
Tank Fight Ensued as Tourists Whose RVs Were Destroyed by Florida Man’s Tank Brought Panzer Tank for Revenge. Floridians Gathered to See the WWII’s Tanks in Combat.

Chapter 229 – Tank Fight Ensued as Tourists Whose RVs Were Destroyed by Florida Man's Tank Brought Panzer Tank for Revenge. Floridians Gathered to See the WWII's Tanks in Combat.


The sky rippled while the Qi in the air trembled. Leo, Esen, and the former undead flinched as they sensed the changes in the environment.

Leo looked up and narrowed his eyes. As his sight was enhanced, he could see beyond the star system. He quickly found the three motherships and ten thousand jets and spaceships.

"God damn. Darth Vader would have been shocked if he saw this."

Leo rubbed his fists and was about to fly toward the incoming jets and battleships.

'Master, let us handle this. You should protect the people around you.'

The voice of Meowmeow echoed in Leo's mind. The latter paused and uttered in response.

"Can you take all of them alone?"
