
From Dream To My Real Life

I have an idea to make this story interesting, I thought I will do... Definitely I will update synopsis soon

Biju_Raj_P · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Story Brief Explanation

Male lead of our story was a guy in a town. He was a college student and he working in his father's restaurant. He was a good looking guy and he has craze on online games.He running a gaming youtube channel also.

In his story the male lead of the story is met a girl in his restaurant and he fell in love on her.The female lead's family was came from a Canada for a buisness trip. Unfortunately they had to stay for a month in male lead's town. Both leads are came to a relationship they shared their love to eachother. After the few days of love life one day male lead went to his room and slept on his bed and the next day wake up on early morning but he felt that something different in his surroundings.

After few hours he understood that he was in dream. He never meet a girl like female lead in his life.

After few months he saw the same girl in real life...

In this story we are going to see what happened to the male lead and female lead and will they make their relationship in real life...

Letzzz go guys ✨✨