
Forgotten Masterpiece

[Cancelled] Come and read, it's free! Follow the journey of a young youth that searches for glory but finds only sadness.

FishyShu · อื่นๆ
3 Chs

Chapter 2, The Meeting with the Gray Furballs

Somewhere within the blue forest, a fight between two beasts was happening.

A big boar with a metallic hide fought against a tall creature with sharp, long ears, light gray skin, and exceedingly long arms that reached the mud below its feet.

The creature was undoubtedly a youthful elf who had lost his group.

The elf had beads of sweat on his face, and his breath was heavy. With one eye closed from the blue blood that dripped from a cut on his head, the elf was unfit to fight, especially something stronger than him.

The fight almost reached its end as the young elf lay on the ground, blue blood pouring from his side.

The boar was poised to finish its prey and be satiated, but then a loud roar echoed through the entire forest, the roar of a great beast.

But then, the roar was heard again, and this time, it sounded closer. The big boar ran away with small moisture in his eyes because he had to leave his prey behind.


Through the tall, slender forest, Fligar and Lyra walked happily, both with their own thoughts in mind.

The silence shattered when Lyra started to speak: "Fligar, do you think it is really okay for us to go so far?" "Last time we had Papa guide us through the bushes..."

"It's fine," Filgar replied in a calm voice.

"You don't have to worry, Papa has taught me how to swing `this thing right here," said Filgar with a small smirk on his childish face while swinging the silver ax, which his father gave him before they left.

The soft reddish hue of the red forest made the ax's bit shine with a bright yellowish glint, which made Lyra gasp in admiration at the beauty of her big brother's weapon.

"You know, sis, we might meet those tall elves, if you see them, just tell me, okay?" Said Fligar to Lyra, he knew the tall, gray-skinned elves called dark elves were their deadliest enemy within the blue forest.

Both walked through the woods and shortly after their adventure into the forest, they saw the boundary between the Forest of the Red and the Forest of the Blue.

Lyra was nevertheless baffled by the view from the boundary, even though she had already seen it on numerous occasions. It seemed as if God split the two woodlands apart with his finger and left. It was a truly strange spectacle.

(A/N: There is something similar to this within our world; search on Google or any other search engine "ocean border, not mixing" and you will be able to see many images and videos.)

"Every time I look at it, I still get shivers, you know." said Filgar.

Time flew by like the wind, and both were now crossing into the two forests.

Now standing in front of the dense blue foliage of the blue forest, Filgar and Lyra looked at each other, confirming with their gazes that they were moving forward with their adventure.

Lyra held her head high looking around with a gaping mouth, at that Filgar chuckled and said "You know if you keep your mouth open like you might swallow a fly", Lyra closed her mouth after hearing Filgar, she looked at him with lowered brows and a puffed cheeks.

"Stop quoting Papa", Lyra said with a sign of anger in her voice.

They both kept walking, sometimes stopping to look at unusual mushrooms and artistic-looking blue trees, but their little stroll ended when it started to rain.

"Why does it have to rain now!? Didn't Mama say no rain will befall until next week?", Lyra grumbled, "Hey! Filgar, didn't she?!", Lyra asked her brother as they both started to run through the forest in search of shelter from the rain.

"Yes, she did" answered Filgar boldly to his sister, "Then why is it raining!? She was never wrong before!" yelled Lyra while breathing short breaths, her legs started to ache from the pain of running, her head already picked the color of a beetroot.

"It's weird, maybe we should go back?" suggested Filgar, but before Lyra could answer he spotted a cave underneath a small hill.

"Lyra! I found a cave, come on!" he shouted.

They both entered the cave, with their wet clothes and sat down near the entrance while breathing heavily.

"Lyra, should we go back? Like mother is never wrong", asked Filgar.

Now taking a big breath, Lyra answered, "No way! we're so close to the green place, I want to see those white furballs again, they were so cute!"

