
Free: A Mutiversal Adventure

After being crushed by his family's expectations, Jordan died of exhaustion. Follow him as he embarks on a journey of freedom. (Cover art does not belong to me the author, all credits go to the original artist)

GhoulKingJay · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Beginning of the end

Jordon Richardson was not the son that his parents wanted, they wanted his older brother Justin he was the perfect son athletic, smart, and incredibly charming while Jordan was more closed off, quiet, and less sociable than his brother. And as time passed his parents slowly began to show their bias towards Justin completely by excluding Jordan and by introducing Justin to their new friends as their only son.

Time would pass and this treatment would continue into their teen years when his family would be given the biggest shock of their lives, that Justin was dead. He had been out at a party with some friends and he got drunk and left with a girl. He drove drunk to a cheap and sleazy motel at the edge of the city where the sounds of sex filled the air alongside a faint odor of sex and filth.

That night would be filled with drunk passion as Justin spend his last night in that disgusting motel room. The very next morning the girl he was with woke up first as an ache ran through her body. She ran full speed to the bathroom where she hugged the dingy toilet bowl as she christened it with last night's regrets.

About 30 minutes later she would leave the bathroom feeling a little better, she would look at Justin whose ebony skin glisten in the soft morning light. She reached over and lightly touched his cheek which was cold to the touch, she jerked her hand back as a fearful look overtook her face.

She desperately attempted to check his pulse but she couldn't feel a thing, she starts to panic as her breathing goes ragged and her eyes begin to go glassy as tears are on the verge of falling. After struggling to resuscitate him she reached for her phone and shakily dialed 911 as the soft and calm voice of the operator hit her phone she finally broke down as she hysterically told the operator about her situation and about the fact that she had a dead body right next to her.



As the Officer finished explaining the circumstances of m brother's death I couldn't help but try to suppress a small smile that was threatening to expose my true feelings about the tragic death of my piece of shit brother. I had to practically hold my face still with my hands to prevent the brightest smile from etching its way onto my face.

I and my brother never say eye to eye for a plethora of reasons the chief of which was the fact that he was cruel vindictive and elitist especially when it came to me. In our youth, I was the more brilliant of the two of us as I easily surpassed my peers and established myself as a formidable genius my brother on the other hand was completely average and he despised the fact that our parents showered me with their fickle and conditional love. So he decided that if he could not surpass me in one way he would surpass me in another, he used his extroverted and social personality to spread rumors and lies about me which caused my peers to avoid and ostracize me on his behalf which allowed him to swoop in and play the protective older brother role.

The day he realized that he could use his influence and popularity as a weapon was the worst day of my life as he held sway in every circle in the school which allowed him to mess with grades and convince influential people in the school to work against me.

I was truly in hell when he was around which meant that when he was finally gone I could finally have a life worth living.

Too bad my parents crushed that hope into dust.

This is my first attempt at a published work, I hoep that you guys like it since it was very fun for me to write.

GhoulKingJaycreators' thoughts