
Flying griffins

World of magic and supernatural. Find knights and swords masters ruling the world. world will change and the Griffin brothers will challenge everyone with there powers and teamwork.

pysc2000 · แอคชั่น
14 Chs

Coronation Of New king

In the heart of the Griffin Kingdom, within the grand castle of the royal family, a young boy sat in contemplation. His appearance was strikingly similar to how he used to sit in the quiet village, except now, he bore the title of the second prince. The transition from a humble village life to the castle had been a significant change, but his essence remained unchanged.

From his room, he had a view of the castle courtyard, and today was a day of great importance – the day of his father's coronation ceremony. As the nobles, dignitaries, and guests began to arrive, the courtyard bustled with activity. The boy watched silently from his window, the anticipation of the ceremony building within him.

As he gazed out at the courtyard, a familiar presence joined him in the room. He didn't need to turn his head to know who it was; he could feel their presence. It was Jake his older brother, they are now new princes of the kingdom.

The two brothers shared a unique bond forged by their shared experiences and the challenges they had faced together. Despite their differences in age and personality, their connection ran deep.

Without a word, they stood side by side, watching the guests arrive and the preparations for the ceremony. There was a sense of unity among them, a silent understanding of the responsibilities they carried as members of the royal family.

The second prince's thoughts drifted to the momentous events of the day. Their father's coronation would not only mark a new chapter for the kingdom but also set the stage for their own destinies. They were heirs to a legacy that carried great weight and expectation.

As the people gathered outside the castle to witness the ceremony, the two brothers knew that their roles as princes came with both privileges and responsibilities. The kingdom's future rested in their hands, and they were determined to fulfill their duties with honor and dedication.

In the quiet moments before the ceremony began, the two brothers shared a glance that conveyed their unspoken commitment to one another and to the kingdom they would one day rule. With hearts filled with anticipation, they awaited the moment when their father would be crowned as the new king, marking the beginning of a new era for the Griffin Kingdom.

As the two younger princes, Jake and Luke, made their entrance into the grand ceremony hall, all eyes turned towards them. Their arrival was a spectacle that drew the attention of every guest, from noble lords and ladies to the humblest of guards. It wasn't just their royal status that captivated the onlookers; it was their striking appearance, a perfect blend of their mother and father's regal features.

Linda, their mother, had already arrived earlier with her husband, King Roger. She now sat beside him, exuding elegance and grace. She had ascended to the role of the new queen of the kingdom, a position she embraced with poise and dignity.

In the front row of the hall, the Griffin family awaited the most significant moment of the day—the crowning of King Roger. Their father, King Edmund, was seated beside Linda, his expression a mix of pride and contentment.

The hall was adorned with opulent decorations and lined with nobles in resplendent attire. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and a sense of unity and hope filled the air. The kingdom was about to witness the formal transition of power, symbolizing the continuation of the Griffin legacy.

The silence that had fallen over the hall was broken by the ceremonial trumpets announcing the commencement of the coronation. The old king, Edmund, rose from his seat, a symbol of his relinquishment of the throne.

As he approached his son, King Roger, he carried with him the crown—a majestic symbol of authority and responsibility. The eyes of the kingdom's citizens were locked on this pivotal moment in their history.

With a sense of gravity and reverence, King Edmund placed the crown upon his son's head. The gesture signified not only the passing of power but also the faith and trust he had in his heir.

The hall erupted into applause and cheers, the joyous celebration of a new era under the reign of King Roger. The nobles and the people of the kingdom recognized the significance of this transition, as well as the fresh perspective and leadership that Roger and his family would bring.

Jake and Luke stood beside their newly crowned father, their faces illuminated with pride. As the young princes, they understood the responsibilities that lay ahead and the legacy they were now a part of.

The coronation marked a moment of unity and hope for the Griffin Kingdom. It was a day of celebration and a new beginning, with a royal family ready to embrace their roles and lead the kingdom into a brighter future.

As the coronation ceremony came to a close, King Roger addressed the gathered nobles, dignitaries, and citizens of the kingdom with a heartfelt speech. He spoke of unity, hope, and the shared commitment to the prosperity and well-being of the Griffin Kingdom. His words resonated with the crowd, and a sense of optimism filled the hall.

After his speech, King Roger gestured for the festivities to begin. Music filled the air, and the hall was transformed into a lively dance floor as people celebrated the new era under his rule. Joyous laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the sound of music reverberated through the palace.

However, as the celebrations were in full swing, an unexpected turn of events disrupted the jubilant atmosphere. The bright blue sky above suddenly darkened, casting a shadow over the revelry. High-level dignitaries and members of the royal court, attuned to the kingdom's security, turned their attention to a specific direction.

A collective sense of foreboding spread through the hall as a powerful presence approached the capital at a rapid pace. The sky rumbled ominously, and the atmosphere grew tense.

King Roger, ever vigilant, quickly realized that something extraordinary was coming. He called for his trusted advisors and guards, and together, they moved to assess the situation. The citizens and nobles in the hall, sensing the unease, watched with bated breath.

Outside, the people of the kingdom had also noticed the sudden change in the sky. Whispers of concern and curiosity filled the air as they gazed upward. The capital city had fallen into an eerie stillness as everyone awaited further developments.