
Frantic | J.JK

─⊹⊱☆⊰⊹─ You can feel his warm breath on your lips due to how close he is. His eyes locked onto yours. Both of you staring at each other as the tension rises. "We'll regret this in the morning." "I know." ─⊹⊱☆⊰⊹─ Jungkook X Reader started: 3.22.22 ended: ongoing!

zeldairll · วัยรุ่น
18 Chs


"You ready?" Amani asks and turns her head to face you.

You're now standing in front of a suburban home, interlocking hands with her, you take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. The music is so loud coming from the house that you could hear it from the sidewalk.

"Sure." Your response sounding hollow and uncertain.

"Great! Because we would still go even if you weren't!" And with that you're getting yanked straight through the lawn and into the door that had been left wide open.

Once you step foot in the house, your nose is clouded with the smell of alcohol. The music is so loud that your body can feel the vibrations with every beat.

"Okay they have drinks in the kitchen over there. You go get some for me and you while I go look for Taehyung." Before you could even object or speak, Amani already bolted out of your sight and disappeared into the crowd.

You let out a sigh of disapproval and make your way through people. Couples are making out with each other at random corners, people are dancing and grinding on one another. You hate parties. You always get so anxious and feel like you're too awkward for this type of scene.

You enter the kitchen and see the counter with drinks. You notice a guy leaning against the wall and taking drinks of his water bottle.

Weird. You don't usually see people just having a normal water bottle to drink during parties.

You start to poor some vodka into a plastic cup. You don't have a high tolerance for this stuff but you want to get drunk so you can forget about the whole fight with Jungkook. Or at least relieve some of the stress you were feeling.

You don't pour Amani a drink because you know she'll probably be too busy plotting on Taehyung to be drinking or having fun with you.

You walk out the kitchen and head to the huge living room where everyone basically was. The room was massive and the ceiling seemed like it could reach the moon from how high it was. You could even consider it as a living room more fit for a mansion.

You head to a random couch and sit down, sipping on your drink. You scan the area and spot the familiar brown haired boy. Jungkook.

You watch as he's talking to one of his friends and laughing about something. He seems completely fine and as if nothing is bothering him at all. You look away from the sight and start to drink more and more.

You want to forget and you want to just get rid of the feeling in your heart. The stupid feelings you feel for him and the stupid way you care for him. And the way that none of it is really stupid to you.

"Woah, you should probably slow down." A masculine voice next to you speaks. You slightly turn your head to the side to look at who it was.

It was the same guy from earlier who had been drinking water in the kitchen. His hair was black and his skin was pale. His jawline was defined and strong. His lips were plump and a soft pink. He was attractive to say the least.

"Why do you care?" You raise an eyebrow and take another sip from your cup.

"That's a good question. I actually don't care but i'm just looking out for you. Stranger to stranger." He smiles through a small laugh. You just blankly stare at him, your awkwardness creeping in.

"Oh okay. I'm Y/n by the way."

"I'm Jin. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. So why are you at this party?" You take a sip of your drink.

"Oh. I'm one of Taehyung's close friends so he invited me. Why are you here though?"

"I got dragged here because my friend has a huge cru—" You stop yourself from telling this stranger Amani's huge secret. "I just got dragged here by a friend. That's all."

"Is he the friend you're talking about?" Jin looks off in front of you guys and nudges his head towards the direction. You advert your gaze to see where he's looking and you make eye contact with Jungkook.

His sharp gaze is staring you down; observing. His eyes are fixated on you and Jin. There's an unreadable expression displayed on his face that you can't seem to sort out.

You roll your eyes and assert your attention back on Jin.

"No. Definitely not him."

"Well something is up. He seems like he would like to strangle both of us." Jin chuckles and takes a sip of his water.

"I want to strangle him." You grumbled.

"What happened between you two?"

"I'd rather not talk about it.." You trail off and down the last of your drink; already feeling drunk and not thinking straight. But to you, no thinking equals no hurt.

(3rd person Pov)

She downs the last of her drink and clenches the plastic cup which causes it to crumble. Jin watches her and raises an eyebrow.

"You're drunk, aren't you?" He asks.

"And if I am?" She leans back onto the sofa more and relaxes her body. He just observes her.

Her cheeks are flushed red and her eyes are glistening a bit, making them appear to sparkle. Her hair is messy and in her face which makes her look more of a mess right now.

"Maybe you should head home. It's not safe for you to be drunk and alone at a party." He suggests to her. Seriously, men in high school have got to be some of the biggest threats during parties. Especially to girls who are passed out drunk and alone.

"No! No! I have to stay for Amani." She waves her hand in Jin's face to dismiss his proposal. The smell of perfume and vodka mixed together is radiating off of her.

"Well, where is Amani?"

Before y/n could answer Jin's question she gets interrupted from a guy standing in front of her and speaking.

"Y/n are you seriously drunk?" The boy speaks to her. Immediately Y/n's eyes shoot wide open and she sits up, pushing the hair out of her face.

"No.." She crosses her arms over her chest and raises an eyebrow at him.

"Yes you are. Why the fuck did you drink, y/n? Now I have to drive you home and take care of you." He groaned in annoyance.

"You don't have to do shit for me, Jungkook. Amani will drive me home and take care of me." She hissed. Y/n was drunk and not in any place to argue with him right now. By the time morning would hit, she wouldn't have any recollection of this whole fight.

"Amani left like 5 minutes ago with Taehyung. She's not driving you home or taking care of you which means i'll have to do it!"

Y/n sits there dumbfounded and feels betrayed. Amani didn't even tell her she was leaving. In y/n's mind, Amani just earned worst friend of the year award for making her look so stupid.

"Why would Taehyung leave his own party?"

"That's what I was thinking too. But that's another problem to worry about, right now you're being a drunk mess and I have to take you home so get up and let's go." He demanded.

Jin had already walked away from being in the middle of this awkward argument. Y/n was too furious and upset to notice or say bye to Jin. All she wanted was to claw at Jungkook's face from how stupid he was making her feel.

"No. I'm not going home alone with you. The last thing I want to do is be in the same room as you. Not after how you rejected me and made me look so stupid." Y/n's voice got lower and softer at the last sentence. The alcohol intoxicating her head and making her speak the feelings she had been holding in the past couple days.

"How did I reject you?" His expression softens and he feels his heart get heavy.

"Jungkook I have these emotions for you that I've never had for anybody else. I don't know why I do, you're just an asshole and all you do is make me miserable but somehow the good things, the good moments, the laughs... they all make me feel warm and fuzzy inside." She stands up and is face to face with him. Blocking out the whole party and everyone else around them. Just focusing on him. On Jungkook.

The music and the other loud conversations around them seemed muffled. They both just stared at each other.

Y/n rests her hands on his shoulders and starts to lean into Jungkook's face.

Jungkook immediately faces his head in the other direction and takes a step back from Y/n; removing her hands off his shoulders.

"You're drunk and you're talking complete nonsense, y/n. I need some time away from you." He says before walking off into the crowd of the party and disappearing from her sight, leaving Y/n alone and feeling more stupid than she did before.



I know y/n seems so stupid right now and she's probably making you guys just as mad as she's making me BUTTTTT that just proves i'm doing a good job with my writing!! 😆