
Foreboding Storm

In the seven realms of the Asirian Universe, continents and kingdoms fall under the jurisdiction of empires that control realms. Although realms have the power to interfere in the political, military, and economic policies of kingdoms and continents under their rule, national treasures, or treasures significant to specific kingdoms that are highly known and priceless cannot be wrested away by realms as it would result in the combined retaliation and wrath of all remaining realms. However, they could be exchanged in the form of dowry or betrothal gift between kingdom to kingdom, kingdom to realm, and or realm to realm. Jinn Kingdom, a small kingdom within the Iris Realm, weakest among the seven realms, faces destruction when the existence of a national treasure within the country is made known to the entire Asirian Universe. In order to avoid disaster while at the same time gain benefit, the ministers of the Isles of Eve decide to form marriage alliance with a powerful empire, using the national treasure as dowry. Amidst the struggle for survival in the Jinn Kingdom of the Eastern Desert in the Southeast Zenom Continent of the Isles of Eve, appear two cousins, Princesses Nari and Qamari, who because of the "golden bird" treasure in their Jinn Kingdom, known for its myth to bring prosperity and wealth, become prospective brides to the two outstanding princes of the Amayan Empire, Crown Prince Lail and his cousin Prince Noore. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Awards- WPC#229 - 1st Place Gold Tier ------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow me on my socials! Early releases on Patreon, sneak peeks on Instagram, fun activities, contests, and chats on discord. Patreon: patreon.com/Raising_Moon Discord: https://discord.gg/6kEsGuaqfg @ raising_moon#3913 Instagram: @ raising__moon Follow any of my socials to connect with me! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ***Other Novels In The Storm Series:*** Brewing Storm- Ongoing Thrilling Storm- Ongoing Shrouding Storm- Coming Soon Devastating Storm- Coming Soon Chilling Storm- Coming Soon Etherealing Storm- Coming Soon Cover Edited By Family Member Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved.

Raising_Moon · แฟนตาซี
199 Chs

Late Night Drama

"Ahhh!" The frightened shriek pierced through the night, startling the boisterous crowd in the mansion.

Instantly, the ambassadors in the main hall and chattering females in Princess Qamari's room, went quiet as they stopped in the middle of their conversation, looking at one another in confusion, wondering what was going on.

"What happened out there for there to be such a cry at this time of night?" After a moment of silence, an ambassador in dark green wool clothes unique to the Erumi realm asked.

"We should go and find out just to make sure it is not something too serious." Second the envoy from Janah realm, the concern evident in her voice.

With two of the ambassadors from the six realms suggesting to check-out the situation, the rest of the group unanimously stood up and went out of the main hall, heading towards the princesses courtyard.

The ladies with Princess Qamari also flowed out of the room together as they followed the source of the scream to Princess Nari's room, secret joy hidden in the depths of their eyes as they hoped for the princess set to marry the Crown Prince to have met with an accident that postpones the wedding.

Princess Qamari stayed behind as she did not want to take part in whatever drama was going to take place. Moreover, she liked the quiet and thinking of the fact that she could not go outside until the morning of the wedding, decided respecting tradition was more important and she continued sipping her tea.

At this moment the envoys arrived at the princesses courtyard and encountered the ladies that were also heading towards Princess Nari's room.

"We heard a scream and came to find out what happened. Is everything okay here?" The Janah envoy asked the leading female, who was the lady that started ridiculing the princesses the moment she entered the room.

"We do not know. The scream came from Princess Nari's room who left a little while ago to get some air, but she still has not returned and we were just headed over to find out what happened when we heard the scream." The lady replied in a concerned tone, seemingly worried about the princess.

Crown Prince Lail frowned, slight worry in his eyes upon learning the scream came from Princess Nari's room, who was absent.

"Okay, let's head over together then." The envoy touched by the girls' consideration, gently said.

As such, the large crowd, headed by the Regent Prince, Crown Prince, and envoys from the six realms, appeared inside Princess Nari's living room. Seeing no one in the area, the ladies hid their disappointment at not finding anyone while the female envoys decided to enter the princess's room to make sure that she was alright.

The Regent Prince and Crown Prince with the rest of the ambassadors stood aside to let them through.

However, before the envoys could even move, a servant girl with a horrified expression and pale face ran stumbling out of the bedroom. Seeing the crowd gathered in front of the room, her eyes widened, her legs trembled, as she fell on her knees and lowered her head.

"What is going on here? Why did you come running out from the room like that? Is the princess okay?" The female envoy questioned with a frown. She could not help feeling something was horribly wrong as she watched the servant's fearful expression.

When the Crown Prince heard this question, he, along with the rest of the envoys looked at the servant as well. It was obvious that they too were curious and wanted to know what happened.

But the maid only kept trembling, not daring to lift her head or open her mouth.

Fed up with her mute act, the lady leading the women walked past the female envoy that was about to enter the room, giving the kneeling servant an ugly look as she passed, and entered the room. What greeted her sight was the torn clothes of male and female disorderly thrown about the room. Two figures were entangled together on the big mahogany bed as the scent of musk filled the air. Without needing to ask anyone else, it was clear to her what had happened.

"Ahhh!" The lady screamed before running out of the room, shock, and disbelief in her wide eyes as she shakily threw herself in the arms of a lady friend.

