
June 7th: This Is A Start

Short chapter for today.

- I'll start without including the tacky and predictable, "dear diary." I can't think of any real reason I'm writing this.

This is the beginning. Of course, I don't have any real content to speak on so I'll literally start from the beginning.

January 15th, 2005.

Born with brown eyes, dark skin, dark brown hair, and the occasional birthmark. An American baby, born in the southern state of Georgia. No, I do not have an accent.. Yes, I am normal. My family? Not so much. This book will be just as much about my parents as it will be, me.

I'm not comfortable with sharing everything so, to tell this story, I'll go by my middle name, Simone.

I was born after a sister, who was 4 years older than me. My mom had her with a different man other than my current father and then had me with my current father. Makes sense?

Both of us were normal.

I had my own uniqueness. I had my own tastes. My own thoughts. My own way with words. I was me. But. When that's taken away and replaced with someone else's tastes, someone else's thoughts, someone else's words, someone else's qualities, what's left? Deep down there's something else there but it's so hard to grab onto and pull back to the surface that you eventually let go. You let it go and you lose interest in yourself.

I wonder who did that. Who was that insensitive, that low, that fucked up, that psychotic?

I'll introduce a new character to the story. A background character slowly clawing his way up into becoming the main character.

My father. He just turned 47. But I'll get into him another time. Mom, she's 40. Both of them are extremely religious, basing all their actions off that book, the Bible. As Christians, they don't believe in homosexuality or any other religion and a lot of other unnecessary shit. They believe in the power of Christ, praying, church, bible studies and supernatural. It's a shit show. And look, I'm not saying that religion is a joke but that's kinda sorta what I'm saying. :l

I guess I'm done for now.

But I will say, with every story, there is a beginning introduction, a conflict, a rising action, a climax, a falling action-

But there's not always a resolution. In my case, there was never and will never be one. -

From: Me

To: You