all along Huh? Consider me impressed."

The Challenger remarked, in a very serious tone, "This battle has not even begun yet." as some blue sparks started appearing randomly around The Challenger's body.

The Destroyer replied, "Indeed." as The Destroyer covered himself in the white aura like thing from earlier.

On noting that, The Challenger thought to himself, "Maybe it's not time just yet." and the sparks around him disappeared.

The Destroyer asked confused, "What? I thought you were getting serious."

The Challenger replied, "I thought the same about you too." as he also covered himself in the same white aura like thing.

They both smiled at each other, then rush towards each other.

The Destroyer proclaimed, "Come at me! ILLONI FLABESANZIAR!!!"

And The Challenger replied in much the same spirit, "Of course. SYLEBAS THE DESTROYER!!"

As they clashed again with yet another dazzling white bright orb.

"But wait! I don't understand any of it! How did we even get here!?" asked you (The Reader).

Well, all of that is actually in the far future. "Wait.. what? Then what about now?"

Hmm... Well.. for now, just join me as I throw away all that high sounding action sequences in the trash for the sake of plot progression. You will Join me won't you? <Insert wink>

(Alright, lets just cut to the chase before you decide to leave)

Present Time - Earth

It was a pleasant summer afternoon. The sun was about to set and winds were roaring through the sky. The clouds all looked as cheerful as ever.

Meanwhile back on ground, a young girl in her early to mid teens was looking at the sky. She was of average height for her age, had shiny black eyes, shiny black hairs that leaned on the right side of her head, and was wearing a red T-shirt and blue Jeans.

She stood in front of where her once old house used to stand in the mountains, but now there was nothing but rubble. A landslide ate her house along with her brother and father some 10 years ago..., or at least, that is what she was told.

For a while her gaze remained fixated on the sky as she remembered that day. The day she and her brother were sitting on the roof, looking at the sky in a much similar fashion. That was around 11 years ago. She has no idea why she still remembers it. She was only 4 years old at the time. Usually you forget stuff like that as you grow up.

She then looked down and sighed.

Then she took a few steps forward and leaned down, after which she picked up a used bullet cartridge from the ground.

She took a good look at it with her eye brows furrowed. It was a living, or in our case non-living, proof of a blatant lie. Just one of many scattered throughout the land.

A while later, she started heading back on her bicycle that was standing behind her, waiting against tree while she was busy skygazing.

This was actually routine for her. Every once in a while, she would come to this lonely abandoned land to reminisce, if not to enjoy the peaceful view that she grew up with. This day was no different.

She drove past the small and broken guard booth with no one inside. She started to head back via the dirt road in between the grasses, the road she came in through. Somewhere beside the road, she came across a signboard that said, "NO TRESPASSING" followed by "ARMY TERRITORY", a signboard she used to ignore quite often mostly because it used to be home before her father passed away in this so called "landslide", after which the army declared the land as "Unfit for Human Settlement" and took control of the territory for their own purposes. At least that's what she thought. She knows that the location is of strategic importance. She also knows that there is supposed to be a secret abandoned military base somewhere around here, but she doesn't know where.

Ever since she found that used bullet, she started learning to hack computers to the best of her abilities in the hope of one day finding out what actually happened on the night of the landslide. She has now become quite a competent hacker in her own right. That's how she found out about the abandoned base. Although she has yet to find out what actually happened that night. Her current skills are not enough for that.

Usually no one found out about her trespassing unless they were told. Only a few people knew about it whom she told herself. But this time, as she was heading back, she unintentionally ran into a man wearing a lab coat, standing in the middle of the road. She stopped abruptly. The man smiled.

"You should not be here young lady. This place is dangerous." The Man said.

Aster took a second to think, then with a smirk on her face, she replied, "and neither should you, I suppose. I believe this place is out of bounds because the landslides here are unpredictable. Am I correct?"

The man replied, "Come now. You wouldn't prefer to end up like your father, would you? Miss. Aster?"

That was unexpected. Aster became tense. Things were getting dangerously out of her hands. How did this guy know? She had a lot of questions but she couldn't be direct.

