


Thanks to my family, They love and support me. Their constant love and encouragement is a precious gift in my life.

A Hero Father Dr George , Caring Mother Miss Yasinta and all G's out there, you have been acknowledged.

Writing is a lonely job, without love I may not feel significant.

God bless you All!


Transformation in the law, government social morality and education have accompanied the radical advances in technology and knowledge that mark our era. Like an earthquake that is caused when the tectonic plates on the earth's surface begin to shift, we experiencing a seismic event in our life.

This book is well prepared and fantastic planned to provide ideas about some main corners of our daily learning experiences. The Story has been written especially for those who are eager to learn and searching for nice and lovely knowledge.

The Following chapters covers the major elements for an interesting Stories, each chapter follows basic pattern in description and explanation. Extensive use of true examples has been made,

The interesting aim of the book is to create an interest in at least in one particular field out to give basic logical guidance in our daily practices. Who do you think will emerge as the winner between the two "Ships" the following chapters guide you so that you can tell me at last, who do think will become a winner between Friendship and Dictatorship?

It's too much to imagine, but too real to deny that we know so much more now than we knew then, but have we really learned anything. We must hope so, but trust me the lessons learned in a moment of urgency have a way of fading into memory.

To my Family, who added beyond measure to every dimension of my life and whose love and dedication inspires my every thought. "if you want to change our World Love your Family First"


It's not how fast you learn it but how well you learn it that matters. Thank you for taking your time reading this book, even with all choices you had, still you choose this article. God bless you.

My dear reader I appreciate your concern for developing a better mindset and you increased unimaginable value to me by reading this article, you contribute to the well-being of myself and those around me. I can assure you my friend that one person has the power to make whole life beautiful.

By taking your time reading this introduction chapter its show how great you are. By reading this book you allow yourself to grow in several ways and are all for the best, so even if there is no place in this world for you and I to meet, you are the best person that ever happened to me.

I know a lot of people don't read the introduction chapter, but I feel sorry for them they better read the first line of this chapter.

I can never regret writing for you, God bless you, and you are special to me. In our life there are many specialties, for example special cars, special dresses, special animals etc. Let's talk about the last one, one among the special animals I have ever known is the Horse, the great kings and queens' still uses horse until today's world of Lamborghini and Ferrari, that's because horse represents Loyalty. Horse are majestic animals, they are beings of power and represents Nobleness and Heroism. They stand for courage confidence, endurance, speed and competitions.

Another special animal is a dog, let me tell you one thing, chicken gives you an egg, cow provides you milk but what does a dog provides? Huh?

A dog gives you nothing other than love, imagine when a dog sees its master after it has been long time since they have met, a dog runs with incredible happiness enough to lose control, yes that is love, " Incredible happiness enough to lose control" and don't forget during night a dog provides security for its master. And the moment you take your time reading this book trust me I'm happy as a Dog.

For many years now the relationship I have with my Boss has never improved, and I can tell you comfortably that whichever way you look at it, it carries a mutual feeling, and that is because he is a Dictator, I always blame my boss for believing that a grown up human being like him, who is truly married to a warlike woman and who has terrible children can survive on what he calls Salary.

I always tell him that the difference between him and Adolf Hitler is just his ugly tie, which to me looks like a rope my mother used to tie her goats back at the Village, on several occasions I have accused him of working tirelessly to make sure that me and my small family are dispatched to the pearly gates because of starvation. On his part, that fellow who signs my measly paycheck and insists that I should call him 'Boss' has made it an open secret that I am a lazy, good for nothing employee who should be paid less than what he pays me. Anyway, because of my insensitive Boss who on several occasions has been accused of being a sadist, it has caused conflict in my family, including my Old Parents. Who they always tell me, "Son, why don't you try and get a job like other children? We always pray to God so that one day you will see the importance of getting a job"My mother She always tells me every time she sees me. I try telling her that I already have a job, but all these years I have never been able to convince her that journalism is a serious career.

"My son when others are carrying briefcases to work, you carry a pen and a notebook, and wait for people to make a mistake so that you can write about it, and you say that you are working? Look at Joel, your former classmate, he has a serious job working in a local Bank somewhere in town," my father told me that yesterday through the phone, I can stand it but I almost told him that the fellow he was referring to was fired two years ago because of theft and he is currently as broke as 'rat church'.

