
From Jinchuriki to Speedster

My name is Nathaniel Allen. When I was a child, I saw my mother and brother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. To the world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly I use my super speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I'll find who killed my mother and brother. I am the Flash. Naruto/Nathan Allen Harem. -Author credits: NidaimeKyuubi94. -Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the terms, characters, powers and material in general in addition to my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners.

SarmelAC · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
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Final Confrontation and Sacrifice

With H.R

H.R and his new love Tracy Brand walked out of Jitters, Tracy studied at Central City University in their theoretical physics program, researching extra-dimensional energy. After failing her dissertation and being made to believe her research a waste of time and resources, Tracy burned all of her work, deciding to go work at Big Belly Burger, and CC Jitters instead, where she met H.R.

"I really want to introduce you to my friends. I know that they'll see just how extraordinary you are, just like I do." H.R. said smiling at Tracy before they both drifted closer for a kiss but they were interrupted

"Well, you are right about one thing." Barry/Savitar said walking forward, "She is extraordinary."

H.R, and Tracy looked to the stranger, "Uh, can we help you?" H.R asked

"You can't, but she can." Barry/Savitar said smirking, "I've hit a snag in my battle with the Flash. The Tracy on another Earth was smart enough to create a trap for my counterpart, I need you to do the same."

"Wh-Savitar." H.R realized backing away

'In the flesh." Savitar/Barry smirked before H.R. and Tracy ran but he blitzed forward and slapped H.R. into a wall, and ran off with Tracy

Uzumaki Labs

Naruto was in a daze as he looked at the pieces of Savitar's suit, "Savitar is Barry? Your little brother." Linda asked

"Straight from Earth23." Naruto frowned

"W-Why is he doing this?" Iris asked

"According to him, on his Earth, he lost everyone, and was alone and broken before he decided to become a God. He thinks I've stolen his life and wants to make me suffer just like he did." Naruto frowned

"This is insane," Felicity whispered

"Yeah." Naruto nodded putting his hands on his face and breathing deeply

"What do we do?" Cisco asked

"We stop him," Naruto said

"But can you do that? Can you honestly bring yourself to harm your brother?" Caitlin asked as Naruto looked unsure

"Honestly, I really don't know. I never imagined myself being in this position. My brother's doppelganger wants to make me suffer and if I don't stop him, I can lose my entire family." Naruto frowned before H.R arrived

"N.A I need your help," H.R. said

"H.R. Where've you been man?" Cisco asked

"Savitar, I know wh-" H.R. paused seeing the armor of Savitar, "Oh you know too."

"What about Ba-Savitar?" Naruto asked catching himself

"He took Tracy," H.R. said getting confused looks from everyone

"Who?" Everyone asked looking at each other

Savitar's Lair

Tracy scrambled away from Barry/Savitar, as he grabbed a small case with a disk inside before he walked to her, "Don't hurt me!" Tracy pleaded

"I want, provided you do exactly as I say." Savitar/Barry said

"W-What do you want from me?" Tracy asked before Savitar activated the disk and a 3D image of a newspaper article appeared, "T-That's me. So wait. You're telling me my ideas about the, um,"

"The Speed Force." Barry/Savitar said

"Speed Force, being able to control it, manipulate it, all of that I'm right?"

"Obviously." Barry/Savitar said watching annoyed as Tracy laughed

"Nobel Prize? All of that." Tracy admired herself

"Hn, in the future, yeah. And you're going to help me build something." Barry/Savitar said

Later, Uzumaki Labs

Naruto watched as H.R. handed Cisco a jacket that belonged to Tracy, and vibed her location, "She's at the old Dressler Factory."

Naruto's eyes narrowed before he sped off

Dressler Factory

Flash arrived at the factory to see Tracy tied to a chair, "Flash?"

"Where is he?' Flash asked walking over and undoing her binds

"He said he was going to get his suit after he made me help make a Speed Force Bazooka."

"A what? You know what later, let's go." Naruto said before he grabbed Tracy and sped away

Uzumaki Labs

Flash and Tracy appeared in the cortex as Barry/Savitar appeared around a corner with his suit before he walked off the property and sighed he felt his speed returned to him before he sped away

Flash saw the team crowded around the table where Savitar's suit had been and frowned, "Great."


