

Emeka has always hated being a boarding student; he has heard stories and heard of the series of constant horrors kids (just like him) have faced in most boarding institutions within the country. Now he has ventured into one filled with manner of individuals whom are ready to assert dominance over him and make his life a living hell for him; will he survive his first year in the hell that he has ventured in? That's a question left for you to find out in the course of his journey

Okafor_Martin · สมจริง
2 Chs

Welcome To My Family

"I don't really want to go to a boarding school mom, I have heard a lot of bad stories about such establishments"; Emeka said; looking angrily at the boarding school student registration form that his mother was filling aggressively for him.

"Emeka, you u must go to boarding school whether you like it or not!"; Mrs Ikeakor said, not minding the antics of a 12 year old boy that was frantically protesting her decision.

"I learnt that they don't take provisions there mum; if you really loved me, you would not be thinking of taking me there in the first place"; Emeka said; this time with his veins sticking out of his face and inner spirit within him telling to pounce on his mom, grab the student registration form that she was filling and shred it to pieces.

"Oh, so you want me to keep quiet and watch you waste away your precious life?"

"I am not going to waste away anything mummy; there are better schools here in Onitsha; good day schools, why must it be a boarding house for chrissake"

"You don't know what you are saying this boy, I am not sending you not just to any boarding school but to one of the best all boys school in Anambra...." ; Mrs Ikeakor continued only for her to be interrupted once more by her rebellious son.

"I believe that daddy will not agree with this decision of yours"; Emeka cut in; tears building up in his eyes

"Up-peehhh!', he has already agreed to it a long time ago, when he comes back from work in the evening, you can go and ask him yourself"; Emeka's mother said, this time drowning herself in what she was filling on behalf of her son.

At this, Emeka has already given up as regards begging his mother to change her mind; the poor boy knows too well that his mother was the kind of person whom does not go back in any decision that she has made; although no one in the Ikeakor family would want to admit it; she is the beginning and the end in the household of Mr. Berthrand Ikeakor, the father of Emeka.

Emeka knew nothing good will come out from his unending debate with his mother as to why he believes that spending 6 years of his life in a boarding school meant only for boys is not the right decision for him.

He then decided to call it quits with arguing with his mother and then proceeded to wait for his father to hear what he has to say as regards his mother's decision of sending him to a boarding school.

He then moved over to the sitting room; sat on a cushion and waited till his old man returned back from his workplace; the moment he heard his father's voice, he raced out of the house, ran to where his old man was, gave him a loving hug and told him all that has transpired within him and his mother.

"My son, you know that as a child, I was not opportuned to go to school due to how poor my parents were"; Mr Berthrand Ikeakor said after listening to his son's anti- boarding school remarks.

"And I believe that your mother means well for you; that's because unlike your old father, she has gone far in education and already knows what's right or not for you; in matters like this, she's the guru not me and whatever she has to say about this, I stand in solidarity with her...."

"But, but...." Emeka cut in an effort to prevent his father from completing his statement.

"No Buts! Boy!, it is settled, you will take Saint Gregory's International college, Amichi examinations and you will make sure that you pass all the papers all the papers that you will take on that D- day"; Mr Bethrand said banging his fist on the wall beside him.

"If you ever fail to pass that exam"; he continued; "I will know that you did intentionally because I know fully well that my son is not a dullard"; Mr Bethrand said, this time whilst looking lovingly at his son.

Bethrand's early life has always been a life of suffering and pain; born to a polygamous father whom followed the ways of his ancestors and a pious mother who struggled to make ends meet for her children; he was sent out to go and learn a trade (ie to work as a Boy-Boy which means an Apprentice for a man in ABA). He served his master for 10 years after which he was settled handsomely by his master.

It wasn't long until he decided to settle down and put into practice all that he learnt from his master in his own business; and just as fate would permit it, meeting his future wife and eventually tying the knot with her. It took his wife 10 years before she was able to conceive and give birth to his son, Emeka.

If it was left for him, he would want his son to always be closer to him due to the circumstances surrounding the boy's birth.

