
From The Shadows (Danmachi Fanfic)

//Same author, just different account. Did this so I can focus on purely one novel. Let's see if it works -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- A young man woke up to find himself in a whole new world. Of course, the outcome was quite okay with him considering moments before, he had been about to die. Now, accepting his set of circumstances and newfound freedom from his own weighted past, he sets out to establish a foothold a begin life from scratch. //A chapter a day. More for when we have a larger audience. New author so cut me some slack. Join my Discord? https://discord.gg/uQUcWbm **NOTE: I will also be posting this on RoyalRoad.com, Wattpad, and Fanfic.Net If you see those on there, they belong to me

Shad0wRaven · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Run In With Lunatics

//Shorter chapter but only because of personal reasons. Next one will be much longer.


Riveria wasn't sure when they lost track of him, but the next time she turned to look, mainly when they had reached the edge of the campsite, Revan had completely disappeared from her view.

Up until the moment of his disappearance, particularly from when they departed Rivira's wooden fence, Revan had been freely conversing with the other two girls. Though he didn't speak very much, or very loudly, he always directed questions towards whichever one happened to acknowledge him, showing a good deal more emotion than he had in the beginning. At the very least, the boy was opening up more, no matter how slight the crack in the armor turned out to be. It lead Riveria to eventually lower her guard and focus on her own matters, going through the objectives that needed priority and which could be set aside for a later appraisal. When they finally reached the camps border, she had nearly forgotten the youth existed, wrapped up in her own contemplations.

Now, when she finally opted to turn around and look at the stragglers, the child was gone. Only Tiona and Ais remained, casually strolling behind her without a single word being uttered.

"Ais. Tiona." Riveria frowned as she glanced in either direction, making sure she hadn't missed him in the initial scan of her surroundings. "Where's the boy?"

Tiona's eyes widened, a look of surprise spreading across her face as she also glanced around, mimicking Riveria. "He's gone??!! But he was just here??!" She exclaimed in the most dramatic voice possible, exaggerating it far too much for any of it to actually be believable.

Riveria stared at her for a few seconds before turning her head towards Ais, of whom slowly glanced to the side, refusing to meet Riveria's pressing gaze.

After a moment of prying and probing them for information and receiving only a general direction of where he went, the elven woman let out a sigh, touching her fingers to the bridge of her nose. Them having just met the youth, and in a pretty questionable way, the last thing she expected was for them to let him wander off and then proceed to tell her as little as possible.

"Do you know what he left for?" Riveria asked, giving up entirely.

"He said he wanted to look around," Tiona admitted, shrugging her shoulders. "I didn't see a problem with it."

"No, it's fine." Riveria waved her hand, gesturing in the direction they said he went off towards. "But you're responsible for anything that happens to or around him. You two make sure he doesn't stir up any trouble, and get him checked up while you're at it."

"You got it," the Amazon said happily, turning on her heels and briskly walking away, Ais on her heels.

"Let's just hope he doesn't do anything stupid," Riveria muttered, turning around and walking further into the encampment, jade hair fluttering in the wind. "Or upset anyone troublesome."


"The heck do you want," Was the response Revan received, despite not having uttered a single word. Just a growl and a flash of pearly white teeth, of which had two sets of unusually sharp canines. "Need something? Picking a fight?"

He wasn't sure why he had gotten such a retort, considering that he has just been observing, albeit from a spot one would call up close and personal. Still, Revan wasn't entirely certain that the grey haired males anger was warranted since he hadn't said or done anything to offend him, unless the male was the type to get exasperated from a simple look. Normally, the black haired teen could tell ones emotion and approachability based on body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, but he hadn't given any of those a single thought when he had walked up to the grey haired individual. He had been far too focused on the fluffy wolf ears protruding near the top of the guys head.

"You cosplay?" Revan asked, tilting his head, ignoring the males angry posturing. He also took note of the large tail attached to the backside of the man.

"The hell is a cosplay?"

"Like dressing up. Basically putting on costumes to look like something you're not."

"What are you even-"

Bete Loga was cut off as the youth, without the slightest hint of hesitation or fear, walked up to him and reached towards his ears, running his thumbs along the base. The young werewolf didn't even know how to fully react as Revan swiftly switched from the ears to the tail, running his fingers along the base of the tail just as he did to the ears. The last thing Bete was prepared for was to be freely groped in the middle of camp, and the only thing he could think to do in that moment was freeze.

At least until the initial shock of the situation wore off.

"Hm. They're real," Revan noted as he fiddled with the wolf tails fluffiness, a look of surprise on his face. "That's quite interesting."

Bete didn't even reply as he twirled around, already swinging his leg towards the black haired youths temple.

Whoosh! Thud!

The armored leg ceased it's movement entirely, moments before it could make sweet love to the side of Revan's head. It had happened far too fast for the youth to even register, but when everything came to a standstill, he was lying on the ground a few feet away, Tione standing in the very spot he had just been standing in. Revan felt a wave of confusion pass over him as the tan women pushed the demihuman's leg away from her arm, forcing him to back up. The two glowered at each other, both poised and ready for a scrap.

"Out of the way Amazon," Bete growled, cracking his knuckles. "This isn't your fight. I'm gonna kill 'im."

"If anyone is gonna beat the shit outta him, it's gonna be me. So back the hell off Bete." Tione crouched low, hands at the ready. From Revan's point of view, it looked as if she was readying herself for a judo match which he found slightly amusing despite the escalating situation.

"Alright, settle down. This isn't exactly the place for that sort of thing. Take it somewhere else."

Before the black haired teen could get a look at who had spoken, he was being lifted by the scruff of his shirt, hoisted off the ground and onto his feet. The last remnants holding up his shirt was torn, causing it to fall off of him, reuniting with the soft ground below. However, that didn't particularly bother him. It was the fact that he had once again been casually picked up like a paperweight that made him feel uncomfortable, the very person who was able to do it walking casually past him.

The new arrival was tall, or at least a bit taller than Revan, standing at around 170cm to his own 160cm. Long black hair that extended past the waist, brown skin that looked almost tan, though not looking quite the same shade as the Hiryute sisters, and a well endowed chest that was pretty difficult to miss. With a white sarashi, a red hakama, and odd looking sandals, she was easily the most normally dressed individual Revan had met that day, barring the pitch black katana attached to her hip. Just like the others, she radiated an aura of power and danger that made the youths instinct scream out in protest, urging him to turn tail and flee in the opposite direction.