

Athena's PoV

   I opened my eyes and the blinding light made me close my eyes immediately.

   "Athena?" Someone called. It was an unfamiliar voice. I opened my eyes again slowly then, slowly, my blurry sight became clear.

   I'm currently in a hospital room and I was laying at the bed. I tried to sat down but my head suddenly throbbed.

   "Careful." An old woman gently held my wrist and made me lie down again.

   "Excuse me where's mom?" I asked her. She looked surprised and confused like I spoke in an alien language.

   "Oh no, did you damage your head too much?" She asked worriedly. Now I'm the one who looked confuse.

   Now that I looked around for the second time, the room was quite small and there was no air conditioner. Just a small electricfan that hangs by the wall.

   "Why am I here? Is this some kind of a prank show?" I asked again. I felt irritated that they are making me work even after I just got into an accident.

   That looked like a serious event so why am I perfectly fine aside from my head ache? I checked my body and was wondering for a couple of minutes if this is even my own body.

   Why did I suddenly became so flat? I held my chest and felt nothing. Next I felt my butt but it was hard. I slid my hand from my back to my butt and felt no bump.

   Suddenly my tears started to swell and looked at the old lady beside me who was looking at me with wide eyes.

   "Did they perform a surgery in my chest and butt that they have to chop it all off?!" I asked in almost a whisper. The old lady blinked a couple of times, trying to sink in what I just said then she shake her head.

   "Come on and stop goofing around. We should leave if you're fine already. You know we can't afford being in a hospital for a day." Across the bed, there was a small wooden bench, which is where the old lady was seated.

   Ok I'll pretend to be in this show and I promise if I ever see the director I'd get angry at them. Besides, why did my mom agree to this?

   I excused myself to the comfort room and tried to check myself at the mirror.

   "Hello?" I asked at the girl who'se at the glass part of the wall. I knitted my eyebrow and take a look outside. There was only a thin wall separating the comfort room and the bedroom so... Who is the girl at the glass?

   "Athena? Aren't you feeling fine? You look pale." The old lady said.

   "Ma'am I think I just saw a ghost." I said. She looked at me with a blank face then sighed.

   "I can't believe you just called me ma'am." Then she walked towards the comfort room. I peeked inside and she was just looking at me with her eyebrowse raised. I pointed towards the glass and she turned to look.

   She shake her head then just before she walked out the door, I held her shoulders and guided her carefully towards the glass. There I saw the girl hiding behind the old lady.

   "Athena, that is called a mirror." The old lady sighed again and shake her head.

   "You call me ma'am, you act like you have body curves and now you don't know what a mirror is. I think you did hurt your head a lot." She said with a fake worried face then left me alone.

   This girl in front of me is also me? This is a real mirror? I touched my face and made a duck face and more silly faces.


   The door opened loudly. I was still looking at 'myself' when someone tapped my shoulder.

   "Are you fine Ms. Keller?" I shift my gaze at the man beside me, wearing a white gown.

   "Is that me? Did I have a plastic surgery due to my accident? Am I in a coma and this is just a dream?" I asked, almost going crazy with what is happening.

   "Yes, that is you Ms. Kelly. No, you didn't have any kind of surgery because you just lightly hit your head when you told me you missed a step at the stairs. No, this is not a dream." He told me patiently. I still can't believe him and just stared at the mirror. The old lady and the doctor talked about something that I couldn't clearly understand.

   I originally have a height of 187 centimeters but now I think I'm under 160. This body has a fair skin, but has a lot of marks from mosquito bites. The hair looks so oily and looks like it hasn't been combed for a long time. This face has so much oily skin and has an acne break-out.

   This woman is obviously too lazy to take care of her face, hair and body.

   Right, so let me think this through. I had an accident, woke up with a different body. How about this body's, what should I call it? Spirit? Let's go with that. How about this body's spirit? How is my original body?

    I walked outside the comfort room.

   "Are you finished?" the old woman asked. The doctor is already gone.

   "I'm sorry but who am I? Who are you?" I asked. Trying to sound composed.

   "I'm sorry but I think I damaged my head in the wrong part so I kind of have a slight amnesia." I said. I don't know if that kind of accident happens but I just wanted to know things without being weird or suspicious.

   The old lady stood up and motioned me to start making our way out of the public hospital.

   "I am your granny. You are Athena Kelly. You have no parents,they died in an airplane accident." She said then we started walking beside the road.

   I slightly moved granny at the side so she could be on the safe side. She seemed surprise by my gesture but shrugged it off.

   "Do you know who Kyliene Athena Williams is?" I asked. She seemed confused but nodded anyway.

   "She was at the news lately. Poor woman got into an accident before she could step the church." She said in dismay.

   "Did she..." It was kind of hard for me to say it. Looks like she kind of got the hint of what I was trying to ask.

   "The news said she's been in a comatose for 3 days." Somehow I felt relieved that I'm still alive. Well, my body is, actually.

Since we were walking beside the road, I got to see where we are exactly. I'm still at the same country, same city and same place where I live at. It's just that, this part of the city is where the average people live.