Aster questioned the man, "So, do you work here or something?"

The man replied, "Used to. But not anymore. That's why I can't tell anyone about it even if I wanted to, so you do not need to worry dear."

That eased her up a little. With a little more confidence, she proceeded to say, "Oh? You sound like I should feel sorry for you." that came out the wrong way. She got much more tensed suddenly.

The man replied with a smile, "Well... I'll have you know that I wasn't fired dear. It's just that my task here is complete."

She relaxed. This wasn't a threat. Other matters were trivial for her right now.

The man laughed. "Don't worry dear. If I wanted you dead, you'd be long dead by now."

Aster knew that the man wasn't bluffing, but as time went by, she started to feel more and more anxious. She needed to escape. Finding out how he knows about her was not her primary concern. Just knowing that he was harmless was enough for her. As soon as she realized that, her urge to escape took over and she quickly drove past him, driving as fast as she could. The man showed no sign of resistance.

But suddenly, the man shouted from behind her, "Berethroll Buthrex."

Aster pulled the brakes and turned her head around. "What?" she asked confused. Was that a threat?

The man replied, "That's my name. You might want to remember it. Just in case."

Aster furrowed her brows. "As if that's a real name." She thought to herself as she tuned away and drove even faster.

The man waved at her as she left the scene, "Beware of squirrels!"

At this point Aster was convinced that he was just sprouting nonsense in order to toy with her. She convinced herself that she didn't have time for games but in reality she was afraid and did not want to stop again, and thus she tried to escape as soon as possible. "Squirrels?", although she did give it a fleeting thought. "What the heck was that about? There are no squirrels in this area... right?"

"She is not going to listen to me, is she?" asked Buthrex.

Well she did hear you, except she ignored your warning in confusion.

"Is that so? Then what's the point in making me say that then?" asked Buthrex.

Nothing. Just establishing your character.

Buthrex smiled.

"Mine.. or...?" said Buthrex with a wide smirk.

Well... I guess even I can't hide anything from Buthrex, I suppose. haha!

"Well! See ya around, Origin." said Buthrex.

Bye Buthrex!

Buthrex turned around and started walking, raised his hand and waived once as he continued to walk. The color of his skin started turning blue as he continued to walk.

Meanwhile, Aster is trying to escape towards the city as soon as possible. She has gotten a bit far so her mind has eased up a bit. Although she doesn't want to take any chances so she's still driving very fast.

Suddenly, her phone started ringing. She picked it up instinctively using her wireless earphones.

"Hello?" she heard a familiar voice. It was her roommate.

Relaxed, she replied, "Yeah, what's up?"

[Roommate (phone): "Where are you? The dinner is about to be served."]

[Aster: "Relax Rach, I will be back in a moment." At the speed I am going in, I just might make it.]

[Rachal (phone): "Aster, I hope you do realize that you only have 5 minutes.. right?"]

[Aster: "WHAT-?"]

[Rach (phone): "WHAT!?"]

[Aster: "Oh nothing!" Shit I said that out loud.]

[Rach (phone): "Aster? Where exactly are you at the moment!?"]

[Aster: "Don't worry I'm close...ish... Uh-He-Heh!... Uh..."]

[Rach (phone): "MY GOD! You're not even close!!!!"]

[Aster: "I'm sorry! Please Rach, you gotta help me heree uwaAAAAAAAA...." <crash>]

As she was talking, a squirrel suddenly ran across the road, apparently out of nowhere. Realizing that she was too fast to stop, she turned the handle, which led her to go off the track that was slightly elevated from the rest of the ground. She landed on the ground on both wheels and travelled some distance before colliding with the massively thick root of a giant tree that was growing on the edge of a shallow cliff that was around 2 to 3 meters high, which caused her back wheel to lift up from ground after which she fell down the cliff along with her bicycle. She landed on her back. Her bicycle bounced off and landed nearby.

A while later, she opened her eyes.

"Ouch! ow..", she got up. She looked around and assessed her situation. She then stood up on her feet. She had gotten a few scratches. She looked towards the cliff. "Now how do I get back up there?" She thought to herself. There was just dense forest behind her.

