
What the fuck is she doing here?

-Uncle ben POV-

I waited for a while before he answered


"You listening to death metal or something" peter chuckles at that and my worry for him fades a little bit so i ask "what do you want?" I could hear a little shuffling and see him open the door and i get in before he closes the door and locks it "I want music and i can't find it" i nod at his question and brace myself before i say "Your dad..." He immediately looks away but i continue "...used to say if you don't like how something is, just do it yourself" my nephew seems to be confused by it as he asks me "What does that mean now?"

I smile and reach for the floor board beside his desk and pull it by a small nail sticking out, which reveals a secret compartment with a guitar case in it "What the hell that was in there this whole time and you didn't tell me?" Peter yells in surprise, i ignore my nephew for a second and pull the guitar out and am happy to see that it still looks good and is in mint condition.

As i get to tuning the guitar i ask him "So wanna sing a song Petey" he looks conflicted and embarassed but he gives in after some time and nods "You can record it." I say and he asks "Why?" I answer him "You can listen to it when i am not home to play the guitar" he nods and sets up a camera as i move towards the bed and sit on it as i play a few strings to get the hang of it "you used to play?" Peter asks and i nod as he sits down in front of the camera on the window.

I ask him "So which song do you want, I'll try to play if i know the song" he nods and stays silent for a second before he asks "Can we make a new one?" I nod and ask him to tell me how the music should be, i play for a few seconds and he seems to relax as he tries to get the music right and at last peter seems satisfied as he lies back and asks me to play.

As i play the music as he sings i couldn't help but admire his voice and at the end of the song he sleeps peacefully on the window so i bring him back to his bed and let him sleep before i go to my room and sleep too.

-Peter POV-

I wake up to the sun rays shining through the window and a relieved feeling in my brain, yesterdays emotions seem to have died with the song yesterday, but i feel a tiredness in my body that shouldn't be there. It's like a psychological tiredness which makes me lazy.

I do my daily deeds and look at the footage in the camera after having my breakfast and asking aunt may for a day off which she accepted after yesterday's fiasco and figuring out that i already know all the things they teach in school to worry about my studies anyway.

I was shocked to say the least that the footage looked gorgeous, i just set it up in a depressed stupor and somehow everything was coincidentally worked to make the footage look beautiful.

I listened to the song again and again and felt that the song was really cool, so i decided to make it the second upload on my channel and uploaded it quickly after a little bit of editing to make the song better. As YouTube's algorithm forgets people exist if they don't post content regularly and my channel isn't set in stone to follow a certain formulae, i can post anything in there.

I then leave my room and help aunt may prepare for lunch before grabbing my shoes and walking around the street looking for something to do. I feel a shadow go past me on the ground and look up to see what cast it, just in time to see a beautiful blonde jump across an alley from the top of one building to the opposite, she is followed by another girl and a boy as they continue running.

I ignore that and continue for a second but my mind kept going to that one second i saw her, it's not love but more like that feeling of longing to be somewhere, to see something, to experience it again, like seeing the sea for the first time, you wanna take one last glance before leaving cause you know you can't see it for the first time again.

So, i run into an alley and jump with my Spidey powers to catch and climb the ladder to the top of a building. Once I reach the top i start looking around and see the parkour people looking on while the blonde is doing some cool parkour moves and teaching them two buildings across.

I shout "HEEYYY" all three turn towards me and the blonde seems to be their leader as she shouts back "WHAT?" I shout my answer "I'm bored can I hang out with you" the blonde seems to talk to her friends before she turns and shouts "Not if you can't jump the gap" she points to the alley between the buildings, i look and shout "OK" and start running to jump across.

I could hear her panicked shouts of "Nooo wait" as i reach the edge of the building and jump with just enough force to land like they did before. I roll off the ground and continue running before jumping and clearing another alley after which i am standing in front of them.

"You asshole you could have atleast warned us" i looked at her beautiful face again and asked "warned about what?" She looked like she was talking to a dumb fuck as she said "That you fucking knew parkour, Duh" i look at her weirdly and say "But i don't know parkour tho" she nods her head and says in sarcasm "Yeah everyone can do 8ft jumps, it's not like you have to learn it am i right" i shake my head as i say "No, i actually saw you do it before i tried it".

She looks at me in disbelief as she asks "So you saw us once and did it?" Seeing me nod she said "i don't believe you" i wasn't going to back down so i said "What do I have to do?" she looks confused as she says "for what?" I look her in the eyes challenging her as i say "To make you believe" her eyes now have a glint as she sets the rules.