Filgar huffed at that answer, "Yeah, let's continue, Papa is with Mama, so everything is -", a quiet snort made Filgar pause, "D-D-Did you hear that?" asked Filgar trembling voice.

Lyra nodded vigorously, "Maybe we should find a different place to hide -", another snort, but now louder than before, resounded from the cave.

"Maybe it's a dragon?" whispered Lyra.

"I heard from Papa that dragons love to sleep in enormous caves.", stated Lyra in a quiet tone, Filgar placed his finger on his cheek, and thought to himself:

'Big cave? Check. Sleeping in the middle of the day? Check. Treasure? Uh.. '.

"I think we should go and check, we might find lots of cool swords," said Lyra.

"Maybe we might find a sword like Tirfing?", Lyra said, she knew her brother well, and knew which buttons to press to get what she wants, and right now she wants to know what creature is hiding inside this strange cave.

Outside the rain stopped, and the sun peeked from the clouds.

Standing in front of the cave, our two young adventurers prepared to encounter a real dragon.

"Okay, the plan is simple.", said Filgar to Lyra before explaining the plan again.

"We go in, check if it is a dragon, if it's not, we run out before it wakes up, if it is a dragon", Filgar paused to breathe, "We look around for cool swords, take them, and run, got it?" asked Filgar.

Lyra nodded rapidly. "Come on, let's go in already!" she complains about the long wait and all the planning her brother is doing.

"Okay, let's go find cool swords!" Filgar said with a smile.


The sound of water hitting stone was heard by the man and his wife, both were arguing about something, and both were shouting at each other.

The man went into the bedroom and took out a steel sword, and unsheathe it.

The wife, had fear etched on her face, as her eyes widened and her mouth opened widely too.

"You can't do that!" she shouted at her husband, "You know there is nothing else we can do" he barked back at his wife, the arguing did not rest.

Muddy footsteps could be heard outside, and shortly after someone knocked on the door of the wooden hut.

"Open up! We know you're in there!", the shout echoed, and silenced the couple's fight.

The man moved his hand for the doorknob and opened the door.

He was greeted with a loud hiccup, "uh? Oh, sorry.", said the one that hiccuped as he hid the bottle of wine back into his clothes.

"ahem, sorry for the sudden visit, but can we have a cup of hot tea? It was raining cats and dogs a minute ago" asked a person from the group of black hooded people that stood in front of the entrance.

"No, you people are not welcome here, go awake and tell your damn captain that we won't help him." said the man in a way that sounded like he was reading from a script.

As the man closed the door, the person who had spoken earlier placed his foot in the way, not allowing it to close, "Oh come on now mann, we caame alll the way herre for her, we can't just leeave empty-handed" said the person jokingly.

The person stepped into the wooden hut, and the group of people behind him joined him and got inside, the man and his wife didn't look so pleased with their behavior.

"Get out, this is your last warning", said the man as he firmed his hold of the sword's hilt.

"Hehehe, let us commence the festivities, shall we?", said the person as he unhooded himself revealing his face.

Silence and blood filled the air of the wooden hut that day.

The table of the hut had 7 empty tea cups.

)-_-)> A/Q: Hello there dear reader! Whew! this one had a lot and isn't too long but damn am I making it Challenging for myself by treating this like a genuine work of art, anyway, it doesn't matter, what matters now is the future of the novel!

Originally, this was supposed to be a novel, not fanfiction, But guess who clicked on "fanfiction" and is too lazy to figure out how to change it? the answer is me :3c

I know this fan fiction isn't popular right now, but let's give it a shot, please suggest the world the MC should visit! Here is a small list I came up with:

*searches* for the list he made a week ago, oh here it is, ahem:

One piece

hunter x hunter


my hero academia

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

sword art online


Insert your suggestion

Oh boyo, another great chapter, I hope xd

Hope someone actully reads my work it's - Oh god it's 2 am, better sleep, good night <3

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