"Beware of squirrels!" she remembered the man say.

"Berethroll Buthrex" she thought to herself.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of a tree fall down.

"People?" she thought to herself. "Maybe I can get out through there."

She folded her bicycle and mounted it on her back. Then she picked up her wireless earphones from the ground. To her dismay, the earphones got damaged and stopped working.

"Ugh... darn...", she put the earphones in her pocket and proceeded onto the direction from which the sound originated.

She couldn't have ridden her bicycle into the forest. Thus she proceeded to walk on foot in that direction. As she did, she wondered, "Why would woodcutters be working at this time? No, they probably aren't woodcutters. Then, the army? Perhaps that guy from earlier, Berethroll Buthrex or whatever, wasn't just there to enjoy the view..."

She jumped down a small step and continued walking, "Right now, I should be pretty close to the main city and very far from the restricted area. Although I'd prefer it to not get spotted, in case if I do, I can easily make up the excuse of accidentally entering the forest and getting lost. Then the clueless soldiers would simply escort me out of the forest on their own. Unless..."

She stops for a moment. "Unless they don't get any funny ideas... It's in my best interests to not get caught at all." She continued to walk.

In just a few seconds, she came across a fallen tree. Upon seeing the state of the tree, she was astonished.

"Just what the hell did they use to cut it down? I've never seen any trees cut like this before!" she thought to herself.

"Did they use some kind of hammer or something? But why would they... or rather, how is it even possible to cut a tree this thick down with a hammer?"

Suddenly, she noticed something on the soil.

"Footsteps? And not just any footsteps, it's human footsteps." She climbed down the stair to get a closer look. "It looks fresh. Someone was here not too long ago and that person is barefooted. The tree also looks like it fell not too long ago. I bet it's the same tree that I heard fall back then." She thought.

On looking closer, she noticed the size of the footstep. She then compared it to her own foot. "It's almost the same size, though just slightly smaller. A teenager? About the same age as me? What is he or she doing here at this time?"

She noticed the trial of the footsteps. It was heading deeper into the forest. "A lost child perhaps? This is bad. If whatever cut that tree is nearby, that child is in danger."

She started to follow the trail. "Well, the same is true for me too. But that kid has a better chance of making it back alive with me." She thought to herself.

"And the same is true for me too. The kid might remember the way back." She continued.

The foot steps took a sharp right turn in a distance. She followed behind it. But as soon as she turned, she whispered to herself instinctively, "Alex?"

She was astounded by what she saw next. The footprints led to a boy in his early teens who was standing next to a pond that was surrounded by trees from all sides, except the wide gap where he was standing that could fit an elephant through. The pond had a huge image of the full moon right behind where he was standing. The boy was looking straight towards pond.

Something about that boy reminded her of her long dead brother, Alex. Perhaps, his hair color?

The boy was completely naked. He had sky-bluish hair. Aster turned to go back but the boy noticed her almost immediately. He turned his head to look at her. This is when she got completely petrified. He seemed to have blood red eyes. He had the same hair and eye color as her younger brother Alex.

For Alex, Aster knew that his eye and hair color were natural. But the thing that astonished her the most was his face. His face, though looked slightly different, looked almost the exactly same as she would imagine her brother to look like, if he were alive today. She had just seen that face so many time when looking at her old family pictures, as she wished for there to be more like those, knowing that it was impossible and all but recognizing that face, even after all these years, she could do it in her sleep.

But was this really Alex? She couldn't be sure because his face had changed as he had grown up. But supposing that it was indeed true, Could that mean her father is alive?

The turned around and started walking towards her. Aster felt so nervous that she couldn't even blink. He was coming towards her, slowly. But suddenly... he disappeared. He disappeared out of plain sight. Aster looked around. He was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, she felt something hit the back of her head. She fell flat on her face. Her consciousness started slowly faint away. She saw a black leather shoe. She turned her head upward to look at the culprit. With her hazy vision, she saw a boy, in his early teens, having sky-bluish hair and blood red eyes, wearing green robes and black leather pants. He bent down to look her in the eyes before she fainted away.

