
Fragile, handle with care.

Every hearts are fragile, but hers was made of steel. When you've been hurt a couple times, you'll probably get use to the pain. For Beatrice Simons, it's probably the reason why she's a woman, with the heart of steel. Going around, breaking hearts. That's how things have been, but it wasn't the case in the beginning. She, herself was once fragile, and this is her story.

alvinna_163 · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Heart of steel

Inside an office floor, you could hear whispers from different directions. They've been talking about how cold-hearted this woman is, on the video they've been watching again and again.

There breathing stopped when they heard the elevator's ding, and a firm and loud sound erupted on their ears as her stilettoes hit the hard concrete floor. Even in walking, this specific person has her own way of making it her own and hers alone.

"I guess you all heard the news. My ex and I broke up, how dare he think of marriage. So, if you want to keep blabbering around, you all might as well go home and give me the pleasure of you resigning." Clear and firmly stated, she makes her way to her office.

This woman is no other than the infamous fashion and business guro, who own an empire of every business she can think off, Beatrice Simons. Aside from her wealth and being a wretchedly wicked hell smart of a woman, she's also known for her perfectly tarnished reputation as the country's heartbreaker.

She had and still is making a lot of men cry, I presume, even the opposite sex is affected. She labels men according to their capability in possibly helping her and her business grow, but if you don't have a single contribution, even if your face could topple the entire population, you're nothing to her.

As she makes her way to her swivel chair, and sat with a hint of elegance and proper etiquette. Her secretary then read her schedule for the day, or a re-cap since he already read it to her on their way to work. This handsome assistant is named Bernard, but she calls him—

"Ben, is that all for the day?" As you can see, she has trouble remembering names because she care less of things and people that can be easily replaced and is not of importance.

"Yes, madam." She nods and starts work as usual. She's with no family, nor friends. The only people she's in contact with are people within her scope of social status and business.