
Chapter 1: LECIA the Sly Brat

WARNING: Extreme acts of violence and offenses, as well as mild language, may occur in this web novel. Viewer discretion is advised.

Otternick Estate, East Garden during the Early Afternoon


"Young miss! Your new sundress!" A 17-year-old maid scurried over to the little 10-year-old to wipe off most of the water.

"What are you doing?" The little brat asked. The maid had pulled out a large bathing towel from her apron pocket to wipe the water off the young miss' dress. The sundress was lime green with white polka dots held up by straps from the shoulder and went down to the little girl's knees. "Are you stupid?"

"No, miss, I believe I'm not." The maid said with hints of annoyance.

"Then why are you using a bathing towel, Nanny? Do you know what 'bathing' means, Nanny~?"

"MISS. For the last time, my name is NANCY, not NANNY." With a final wipe, the maid restuffed the bathing towel into her apron pocket. It looked as if she were pregnant.

"Naughty Nanny!" The dark-haired child shouted. "You've defiled my brother!

"Huh? Wha… stop saying such random lies, you little brat!" The maid snapped. 'Shoot… I'm as good as dead now…' She thought.

The little miss kept quiet. A bad sign. "Erp." The maid uttered as she just realized the gravity of what she'd just done.

The child turned around slowly and walked to the fountain. But instead of stopping at fountain edge, she walked into the fountain, getting her sundress wet again. She squatted down and faced the maid. Putting her hands together in the water, she set up for a water squirt.

"Get over here, Nancy."

The young miss' stare wasn't a child's, in truth, anything she did wasn't like a child's. They all had an ulterior motive. She wasn't an ordinary child, she was the Otternick's perfect child. The Otternick who was practically born to show off her talents and remind other nobility just how high above the Otternick family was.

"N-no." Nancy knew what'd happen. She'd get too close, get splashed in water and then the tiny devil would scream for the Sire. When the boss comes in, she'll make up some outrageous lie and Nancy would be fired on the spot.

That couldn't happen. That wouldn't be an option for Nancy. Her father had disowned her just a year ago for breaking off an engagement to her father's best friend's son. Because she had fallen in love with the young master of the Otternicks, Dai Ellis Otternick. He was a famous heartthrob, kind and handsome, nobility and common folk alike were in love with him. After getting disowned, Nancy had run off to work at Otternick Estate.

Nancy believed she was good enough for the famous young master. She was pretty, with her naturally wavy brunette hair and doll-like emerald green eyes. She had a curvy body shape and was good at socialization. Her friends always showered her with compliments and she had more than 20 thousand followers on ShareSnap. She had experience as a daycare teacher. In less than a week, she whipped them into shape, so that was points to impress the young master and curry favor with the young miss.

Quickly, she was promoted to the main house as the young miss' personal maid. Nancy could finally meet her beloved Dai. There was just one problem. The young miss liked to hog her brother all to herself. Multiple servants, both maids, and valets were fired due to the young miss' elaborate schemes. Nancy had watched multiple leave crying their hearts out.

Never would it occur to the lovesick Nancy that she might be one of those who would leave with their hearts stomped by the young miss. But with the situation right in front of her, she grew fearful. "N-no, I won't." She repeated. There was nowhere left for her to go if she was fired.

"Fine. You've forced my hand."

The child had said it with such conviction and reassurance, chills ran down the maid's spine. There was something terribly wrong with the young miss and Nancy knew she couldn't do a thing. The young miss stood up and turned to her side.


With an expressionless face, she fell head first into the fountain water.

Two hours later, she awoke in her bed, another maid beside her. "W-what happened to Nancy?" The girl pretended to panic.

The ginger-haired 20-year-old maid next to the young miss exclaimed, "Why, that monster!? She tried to drown you, poor child! Are you alright, little miss? Should I get some tea? And yes, we fired that witch, if you're asking."

"O-Oh, s-so I-I'm safe n-now, right?" Crocodile tears welled up in the little child's eyes.

The maid brought the act at once. "Of course!"

After getting more info from the maid, the young miss sent her away.

This was the 8th. The 8th servant fired because of the young miss, Lecia Tashi Otternick.

'It wasn't my fault,' Lecia liked to believe so. 'They were too lovesick, so it was my job to drive them away. Well, it's partly big brother's fault too, but I'd never rat him out for that. He's just too likable and handsome.' It had nothing to do with the fact that just about everyone working for the Otternicks had some extent of like towards the young master. Nor the fact that only the ones who snapped on the young miss were the only ones that left. Nothing she believed.

And so, she got herself out of bed and continued her day as usual.

If you ever find yourself as a servant in the Otternick Estate, if you want to stay, the secret rule is to never make the young miss think you're bossing her around.

I had rewrite most of chapter 1... bad note to start off a book with. I absolutely HATE rewriting my chapters. I'm super bitter right now and I don't have snacks to calm me down.

I'm trying to make a cover, but my digital art skills suck.

My schedule: Whenever I can, maybe once every 2 months? I'm gonna be uploading volumes at a time though, so some updates may take longer because they're longer arcs.

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