She opened her eyes. She was lying down on the ground, facing the pitch black sky. She got up to look around. She was in the middle of an alley which was right next to her dorm. There was no one around. She looked at her phone, it was 6:57 PM. The date was still the same.

[Aster: I'm... on time? How is that possible? I was already late when I started leaving. Besides, I'm never on time. (She remembered falling down from the cliff in the forest) Oh! Are my earphones all right?]

She checks her earphones. They were damaged.

[Aster: So... it wasn't a dream then. Oh! I should get back. I've never been on time before. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!]

She runs back to her dorm.

The next day.

She was at school. Sitting besides the window, looking out, lost in her own thoughts. She had discussed what had happened with her Rach last night. Rach wouldn't believe her at first but... neither could she believe that Aster was on time for once.

But Aster herself was super confused about it. It would normally take around 30 minutes on her bike to get from where she was to her dorm, given she wasn't in the middle of the forest. (Meanwhile the teacher entered the class.) She somehow covered that distance in 5 minutes. Well, actually she was simply unconscious for 5 minutes. She does not know how long it actually took her to get there. It was definitely less than 5 minutes. (The teacher announced a new transfer student in class.) She was totally unharmed. All her belongings were intact. (The teacher asks the new student to introduce himself.) Except that her earphones were broken. Which happened when she fell down from the cliff. Well she herself had gotten a little bruised from the fall but after she woke up her bruises were all gone. How is that possible? And for that matter, who in world wakes up for unconsciousness in just 5 minutes!?

[The New Student: "My name is Alexander James Starfell. You can call me Alex. Nice to meet you... all..."]

Aster stood up abruptly. She stared at the new student with horror and disbelief. Her throat ran dry.

The class began murmuring and whispering.

One student whispered, "Hey, doesn't that guy match the exact discerption of Aster's imaginary brother?"

Another replied, "Now that you mention it, they even have the same last name too."

Another whispered, "You don't actually believe that, right? I mean, imagine reading and finishing all the books in a freakin library at the age of 3."

Another one whispered, "Yeah! even solving calculus. I mean, are you kidding me?"

A kid from the back casually remarked, "Hah! Nerd."

Everyone laughed.

The teacher shushed the class.

[Alex: "Hey... Aren't you that girl from yesterday?" (Aster: "Huh?") "The one with the bicycle! You almost hit me and then you passed out near the street."]

[Aster: "Uhh... Yeah..."]

[Alex: "You don't need to be so worried. As you can see I am totally fine."]

[Aster (confused): "I... I see..."]

[Teacher: "I see. So you two are already acquainted. Then Alex, why don't you take that seat behind Aster?"]

[Alex: "Besides the window? Perfect."]

Alex goes to sit behind Aster.

A student whispered, "So are they related or not?"

Another replied, "Don't think so."

Another whispered, "So, Aster's imaginary brother is still imaginary?"

Someone replied, "Yeah" and their group started laughing. The Teacher shushed the class.

The teacher wrote something on the board and continued, "So, today we are gonna study, one of the first methods of Integration which is, Integration using substitution. Aster, help out Alex with all the lessons he has missed."

[Aster: "Okay Sir."]

Aster looks behind. Alex was taking notes.

Aster thought to herself, "If he is really my brother then..."

[Aster (whispering to Alex): "Well... You don't really need me to..."]

[Alex: "Ah no, Integration is easy. I can teach you if you want." (Continues with his work)]

[Aster: So... you really are my brother after all.]

Aster turns around and ponders for a second. Then she turns to Alex again.

[Aster: "So Alex... I can't... Alex... Umm... About yesterday-" (Alex: "Let's discuss this after school.")]

[Aster: "I... I See..." (Inhales) "Okay..."] She turns around and lowers her head.

[Aster: Alex you... you really came back... (tears start filling up her eyes but she avoids crying and stays as uptight as one could get.)]

After class, a bunch of guys approach Alex. Aster is sleeping on her desk.

