
The Baby Tiger

In the dark forest at the bottom of the Southern Black Sea, Princess Qamari sat on her silver rafter as she held the baby tiger in her arms, cautiously picking up a cracked coconut in an attempt to feed the little beast.

It had been quite a while since she took the baby tiger from the beast infested nest, but ever since she brought him away, the little creature refused to eat anything.

"Come on, baby tiger. I know that you want to be with your mother, but we cannot bring her back from where she went. You should at least eat and drink well to not make her worry. How do you think your mommy will feel if she finds out that you are starving yourself?" She gently coaxed.

But the stubborn creature refused to obey. Its clear gold eyes stared into the darkness, a forlorn, sorrow filled emotion flickering within the golden depths.

She knew that it knew it would never see its mother again.
