
Frequency: Wounded Reflection

All Lukas wanted was to live a simple life with his family. But after a strange monster rampaged through his village, his simple life was torn to pieces. Later found by a member of an elusive group known as the Fortissimo, Lukas vowed to hunt down the monster and take revenge.

Plupps · แฟนตาซี
215 Chs


Lukas moved with confidence, knowing what would transpire in the immediate future. He ran toward the ghast, diving through and beneath its talons that aimed toward his chest. Narrowly, and only bare a hair at best, he avoided their shredding points.

Now beneath the ghast's lower body, he narrowly avoided the beast's hind legs and dived to the side, out of reach of every one of the ghast's immediate forms of attacks.

Three seconds had passed.

Lukas ran, he was free from the ghast's immediate attacks, but it was soon going to try and chase or attack him again. Lukas only needed to buy another second at most.

The ghast turned swiftly, its eye locked onto Lukas, his senses in turn quickly dulled. But that didn't matter.

To his left, Lukas caught a glimpse of Kai, his legs made completely of lightning. To Lukas, he only saw a flash of light.