1 The Apple

The bible stated that Adam and Eve where created and man fell because eve bit the apple, but that's not the truth. Truth is, humans were created by us, the creatures of legends and horror stories. You see, the creatures most humans call horror story and fake..truth is were real. We've been around since before the creation of life in of itself. We began on a desolate, dark and deep void with nothing. My species was dying due to war and famine. It wasnt until one day, a scientist that humans fondly call God (real name was Armis) created a creature of bone and blood. "Humans we will call them. Well let them grow and then well feast. We will survive." He said to my fathers' father. However, soon my grandfather after living for 3 millenniums he fell in love with a human. Her name was Amelia. You see, we creatures, we lived so long in the dark that when we creatures saw the light it was beautiful and warming. The humanity came into our broken, desolated and cold bodies. Most rejoiced and began to lead lives with the humans we had created...others however craved the dark, deep and void of our ways. I am Princess Mira and I refuse to let the world wage war.