"In the room! the princess, the princess, the princess is in bed with a man!" She loudly exclaimed with horror in her voice, as if not able to accept the truth of what she saw. However, she was secretly snickering in her head, looking forward to watching the drama and defamation of the princess that was about to marry the Crown Prince of Amaya.

Both were the princesses of powerless kingdoms, yet why does one get to marry the Crown Prince of the great Amayan Empire while the other has to make do with the sons of ministers in her tiny kingdom? Thinking about the great difference between the destinies of the two, she could not help but feel resentful. It was great now. Not only was the princess not going to marry the Crown Prince, but because of such a scandalous affair, no man would want her in the future. The more she thought about the princess's bleak future, the more excited she got.

The surroundings immediately turned silent. Everyone was dumbstruck as they processed what they heard. The princess that was to wed the Crown Prince was in bed with another man. Everyone looked at Crown Prince Lail with a strange expression on their face.

"What did you say?" The Crown Prince gloomily asked. He could sense the gazes that were suddenly fixed on him, silently mocking him, yet he could not feel anything. He felt chills spreading down his spine as they turned his entire body numb. His ears rang as only one sentence repeatedly resounded in his head.

"His future Crown Princess Consort was in bed with another man." His eyes turned cold as anger, as hot as a blazing inferno unfurled in his mind.

Before the lady could repeat what she said, the Crown Prince followed by the Regent Prince and King Jinn went past the crowd and entered the room. What they saw left them speechless. The princess of Jinn was in bed not just with anyone, but with the Crown Prince's own cousin, Prince Noore. Crown Prince Lail looked at this scene with deep, dark eyes, before turning to leave with an indifferent expression on his face. Inwardly, he sighed with relief.

Although he never showed it, the fact that his future Crown Princess was involved with his cousin bothered him. But since the marriage was just a political one, he felt he did not have the right to expect or demand loyalty and faith from someone he barely even knew. Moreover, without conclusive evidence, if he disclosed the two's relationship, he would only be embarrassing himself. Upon hearing the princess was in bed with someone, he gave the impression of being displeased but was actually secretly glad. Being cheated on now was better than getting cheated on after marriage. It was good this way. With everything out in the open now, he would not have to marry Princess Nari in the name of alliance anymore.

Leaving the room, Crown Prince Lail directly went out the door, leaving the living room and courtyard as well. The people in the living hall looked at one another dumbly as they watched the Crown Prince leave without saying a word. Immediately after, they started chattering in confusion.

"The Crown Prince must be feeling really disappointed." The lady commented, breaking the whispers in the hall.

ON hearing what she said, everyone was suddenly enlightened and looked at one another in shock.

The princess of Jinn really cheated on the Crown Prince Lail of Amaya.

Most of the ladies could not describe their feelings. They did not know whether they were angry or excited. After all, it was not an everyday matter that the Crown Prince of a great empire like Amaya gets cheated on. However, the person doing the cheating was one who was not even worthy of holding his shoes.

The most traumatized person of this whole ordeal was Lumos, who immediately ran over upon hearing that something happened with Princess Nari. On seeing the dark gem on the dining table and hearing the murmurs of the envoys and guests at the scene, he was beyond despair. As he silently stood in the corner, his eyes filled with pain and remorse. If he knew that bringing the item to Princess Nari would result in such an outcome, he would have thought of another way to stop or postpone the wedding, before eloping with the princess.

Unfortunately, the item he brought for the Crown Prince to place and catch him in an embarrassing and shameful situation to break the marriage left him unscathed. Instead, it was Princess Nari who became the culprit of his conspiracy.

"Why? Why did this happen? Everything will be ruined now!" Lumos silently howled in his mind.

Unbeknownst to him, there was also a Prince Noore who was also planning on using Princess Nari to defeat Crown Prince Lail. So the marriage of the Crown Prince and Princess Nari breaking was almost impossible as Prince Noore would have done everything possible to prevent the two's arranged marriage from breaking.

Princess Nari woke up bleary-eyed, holding her head. She did not know where she was and could hear the voices of people talking and yelling. An urgent sense of danger gripped her, and her mind quickly cleared. She turned around to find a man lying beside her with his clothes in disarray. Looking down, she saw her clothes were equally untidy.

She heaved herself into an upright position. She remembered everything. She and Prince Noore were chatting happily when she started feeling warm. And before long she was tearing Prince Noore's clothes as he tore hers. After that, she blacked out. However, by the angry shouts and yelling happening outside, she did not need to ask to know that everyone knew everything that happened here.

Shuddering involuntarily, she panickily shook Prince Noore awake, who was still half asleep.

"Wake up, your highness. There is a big problem." She screamed, pulling on his arm forcefully.

Not getting any response, she picked up a water jug, before splashing the whole content on the prince. If it was the normal time, let alone splashing water, she would not have even dared to spill a drop of water on him. Unfortunately, this was no ordinary time.

Suddenly being splashed with cool water, Prince Noore jumped awake with anger and wrath on his face. Just as he was about to start interrogating, Princess Nari started crying pitifully.

"Your highness, what are we going to do?" And then, she narrated everything that happened between them, everyone finding them together and the crowd gathered outside.

"If you are awake, your presence is requested by the Regent Prince, your Highnesses." A maid came in and informed them, looking at the two with scornful eyes as she left.

"Set to marry one man and sleeping with another. This princess's character is very questionable." She thought disdainfully.

This is a little bit of a long chapter. Enjoy!

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