Naruto sighed after Tracy told them that Savitar had her make a Speed Force Bazooka before he had her teach him to make an Interdimensional Quantum Splicer, "We need to find this guy." Cisco frowned

"What can he do with this Quake thing?" Linda asked

"Quantum Splicer." Cisco corrected, as Naruto looked thoughtful having been thinking about the capabilities of the Interdimensional Quantum Splicer, and what he knew of Savitar

"He wants to be a God. He could become one if he opens a time portal, exposing the Speed Force," Naruto began

"If he is shot with that, and he'll become fragmented throughout all of the time," Cisco added following the same line of thought

"The past, present, future. He'll exist in every single moment there ever was. All of them aware and connected through one consciousness. He'll be everywhere every hour, every minute." Felicity said

"He doesn't just want to make Nate suffer, he wants to rule from the Big Bang until the end of the world." Caitlin finished

"We can't let that happen," Iris said

"I got it. Savitar is from another Earth so he vibrates at a different frequency than us, the same way we found Kadabra is the same way we can find him." Cisco said

"That's great." H.R said walking in, getting everyone's attention, "Um, I have something to tell you all."

"Yeah?" Cisco asked

"So Tracy and I decided to get a place together out in Midway City," H.R. said

"Your leaving town?" Naruto asked

"Yeah. You all have given me so, so much, you know? You've given me a home, you've given me a purpose. If I hadn't stayed after the Gypsy situation I would've never met the woman I love, that I wanna spend my future with. I owe you all so, so much."

"You don't owe us anything. Just be happy." Naruto said putting a hand on H.R.'s shoulder before they shared a hug, "You're always welcome here."

H.R nodded before everyone crowded around him wishing him good luck on his new journey


Naruto was sitting in the nursery with Dash asleep on his chest as he hummed lightly, "Hey." Iris said walking in as Naruto smiled at her while she smiled looking at Dash, "So, how are you feeling?"

"I need to talk to him," Naruto said

"Are you sure?" Iris asked getting a nod

"I know the look in his eyes, mine used to be the same. I have to try to save him." Naruto said kissing the top of Dash's head and standing up before Iris took the baby who began to whine from the movement that woke him up as alarms began chirping

"Found him!" Felicity and Cisco yelled as Naruto entered the cortex,

"Where?" Naruto asked

"He's in the Forest," Cisco said pointing to the marker getting a nod before Naruto sped off


Barry/Savitar in his repaired suit was annoyed he couldn't get to Iris because she wouldn't leave Uzumaki Labs which was metahuman proof, so he had to abandon the plan to kill her in front of Nate for the time being, so he went ahead with his other plan, become a God.

Setting the Splicer on a destroyed tree aiming it at a specific spot, he backed away and was about to open a time portal when he turned to see Naruto,

"Hello, Brother." Naruto greeted

"You're too late Flash," Savitar said

"Wouldn't say that." Naruto smiled pointing behind Savitar who turned to see a clone of Naruto with the splicer before it glowed white and exploded with the splicer in hand

"No!" Savitar yelled before he rushed Naruto who kicked him in the face sending him tumbling back

"Get out of the suit, Barry. We need to talk." Naruto frowned watching as Savitar got to his knees watching him before he looked down and his suit opened up before Barry revealed himself

"You want to talk, so talk." Barry glared

"I want to help you," Naruto said causing Barry to scoff

"Really? You'd really think I would trust you?" Barry asked

"If memory serves you started this conflict between us. My brother is somewhere in there. Deep down, buried beneath the scars and the pain, that part of you that...you have to remember what it's like to have a family, to have friends. You can have that all back."

Savitar looked away causing Naruto to sigh

"I remember when you were six, and, uh you begged Mom and Dad to let us go to the Science Expo in Midway. I was so bored and we argued the entire time." Naruto laughed, as Savitar looked down, "And, uh, well, we got a flat tire on that dirt road, no spare, so we were towed to that garage in a tiny, one-street town. Of course, we were stuck there all day. Then we got ice cream and French fries with gravy at that little diner. And then that night, we watched the local fireworks show, and actually, it turned out to be a great day. And it's my favorite memory of you, mom and dad. What was the name of that town?"

"Masonville," Barry said as sad frown on his face

"My little brother is still in there. Come home, please." Naruto said

Barry/Savitar looked at Naruto for a moment and frowned shaking his head, "No."

"Please, don't do this," Naruto said

"There can only be one Flash." Savitar glared before he sped into his suit and headed for Naruto who was shaking his head as Savitar tackled him and began to beat his face in

"Barry." Naruto said sadly looking up at Savitar with his lip busted and a bruise on his cheek, "Please."