[Guy 1: "Hey, what's up new shorty pants? Looks like you are pretty popular with the ladies on your first day here."]

[Guy 2: "I mean, No offense, but the guy practically looks like an anime character."] The entire group laughs.

[Guy 1: "Say, I don't know about where you come from but here, your rep depends upon your skill on the wheels so, you got a ride?"]

[Alex: "My... ride is back home."]

[Guy 1: "I see, well that's a shame. How about I lend you one of mine and say we race tomorrow. You in?"]

[Alex: "Well... Sure I guess."]

[Guy 1: "Alright then, Tomorrow at the closed tracks after school. Meet me there." (starts to leave) (Guy 2: "Just making sure, you do know how to drive, right?")]

[Guy 3: "Can your short legs even reach the breaks?"]

[Alex (to Guy 3): "Hah, I bet I can beat you on a broom stick."] The entire class gasps.

[Guy 3: "Whacha say punk?"]

[Alex: "What? You don't believe in magic?"]

[Guy 3: "Magic? HAH! I guess you're just a little kid after all."]

[Alex (calmly): "Maybe I am, big guy. Or maybe your head is so high in the clouds that everyone else seems like a kid to you."]

[Guy 4: "Come on man, let's go, we'll see him on the track."]

As the guys left the class, Alex and Guy 3 didn't break eye contact. But as soon as the left, Alex immediately started feeling bad. Aster slept through all of it.

When school ended, Rachel woke her up. As soon as she did, she immediately looked back. Alex was gone. She tried asking around, but to no avail.

A few minutes later Aster was seen running towards the school gates. She looked for Alex but apparently he was already gone. But suddenly she noticed a figure on top of one of the school buildings. The figure was wearing a yellow trench coat, unbuttoned, it's hands in the coat pockets, one foot on the pavement and blue colored hair, just like Alex's but longer. The face also looked the exact same as Alex's... but somehow different. Maybe a bit more... feminish? They exact details were too blurry to make out.

Out of nowhere, a hand grabs Aster's shoulder from behind. She turns around. A girl with a very attractive figure, glittery golden hair, probably in her mid to late teens, wearing greenish yellow trench coat, fully buttoned, and black skirt dress underneath. She was wearing a French hat and a single pony to the side. She had green eyes.

She asked her, "Are you the one he was talking about?"

[Aster: "Umm... Who?"]

[Girl: "Him! Umm... what was his name again...? Gosh, I forgot. Anyway, he had blue hair and-" (Aster (Grabbing her by the coat): "You know Alex!?") "Ah! Yes! Alex was his name." (Aster: "Where is he?")]

[Girl: "Uhh... He said he was going home! Eh-hehe-hehe..."]

[Aster (letting go of her collars): "I'm sorry, do you know where he lives?"]

[Girl: "Well... I don't know where his home is here."]

[Aster: "I see..." *sigh* "I am so sorry for pulling your collars."]

[Girl: "Don't mention it... and uhh... see you around?"]

[Aster: "Yeah, see you around."]

Aster turn around and starts walking towards her bike.

[Aster (turning back towards the girl): "By the way, what do you mean by... here...?"]

The girl was gone. Aster looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. Confused, she continued towards her bike. But, as she was getting her bike out of the parking, it hit her and she drove out in full speed.

A while later, Aster reached her old house in the mountains. Alex was already there. He was looking at the used bullet cartridge. As soon as he sees Aster approaching, he waves at her.

[Alex (smiling): "Hey! Its been a while. What took you so long?"]

Aster jumps off of her bicycle and starts fast walking towards Alex in rage.

[Aster: "YOU!! YOU #$@*@#$% &$@#$@!!! WHERE THE HECK DO YOU GO? WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU ALL THIS TIME?" (grabbing his shirt) "And if you were alive for so long, WHY THE HECK DID YOU NOT COME BACK!? WHY DID-"]

Alex embraces her in his arms.

[Aster: "Why did..." (Breaks down) "why did you..." (Aster cries, Alex gently rubs his arm on her back.) "why did you leave me alone?"]

Aster cries and cries on his shoulder. Alex also sheds tears silently behind her back.

