
Forest of Lust

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

Chapter 13 You live with her?

Chapter 13 You live with her?

I didn't want to answer her question, but gave a nod. Then I ignored Tina, and went straight to May. Although May appeared quite suddenly, I was still very happy to see her as soon as school was over, giving me a feeling of being cared for, although I don't know why she even came to pick me up.

I walked over and May smiled brightly, and I was infected by her smile and smiled along with her while asking, "What brings you here?" May ruffled her hair and wrinkled her nose, flirtatious with a little cuteness. That moment I could hardly move my eyes. I instinctively forgot that she was a woman and a mother, I felt that she was more like a young girl, giving a very clean and simple feeling.

She opened the car door for me, while saying, "I have nothing to do at home, so I came to pick you up. What? you think I'm too nosy and don't like me to pick you up?" I blushed a little, my heartbeat also accelerated a little, but vaguely have a kind of excitement!

I hurriedly said, "Of course not, you come to pick me up, I love it. If you come everyday, it would be even better." After saying that, I also nervous up, looking at her expectantly, she smiled a little, nodded and said, "Alright, I will come to pick you up when I'm free."But her face became odd just as she said this, she frowned slightly and looked behind me and said, "Finn, is this young lady your classmate?"

I hurriedly turned around to see, it turned out to be Tina followed me, right behind me, She gently tugged on my clothes, showing intimacy with me. Without waiting for me to speak, Tina graciously stood out from behind me, walked up to May and introduced herself graciously, "Hello, I'm Tina, Finn's classmate."

May froze for a moment, then also extended her hand, shook hands with her, and also smiled, "Hi, my name is May, I'm Finn's sister-in-law."I don't know why, but when May said the words that she was my sister-in-law in front of outsiders, I didn't feel very comfortable. I could not hold my breath and said to Tina, "Go home Tina. May is here to pick me up. Take care of yourself on the way."

The last sentence came out, and I regret a little. By saying so, would it appear that Tina and I have something...? I looked back at May, who seemed to have little reaction, but instead kept smiling, and I felt a little bit of a faint loss. Tina frowned a bit and t looked at May, then at me, and said in a questioning tone, "She is your sister-in-law?"

I was impatient and gave a hint, ignoring her, and went straight into the car, closing the door behind me. I was quite rude, but I don't care. I only care about May's opinion. But what I didn't expect was for May to say to Tina, "Tina, where do you live? See if we are on the same direction and maybe I can drop you off?"

"May!" I immediately shouted out, but she glared, meaning to tell me not to speak, I felt awkward, watched Tina nod and happily drill in. And guess what, May also said to me, "Go sit in the back." I said irritably, "Why?"

May said, "Because it's called politeness. Your classmate is in the back, and you have to talk to her." I really couldn't understand what kind of politeness this was, and subconsciously wanted to retort, but seeing the look in May's eyes, I could see that she was serious, so I had to sit in the back resentfully.

Tina is very happy, and has been actively chatting with me on the way. With May being present, I can not be too cold, but I really hate this... I feel for the first time that the road home is so long, as if it is like years, and I have been secretly peeking at May's face, and every time I found that she is acting calm, I was very lost.

Tina's home is not far. After she got off, I was relieved. May paused for a while, smiled and said to me, "Finn, I can't see that you are not bad at being with girls. That Tina is quite good looking." May was ambiguous in both her eyes and tone, not ambiguous towards me, but laughing at the ambiguity between me and Tina.

I, of course, retorted, "No, she and I are just ordinary friends, it's none of my business whether she's pretty or not. May, don't get the wrong idea!" However, May's expression was obviously not convinced, she laughed a little, and the next sentence directly made me jump up, "She likes you, right?"

"No way!" I got excited, "I, she, she ..." I would love to say something, but words are poor and I can not think of anything that can express.

I looked at May's grinning face, and suddenly my heart went cold. At the same time, I also felt pain, followed by a kind of discouragement. Yes, she is my sister-in-law. It's normal of her to think this way.

I remained silent.

She seems to have suddenly become very nosy, always asking me how her grades are, how she met me, and how long we've been going home together. I didn't want to answer her, but I did so in good conscience, and almost lyingly. I don't know if it was my hallucination, but her expression was always a little strange, and I couldn't see through it.

Time sometimes flies. The ordinary life will always pass unnoticed.

Strange feelings developed between May and I in these three months. I see May every day and face to face. But I can not touch her heart, as if, she has been deserted. A person in front of my eyes, but her heart is in the other end of the world. I am not a fool, in fact, I can feel, she is always thinking about Patrick, her heart is always tied to him.

I remember very clearly that a week before I found out about my cousin's accident, I almost got into May's bed! The three months of cohabitation, between a young man and a young sexy sister-in-law, how much ambiguity will occur? If you have not experienced, then you will never know.

This three months, I had wet dreams more than my past three years. For example, when May was doing housework, she wore thin clothes. I was watching TV on the sofa, she bent over to mop the floor in front of me, my eyes stretched to see the scenery inside her clothes, the blinding snow white. I could not move my eyes.

On one occasion, May was taking shower. But she forgot to take her clothes, so she called me through a frosted glass door to help her. She did not know that when she pressed against the frosted glass door, I could almost see her whole body. That time I had a nosebleed.

How do I say I almost got into bed with May, I'll tell you slowly.

This is the case, that day I was in the room to do homework. It was about 10 o'clock, I was thirsty, so I went out to the hall to drink water, I finished and deliberately went to May's room to see if she came back. It was 10 o'clock at night and she did not come back, I was really a little worried.

However, when I was ready to call her, suddenly there was a knock on the door, a little sudden, and I was startled. I hurried to open the door, it is May, and her friend. I know this woman, she is a colleague of May, Suzy Mayer. May is lying unconsciously on her. Seeing me open the door, she pulled out a sigh of relief, whining, "Damn, finally, I'm exhausted. Finn, don't just stand there, come and help May inside, she's heavy, I can't hold on anymore."

I hurriedly took May from her shoulders, only to come up and immediately smell alcohol! May drank, and drank a lot. Why would she drink so much? I picked up May and helped her to the sofa, she was quite drunk, a little unconscious, moaning constantly, "Wine, more wine."

Suzy is a young woman of about 30 years old, and May sometimes hung out with her. She sat limply on the sofa, in a big mouth gasping for air. I poured her a glass of water and asked, "Mrs. Mayer, how come she's so drunk?"

She took a breath and slowly calmed down before she said, "The company party, May was acting fine in the begging. But later she heard something from another colleague and started to drink and cry. I had no choice but to send her back."

I'm a little confused because May is such a quiet person. How will she drink so much in front of so many people? I was just opening my mouth to ask while Suzy Mayer stood up, patted my shoulder and said, "It's very late, I need to go home. You take good care of her, alright?"

She walked to the door and suddenly turned back, with an odd face, "By the way, after your cousin left, You and May live all alone?" My heart pounded. Of everything I'm afraid of, that's the worst I fear that someone would ask about.

I did not know how to answer her, because this is the truth, I had to try to act more naturally to say, "Yes, I study in the nearby Junior high school, so I live in the their house."Her expression is still a bit odd, and can even be described as a kind of ambiguous. A guy and his sister-in-law living alone together. It is indeed easy to occur misunderstanding.

But she didn't say much, "Oh, never mind. Just take care of her", Then left.