"This world is a perversion. Joe is dead, and Iris is tainted by you. You tainted it! I will remove them all and remake it in my image!" Barry glared before he punched Naruto again but a log was in his place and he was lifted up and slammed in the ground by Flash who kicked him in the ribs

"I can't allow you to hurt my family. I'm sorry." Flash said

The speedsters sped at each other and their fists connected causing a large shockwave that uprooted the ground and sent them skidding away from each other before Savitar appeared above Flash with an arm in mid-swing but Flash punched his forearm redirecting the blow but was punched in the back sending him flying away

Savitar jumped grabbed delivered a hammerfist to Flashback sending him to the ground, Flash landed with a thud before his ankle was grabbed and Savitar began to slam him into the ground repeatedly but Flash kicked the arm and punched the back of Savitar's head sending him into the ground

Ripping his head from underground, Savitar tossed Naruto at a mountain where a large crater formed around him before Flash began to fall and Savitar speared his falling body into the mountain causing it to split in two and rubble to fall onto the two

The rubble exploded as Savitar was rocketed back through a few trees, and Flash walked forward before he just vanished with a trial of rocks following his invisible form before he appeared before the standing Savitar who quickly put his arms in an X to block the blow that still sent him rocketing through a mountaintop into the air

Flash ran along the ground and jumped toward the airborne Savitar and soon as he reached him he, punched the armored speedster in the gut sending him into the ground causing a large crater to form before he landed outside the crater

Flash sighed before he gave a grunt of surprise when Savitar tackled him from behind and punched him into the ground at super speed but a kick from Flash sent Savitar away but he returned with a left jab that was carried along with a right jab before Flash ducked the right hook and gave an uppercut to Savitar who responded with a head ut and with his spears out he slashed at Flash who sped from under him

Savitar appeared before Flash can get up with another stab that was dodged by Flash kicking his leg from beneath him before Flash jumped and a backflip kick to Savitar's head sent him into the ground sliding away

Flash grunted as he saw Savitar return immediately, "His armor is stronger." he noted

Flash's body exploded with chakra before he kicked Savitar in the face, sending pieces of his suit flying off, as another kick slammed into the armored head again before more arrived

Savitar was forced to back peddle as Flash struck with kick after kick to his face and torso causing more pieces of the suit to fly away before a roundhouse staggered him but the roundhouse turned into an overhanded hook that sent Savitar into the ground

"Stay down," Flash said sighing annoyance when he saw Savitar get up and quickly he sped forward and jumped with a leaf whirlwind but Savitar ducked under the first spin and sent a punch at him but Naruto caught his fist

"Remember when we used to watch Tenjou Tenge?" Flash asked before he spun on Savitar's first and kicked Savitar in the face, "How about DBZ?"

Flash shot forward and began to speed through a combo of 37 hits starting with an uppercut, a right to the gut, a left hook, a right to the jaw, left to the gut and another uppercut

Savitar went airborne before Naruto vibrated his body and jumped up, phasing through the armor causing Barry to come out the other side before he wrapped his arms around Barry and began to spin, and hit him with a primary lotus

After the smoke and dust settled, Flash vibrated inside the suit causing it to burst into tiny pieces, "Go home." Naruto said looking down at Barry who coughed up blood weakly looking up at him,

Sighing, Naruto turned around and began to walk away as Savitar with some fight still left in him crawled to his feet and began to speed for Naruto but a gunshot went off causing Naruto to flinch and turn around to see Barry/Savitar collapse as Iris stood there with a gun while the team stood behind her

Naruto looked down as Barry/Savitar gave his final breath, and frowned as Iris walked up dropping the gun, "All these months, you were trying to save me from him. Look at that. I saved you." she said causing Naruto to smile lightly before they hugged but broke apart as a portal opened and the corpse of Julian was spat out

"Julian," Cisco said as everyone crowded around the corpse,

"Let's make him presentable and send him home," Naruto said getting nods

Next Day

Naruto and his team sent Julian back to London with his family where the arrangements for his funeral would be taken care of,

Gypsy had dropped in and took Cisco up on his date offers, while Naruto, Caitlin, Iris, Linda, and Felicity spent the day at home relaxing after the stressful past 6 months,

Currently, Naruto was sitting on the couch, feeding Dash as the girls including Jesse and Whitney finally began to make the arrangements for the wedding, while he watched with a happy smile before he frowned as he sensed a change in the air and looked to Dash whose eyes were glowing just as his own where the house began to shake

"What was that?" Iris asked before the rumbling began in earnest and Naruto stood up clutching Dash to him as he looked out the window the city

"There's never been an earthquake in Central City," Caitlin said

"That wasn't an earthquake," Naruto said as the girls joined him to see multicolored lightning strikes emerging all over the city

Uzumaki Labs

Naruto and everyone walked into the cortex, "Central City University just reported an earthquake of 6.6 on the Richter scale." Caitlin said

"That's not an earthquake." Naruto frowned

"Then what was it?" Cisco asked

"Earthquakes come from down below. This...this is something else." Naruto frowned before the rumbling began again