My father is kind of a Dictator also, that is the truth that I can't deny, I can stand it when my Old father accuses me of refusing to work, because he has no idea what journalism is all about, but when the person who is supposed to be my closest ally decides to jump in the bandwagon, it can really work you up. You see, my old father can practically send you to the lonely bin by sticking on one topic and trying to hammer it in your head.

A few hours ago I just kicked out members of his church, including their Pastor, a fellow who looks like a retired car thief, after they started casting out demons of unemployment in my house.

You see, I always believe that I am a Very patient fellow, that is why my wife, Mama Ole can afford to treat me like a convict in my own house. She knows that I can withstand any treatment she directs towards me, apart from inviting my Father and members of his church in my Home, because those people claim to be enemies of devil, but I believe some of them are related. I had just returned home and was looking forward to relaxing in my Bedroom, when I came across a good number of pairs of shoes at my door step, which means that I had visitors, many visitors.

I found my wife busy serving them best food 'pilau kuku' in the sitting room, and I saw the retired car thief who says he is a pastor chewing on a healthy drumstick which resembled the one from the chicken I had brought the previous day. I went to kitchen direct and confirmed my fears, the chicken I had brought for me and my family was at that moment lying in the belly of that fellow who has managed to convince people like my father and my wife that he is a Pastor, I was furious as I headed to the bedroom, and I could hear my wife telling church members that they should not mind my childish tantrums.

I decided that I will deal with my wife later when the the hungry friends leave my house, but I changed my mind a few minutes later when they started to Pray. After singing several loud songs accompanied by drums and allulations, the fellow who had consumed the juicy drumstick and who has convinced people that he is a pastor started praying in a loud voice. "Father in heaven we bring before you your long suffering servant, who welcomed us in her home, despite challenges of living with an unemployed drunkard," He shouted and I could hear the others shouting 'Ameeeeen', and I could swear the voice of my wife was the loudest.

I could not believe that those seditious words were being uttered in my own house, but my blood started boiling dangerously when that pastor who looked like a retired car thief continued with his prayers. Jehovah you said that you will bless the work of our hands…. Bless the work of this woman who lives like a widow in her own house, without support from the man who has abandoned her and her children, and decided to get married to any white/brown frothy bottle.."

I didn't wait for them to scream 'Amen' , I charged into the Sitting Room and went straight for the retired car thief who had consumed the healthy drumstick that I had bought for my Family. His eyes were still closed, and by the time he opened them, he found himself flying through the door. I think that is when he discovered that a human body can bounce on concrete, even after eating a healthy drumstick Chicken

I am thinking more what I am writing that what I can say, I think we need readers, I think we need leaders who are thinking critically and they know philosophy of being a leader. The philosophy of walking together with today's world's economy of being Gentle like peacock and the intelligence of a rabbit. The world of living with other people as families and not throwing bread to them and building toilets for them to dehydrate. Am sorry for inconvenience but I'm a little bit emotional man, may be that is the reason why I have failed many learning Sessions, It was not that the learning was too hard for me, but the truth is that, it was so easy, And this is great sin, to be born with a head which is too quick to Understand that There is great satisfaction on the food obtained by your Own hands.

We are living in the world of science and technology, the world where the stone cannot change to a bread. The world which believes in positives and negatives. Whether we realize it or not, many of the battles are spiritually connected somehow, and we cannot win with just our own willpower. When facing problems, keeping calm is not enough. We cannot fight the enemy of our society with a darkness minded brains, nor can we carry on in our own strength. We need to relay and gain our strength from Almighty God. Through reading holy scriptures.

Remember every search begins with beginners luck. And every search ends with the Victor's being Severely tested.

Sometimes there is just no way back to hold the river, let it flow, let it shine, to withhold is to perish. Like A mango tree doesn't choose to whom to give Mangoes.

The following pages will provide encouragement, strength and inspiration to overcome whatever challenges you may be facing in your life, Regardless which type of "ship" wins at last!