After a while has passed and they both calm down. They start talking. Aster talks a lot, she basically gives him a rundown of her life since they parted and up to that point in almost pitch perfect detail (of course it's an exaggeration, I just mean she talked a lot. A LOT.) and also a few other stuff like about school and how the city has changed and Alex heard it all with curiosity of a child. Finally, Aster gets tired of all the talking and asks him to speak. Now, it's his turn to speak.

[Alex: "I, I really can't tell you much." (Aster: "What?") "I am so sorry, it's not like I don't want to, I just, really-really I just can't."]

[Aster: "But why not?..."]

[Alex: "Also, I am sort of here on vacation so... I won't be staying long."]

[Aster: "..."] An awkward silence follows.

[Alex: "By the way, how is mom?"]

Aster is even more saddened by this question.

[Aster: "Mom is... Not doing great. She has a Grade IV brain tumor and the doctors are saying that she doesn't have long to live."]

[Alex: "I see. Then I suppose I better swing by then."]

[Aster: "I suppose you should."]

[Alex: "Goodbye Aster. It was nice catching up with you. I hope we get to do this again sometime."]

[Aster: "Certainly."]

Alex starts to stare at something behind Aster's back towards the sky unblinkingly. Aster turns around to see with it is. There is nothing there.

[Aster (turning back): "By the way, how are you going to... go... back?"]

When she turned around, Alex was gone. From the middle of nowhere, where there was naught but a single tree in the distance to hide behind, Alex had seemingly disappeared completely without a trace.

[Aster (confused): "Good...bye then..."]

A few seconds later, at a particular hospital. A bald patient is laying on her bed in her cabin, resting.

Suddenly a figure appears sitting on her window.

[Alex: "Hey mom, it's been a while. How have you bee-" (Mom (with a perfect smile): "Hey son! How was your space trip?")]

Alex is dumbfounded. The Mom is not surprised at all. Her smile is still as wide. Alex steps down from the window and starts approaching the bed.

[Alex (trying to keep his composure): "Well... I came in here to surprise you but now I am surprised myself. What can I say?"]

[Mom: "Wow! I don't remember the last time someone managed to startle a Frosburner. It's a real honor indeed Alex..." (Alex stops.) "... or should I call you... Mr. Illoni Flabesanzier now?"]

At this point, Illoni has completely lost his composure. He looks at Mom straight in the eyes with his eyebrows furrowed in an ominous manner.

[Illoni: "As expected of the greatest hacker in human history whose name only a few select people in the deepest part of the deep web know, Mrs. Catrina Starfell, or should I call you by your more famous Alter Ego, Mr. Leonardo S. Allen?"]

[Catrina: "I see you've done your homework. Mommy is impressed."]

[Illoni: "But my real name and lineage isn't something that you can find out about on the internet. I know because I've looked. So tell me, How do you know about me?"]

[Catrina: "Oh, I know a lot of things about you. I've got my sources after all."]

[Illoni: "What sources?"]

[Catrina: "Oh, you don't need to worry about it. Son."]

[Illoni: "How long have you known?"]

[Catrina: "Since before you arrived at this planet the first time."]

[Illoni: "That's Impossible."]

[Catrina: "Is it?"]

[Illoni: "..."]

[Illoni: "So you knew about me all along?"]

[Catrina: "Indeed."]

Illoni is clearly not happy to hear this.

[Illoni: "I see. I came all the way here expecting to see my adopted mother whom I've not met in a long time. But instead all I got to see was a sly little fox."]

[Catrina: "Oh don't be mad dear, I too was excited to finally meet my son after such a long time, but instead what I got was a mere clone."]

Illoni was pissed.

[Illoni (in an ominous almost otherworldly tone): "How to you know about my clones? That is something that only a handful of my closest friends know about. No outsider knows about it. Let alone an earthling."]

[Catrina: "As I said, I've got my sources."]

Illoni is visibly pissed off beyond what words can describe. Meanwhile, Catrina's smile is as wide as ever. They both stare into each other's eyes enemies on the battlefield.