"I know that you are worried"; he continued; "but six years is actually nothing, I served my master as a boy into my adulthood for 10 years!; before you know what's happening, you're already through and that 6 years will come and go and we will start talking about where to get your university tuition fees"; he said, opening his bag and bringing out two takeaways filled to the brim with a mouth watering dish called Abacha (African Salad).

"Ngwa (Translation for: Now), take one of this Abacha and give one to your sister, if after eating this and you feel that you won't be able to eat anything tonight; make sure that you let Chimaraoke to know about it.

Chimaraoke is Mr. Bethrand's apprentice; aside from following his master to work at his shop in Onitsha Main Market everyday (except on Sundays); he was also the second cook of the house after Mrs. Ikeakor; though he usually grumbles about the herculean tasks bestowed on him from time to time, he always sees to it that he does his own part diligently.

"Ok Sah!"; Emeka said; grabbing the two takeaways that is containing the Abacha and begins heading to his sister's room to give her her own portion just as how their father has directed him to do so.

"So what did they tell you about the boarding school stuff"; Nnenna asked whilst at the same time opening and scooping up the mouth watering Abacha that her older brother brought to her room.

"Mum and Dad said that no matter what I say or do, that I am going to Saint Gregory's International college Amichi whether I like it or not"; he replied amidst mouthful of Abacha.

''But you know that mummy and daddy really mean well for the two of us, especially you"; Nnenna continued.

"Please will you just shut up and eat your food!"; Emeka cut in, not allowing the 8 year old girl to complete her statement.

"What do you know"; he continued; "You are not the one going down to a hell hole, just shut up and eat your food before I smack you on the face"; he clapped back.

"If you touch me ehhh, I will report you to daddy and he will flog you''; Nnenna said, ignoring her brother's harmless threats.

She knows what will happen if she ever walks up to her father to report her brother for laying a finger on him; whilst Mr. Bethrand Ikeakor is known to be a man of not so many words, his Valentino belt has always been known to have Always done the talking for him on quite a good number of occasions.

"You know what"; Emeka continued, this time already finished with his own portion of the Abacha and turning over to where his kid sister was sitted; "I am and sick and tired of all your antics, all of you are just frigging annoying!''; he said while stomping his feet severally on the floor.

''I have made up my mind and I will make sure that I pass that school's entrance examination, maybe when I am miles away from home; you will grow to value my presence and pray for my quick return''

"Oh My God, You Wish!, Miss Who!"; Nnenna bursts out laughing

"I am not going to miss you one bit, you are like a menace to everyone in this house, the only time I get to experience real peace here is when you're not around; maybe sometime away locked behind fences and gates might change you for good''; she said whilst at the same time grinning slylishly at her brother whom she knows was not tolerating any of her shenanigans and was ready for teach her a lesson.

For an eight year old girl, Nnenna was quite ahead of her peers; she talked and behaved like an adult and in most occasions, have been deemed to be more wiser than her older brother especially by their father on quite a good number of occasions.

Well, it wasn't long until the D-Day came for the Saint Gregory's International College Amichi examinations to be taken and just as expected; Emeka aced all the four subjects that was given to him in the entrance examinations.

"I knew you could do it my boy, this calls for a celebration"; Mr Bethrand said, patting Emeka gently on the head whilst looking at his son's outstanding results.

"First thing tomorrow morning"; Mr Bethrand continued; "I will be heading for the market, you will be following me to Ozidi's shop for him go get a good measurement of your new school uniform"; he concluded.

"Okay Father, I will make myself ready for that tomorrow"; Emeka said, not feeling too impressed with himself for passing the Saint Gregory's International college Amichi examinations.

Truth be told, he has always wanted to flunk the examinations; but knowing fully well that his behind will be on fire; courtesy of his good father's belt, he had to swallow his pride to get all the questions set before him right.

What Poor Emeka didn't know was that he was in for a hell lot of experience in Saint Gregory's International college Amichi and that 6 years within the school will not be a walk in the park for him as he had thought in the first place.