
Chapter 1

"Ugh! Peasants!" she screamed sending everyone into shock

The owner of the 5 star restaurant came in to test our skills and I wasnt ready. My heart raced and I swear bullets as I tried to make her favorite meal. Lobster tails for the appetizers, steak for the first course, crab legs for the second course, and a lava cake for dessert.The preparations of the store took all morning from the crack of dawn until now. My mind racing when the waiter came in with a frightened look on his face

"S-she wants you to serve her today, Seoyeon."

I gulped and took my apron off and attempted to smooth over my clothes and make myself look somewhat presentable. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the kitchen and to her table.

"Good evening, Ms.Jeon. What would you like to start out with?" I attempted to sound formal yet pleasant.

"Lobster tails and oysters to start."

She turns her attention to her phone putting her headphones back in completely ignoring me. Scurrying off to the kitchen, I break the unfortunate news.

"Oysters.Do we have any oysters prepared?"

"My colleagues looked at me with worry. We had none prepared and it would take a while to prepare them.

"I'll distract her with the lobster tails. Just hurry!"

Grabbing the plate of lobster tails, I head back out to her table placing them in front of her. She looks at me with disdain in her eyes and flicks her wrist in sign of me to go away. I move away and head to the kitchen to see how the oysters are coming along.

" Sooyoung do we have oysters?"

She nifd and hands them to me. I head back out with them and place them on the table before I move she says,

"A bowl of japchae and boazi."

My eyes widened for the millionth time that night. Almost running into the kitchen, I explain the ordeal to my colleagues. The chefs are at work immediately. The noodles finish before the dumplings and I head to give them to her. Getting to the table,I see shes gone. Only a piece of paper left on the table.

You might be fired if you dont get yourself together.

My heart drops and my eyes widen.