
Chapter One

Chapter One: Fall of the Yoshida Clan

*Traditional Japanese music plays in the Background*

At night time a party can be seen held in front of an old Temple

"Hey Kami, you're fifteen now. You've come of age and can now receive the Yoshida Clans' Blessing. "

Hold back your tears, old hag, we don't want you flooding the whole place up with tears now, do we?

"You little brat, that arrogance of your will bring you nowhere, but I can't help but wonder what type of blessing you'll receive. I mean, with your superhuman strength, once you awaken your Force energy, you'll be practically Unstoppable. One more thing during the ritual you will feel relieved like nothing else matters and everything revolves around you "

Thanks for ruining the surprise old hag oh and… Before Kami could continue, he was abruptly interrupted as the Clan Leader seated inside the old Temple had called for him. Everyone immediately went silent as he walked into the Temple. The Clan Leader nodded at him, which meant he could sit. He then proceeded to sit at the side opposite to the Clan Leader.

"Kami Yoshida, from the day you were born the Yoshida Clan has watched over you the achievements you gained along the way outletting outstanding physical prowess and will to Survive, but your Journey doesn't end here for it has only just begun. Today you'll be receiving the Clans Blessings and be granted a skill, one which will unlock your limitless potential. Let the ritual begin. "

Immediately everyone present started chanting 天の祝福を受ける (ten no shukufuku wo ukeru). Slowly a Bright Magic like circle was being engraved in the Sky then a Human like spirit fell out of the circle which initially shocked everyone because they were used to seeing a Beam of light but they brushed it off thinking it was something special this time around in the meantime Kami was unaware of what was going on as he had to close his eyes and concentrate on the ritual. What's this feeling It's nothing like what that old hag mentioned It's like the emotions of someone else is rapidly running through me my body unsciously being shared with someone else and the emotions of defeat sadness and mostly anger these emotions definitely aren't mine at this rate I might just lose my mind Kami thinks.

"Kami! Kami! Kami! "

I'm awake I'm awake Where am I and what's with all the noise… Kami looks around in utter horror of what he just saw before him. The entire village was up in flames and the Clan warriors were fighting the rival Clan Yato

"We have to go quickly! "

As they run Kami is still visibly shocked seeing everyone he thought of as Family die enraged him and he tries to run toward the Yato Clan warriors but then he's stopped by Jinbei (the old hag)

"I understand your angry trust me when I say I would love to kill everyone member of the Yato Clan without a shred of Guilt but we were ambushed but going in now would be suicide"

Kami turns his head to Jinbei and says I don't give a damn shit about who they he then proceeds to bring out his dagger hidden behind his back "Quick Manuver" Kami dashes towards his opponents while moving around unpredictably he kills every member of the Yato Clan the Leader of the Ambush sees this and gets ready for a fight Kami looks at him with a killing Intent and the opponent hesitates in that split second Kami closes the gap between him and his enemy before killing him.

I would like to know everyone thoughts on the Novel comments are appreciated.

Zephyr_Pendragoncreators' thoughts