"It's gettin' bad out there. Emergency services will soon be overwhelmed." Linda drowned walking in as Caitlin calmed Dash down as he began to sniffle

"Guys. 7.2, that last one." Caitlin said checking her computer

"I got it," Cisco said bringing up the satellite view and a large red blip was over the city,

"What is that thing?" Iris asked

"That's definitely not a breach," Gypsy said

"Holy plutonium. What even emits that many kilojoules?" Cisco asked

"The Speed Force." Naruto frowned

"But Savitar's dead," Iris said

"That's the problem. It's the Speed Force prison. It needs an occupant. Like he said it would when it spat Julian out the prison was empty. Without a prisoner -"

"It goes unstable," Felicity said

"And now it's bleeding energy onto our Earth," Caitlin said

"Okay, so how do we stop this?" Whitney asked

"By giving it what it needs." Naruto frowned

"Which is what?" Iris asked as everyone looked to Naruto who turned around and ran outside with the following

The lightning storm raged on with people screaming in fear, "The Speed Force is unbalanced. I have to stabilize it." Naruto said

"What? How?" Caitlin asked

"By running into it," Naruto said

"No, you can't." Felicity immediately replied

"Nate, you'll be trapped in there forever," Linda said

"If I don't go, the whole city, maybe even the entire planet, could be destroyed," Naruto replied

"Cisco. There's gotta be another way, right?" Iris asked, "Nate, Central City needs The Flash."

"And they'll have one./They'll have one," Naruto said looking to Linda who he kissed and hugged

"Yeah." Linda nodded sobbing

"Nate. Savitar said he was in hell." Iris said before a portal opened and Nora Allen appeared

"Nate, it's your mother," Whitney said shocked

"That's the Speed Force," Naruto said taking a deep breath

"Nathan isn't going to hell. But like all runners must eventually, he's reached his finish line. His race is over." The Speed Force said

"You can't take him with you." Caitlin and Iris frowned

"She's not taking me anywhere. I have to go." Naruto said

"Why? Why are you being punished?" Felicity asked

"This, all of this, it started with my mistake, I made Flashpoint when my dad died, catching Savitar's attention. This is this is my penance. This is my redemption." Naruto smiled

"My beautiful boy." Nora said causing Naruto to look at her, "It's time to rest."

Naruto smiled before he kissed Iris and walked over to Cisco who he shared a brotherly hug with, "Don't mess it up with her." he said

"I'll do my best," Cisco replied

"You and Cait are in charge now," Naruto said frowning as Cisco shook his head

"I'm not a hero like you," Cisco said causing Naruto to chuckle

"You've always been my hero. And you will be again when you find a way to bring me home." Naruto said getting a nod from Cisco

"I promise you I will," Cisco swore

Naruto walked to Whitney, "All this time we were trying to save Iris, you're telling me that we should've been trying to save you too?" she asked

"I am saved. I want you to be happy, in whatever capacity that takes you. Follow your heart, always." Naruto said getting a nod from Whitney before Jesse joined in, "Going to stick around for a while?" he asked

"Yeah." Jesse and Whitney said

Naruto smiled and approached the crying Felicity, "I can't believe this is happening." she said

"It's not the end. I know you and Cisco will find a safe way to free me, but I have to do this." Naruto said

"I love you," Felicity said hugging and kissing Naruto

"I love you."

Naruto approached Iris, "This isn't fair." she sobbed

"It's temporary, and until then you need to keep running for me." Naruto said smiling, "Promise me, that you'll keep living your life. Keep growing. Keep loving. Keep running. Promise me you'll run, Iris."

"I promise," Iris said softly before they kissed

Naruto approached Caitlin who was sobbing, "This isn't right." she said

"I know. The main reason I'm okay with doing this is for everyone standing right here. My family. I will happily suffer any punishment without complaint about you all. You've given me the best gift I can ever ask for, and I will always love you for that." Naruto said to the sobbing Caitlin before they shared a kiss

"I love you," Caitlin said before Naruto took Dash who looked away from the colorful lightning to his father

"Daddy is going to be away for a while. But while I may travel far, my little Dash. I will never leave you. Even in the face of my death, the richness of my life shall be yours. All that I have, all that I've learned, everything I feel all this and more, I bequeath you, my son. You will carry me inside you all the days of your life. You will make my strength your own see my life through your eyes... as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father the son. I promise you, in my life that I will find my way back to my family."

Naruto kissed Dash' forehead before he handed him to Caitlin and as the baby began to cry for Naruto who began to walk away before Caitlin calmed him down, Naruto joined hands with Nora before looking back one last time with his wide fox-like grin as the portal closed around them and the storm calmed and subsided

The Flash family stood there as their patriarch sacrificed himself for them and the world.