
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (F.I.F.A.)

???: Hey Liam I saw that strange thing north of that tree lets go we are almost there.

Liam: Michael there better be something here, I should be going hunting with father now.

Michael: There is something there I'm telling you I already saw I just didn't want to touch it but I guarantee it is something incredible that can change our lives.

Michael and Liam were from the village Varnix. There Father is the current Chief of the village. No on knew how big the land they were on was, the only knowledge they had was 100 years ago there was a "Great Cataclysm". It was said that when it happened the sea rose and swallowed most of the land and the village was on the last Land in the Planet. No one in the Varnix village ever saw the sea because it was in the center of the land. It was later found out that The land was very big but was surrounded by large mountains blocking the sea. No one complained because this was all they knew, currently there was five villages in the center of the land and these villages formed a circle.

Right now the younger brother Michael was carrying the older brother Liam to a cave that he found. When they finally reached the cave Liam heard Michael saying "Yo Liam we reached and once you see what is inside you will be thanking me for bringing you here". Liam just just shook his head while the two brothers walked in and when Liam reached inside he was shocked at what he saw. At the back of the cave, just lying on the ground was a metallic egg. The brothers looked at this egg like the strangest thing they ever seen, Michael turned to his Liam and said "See I was right imagine whatever hatches from this egg will be magnificent". Liam jumped in shock "MICHAEL ARE YOU CRAZY? what are we going to do with a metallic egg, it's useless but even if it hatches an animal it might be something dangerous". Michael just ignored his brother and walked to the egg because he expected this reaction from Liam since the beginning.

When Michael reached the egg he inspected it and was surprised to see a small part protruding in the back of the egg. He ignored Liam's shouting behind him and bent down to push the protruding part. Even before pushing it when his fingers touched it, Something scratched his finger and bled a little, he was startled and jumped back. Liam was ready to berate Michael for not listening bit as his mouth open the the egg started to make noise and it what looked like egg shells started to move and smoke started to come out.

After a round of anxiety the egg shell opened out into a metallic sheet that laid on the ground. When the brothers looked on the sheet was a screen with the words FIFA on it. Liam spoke first "What do you think it is this fifa thing.", Michael just looked at his brother and smiled. Michael bent down and picked up the screen it was so small for the big egg it was In, the whole thing fit within the palm of his hand.

Michael pressed the FIFA on the screen and a projection came out of the the screen showing different events in football. Michael and Liam were so shocked they couldn't say anything and they didn't do anything they just stood there with the mouths hanging open. What came next made Michael drop the screen back on the metallic sheet because a female voice came out of it saying:-

???: FIFA stands for "Fédération Internationale de Football Association" and is the international federation governing association football. Would you like to know the History of Football or the History of FIFA.

Liam: Miss who are you and how are you speaking from that thing or are you stuck inside of it?

???: My name is Iris I am an A.I. and I was created to keep the Sport of Football alive. I am not stuck in this device I am this device..

Michael: Ok Iris can you tell us why you are here who created you and what is this thing called football.

Iris: I was created by Harris and Jane Foster,, my data banks only stored football history and anything related to football. Do you want to know about football or FIFA.

Liam: Iris let's hear about football first what is it I heard you call it a sport.

Iris: Very well, Football (Soccer) is one of the oldest sports in the world and with that; it's also one of the most recognised. The pinnacle of the international game comes in the form the Football World Cup. There are also tournament such as the Euro Championships, Copa America and the African Cup of Nations. Domestically the strongest leagues come from England (English Premier League), Spain (La Liga), Italy (Serie A) and Germany (Bundesliga). In parts of the world the sport is also known as Soccer.

Michael: Ok but what is the object of the Sport.

Iris: The aim of football is to score more goals then your opponent in a 90 minute playing time frame. The match is split up into two halves of 45 minutes. After the first 45 minutes players will take a 15 minute rest period called half time. The second 45 minutes will resume and any time deemed fit to be added on by the referee (injury time) will be accordingly.

Michael: Oh so what are the players and do you anything to besides players for this sport?

Iris: Each team consists of 11 players. These are made up of one goalkeeper and ten outfield players. The pitch dimensions vary from each ground but are roughly 120 yards long and 75 yards wide. On each pitch you will have a 6 yard box next to the goal mouth, an 18 yard box surrounding the 6 yard box and a centre circle. Each half of the pitch must be a mirror image of the other in terms of dimensions. Essentially the equipment that is needed for a soccer match is pitch and a football. Additionally players can be found wearing studded football boots, shin pads and matching strips. The goalkeepers will additionally wear padded gloves as they are the only players allowed to handle the ball. Each team will have a designated captain.

Liam: You are constantly speaking of scoring but how do you score.

Iris: To score the ball must go into your opponent's goal. The whole ball needs to be over the line for it to be a legitimate goal. A goal can be scored with any part of the body apart from the hand or arm up to the shoulder. The goal itself consists of a frame measuring 8 feet high and 8 yards wide.

To win you have to score more goals than that of your opponents. If the scores are level after 90 minutes then the game will end as a draw apart from in cup games where the game can go to extra time and even a penalty shootout to decide the winner. Players must use their feet to kick the ball and are prohibited to use their hands apart from goalkeepers who can use any part of their body within the 18 yard box.

With all the information the Varnix brothers got they started to feel dizzy, so they decided to pack up the metallic sheet with Iris and go back to the Village. While on the way home they were both excited thinking to themselves that this will be the start of a new era.