"Do a move i created first try, if you can do it i'll believe you" I nod as she starts running before jumping from one side of the terraces flower beds to the other side "That is a kong vault, if you can do it you win" i start running and do exactly as she did but miss the landing and had to roll rather than continue and run like she did.

"Damn" i hear and turn to her as she tells me "you definitely a beginner because i bluffed, everyone knows what Kong vault is and you almost did it, why didn't you continue after the roll" i walk with her towards the two kids as i tell her "I wanted to do it exactly as you did and you didn't roll so i thought i failed" she snorts at that and says "Yeah as if".

She looks behind her and gets startled before she grabs my hand and we start running away from the building across different rooftops. I look behind me to see why we were running and notice atleast 5 people running after us and her two friends are running right behind us.

We both jump another building and i notice that we are out of buildings to jump, she seems to notice that too as she mutters "Fuck" under her breath, i look around everywhere to find an escape even though i don't know why we are running and why they are following.

She gets my attention by grabbing my shoulder before saying "Look when they come here, i'll Tell them you're not with us and they might let you go after that but take the kids with you too"

The two kids reach us and even though the people following us are a few buildings away they'll catch up in a minute so i ask "Why are they after you again?" She sighs as she tells me "this what happens when bakeries pay gangsters to get rid of the thieves" i nod and say "oh" before forgetting it and looking for an escape but i quickly turn back and ask "wait thieves?" she looked desperate as she told me "They were hungry, please help them i'll hold them back" and pointed to the kids.

I nod and suddenly i am hit with a great idea to escape when i saw the fire hose near the solar panels, i start running to it and i grab the pipe as soon as i reach it and pull it to the edge of the building and start pulling more and more until the hose ended "What are you doing?" I turn to the blonde and say "something stupid" before making a lasso out of the hose and throwing it onto a really far crane. I don't think anyone other than me can even throw that far without Spidey powers but i cut the hose with a rock beside us off the building and ask the blonde "get on my back".

Even though it was a weird request but as the situation demands it she complied and i ask the boy to hold my arm and the girl to hang onto my neck from the front they too comply quickly seeing that the people that are after them landed on the building we are in and before they can protest i use my Spidey power to stick them all to me with static before jumping off the building.

As we fall down at full speed we all collectively shout but as we are half way down the hose goes taught as we swing across newyork traffic and we make a full arc upward on the opposite side before swinging back, we had to wait for the swing to slow down before i released the kids mid swing and their parkour training helps them land without injuries but now me and Billie have to wait until we swing back.

The kids run after they land to a nearby alley through the crowds witnessing us, me and the blonde fall down mid swing and evade the nearby officer coming to check up on us and run into the alleyways, as we are running for our lives she pulls me aside to hide behind some homeless mans cardboard houses.

"Where did the kids run off to?" I ask her in a whisper to not alert the cops looking for us, she turns to me and says "We have a meet-up place" i nod and we both stay silent until the cops go away but once they left she leans back on me and we both take a breath, this inevitably brings me to notice our position, as she is sitting in my lap and i can feel her butt pressing up against my rapidly hardening member(damn teenage hormones).

She looks to me and asks in a resigned tone "Do you have a phone?" I say "no" she asks "any kind of key?" I say "no" she looks at me with an uncomfortable face as she says "So i can confirm that the thing that's pressing up against my butt isn't a hotdog you have in your pocket" i stay silent for a second before setting my face to stone and saying "affirmative" she groans as she leans back on my chest.

"If it is any consolation, it's just a natural reaction" she tries to look up at my eyes as she says "duh, that's not the problem here. It's just soo cliche to fall ass first on the guy that saved my ass." 'Heh is that a pun', She whines as she continues "It always happens in those goddamn soapy romance, action movies and it's way too overused. Not that i am complaining about this"

She says as she starts moving her butt against me a little, while i am sitting there in confusion so i ask "So falling on my dick isn't the problem" she gets off of me and looks towards me as she says "No" i nod and we stay silent on our way to her meet-up spot.

We reached the kids and i introduced myself as i noticed we haven't done that due to the adrenaline filled stupor yet "Hi, i am Peter Parker" the blonde turns towards me "these two are bang and Susan..." She points to the boy and girl beside her and then turn to me as she says "...and i am Billie eilish."

What the fuck?
