
Fire Emblem Fates: Immortality

Warning: A wish fulfillment story and I can say that I'm not an expert in playing fire emblem. I'm just a casual player and has no depth knowledge about the story of fates but I still try to research about it. I fell in love with fire emblem since the gameboy days, and the last game I played is fates. I have completed the birthright and revelation part, and too lazy to finish the conquest part. I haven't played three houses yet since I can't afford it lol. Also, this is mostly a book just for me to pass time so I might drop it anytime. There may be spelling and grammatical errors along the way so be warned. This book is not perfect so don't go around creating a review which I already warned about. I hate it when it is already stated earlier that this is not perfect book, and still some people have the audacity to make a review or comment about the thing I have warned about in the past. Synopsis: Follow Rem as he goes to the world of Fire Emblem Fates. A person who met Mire, one of the first dragons, the time and space dragon(I made this being up since there are 4 unknown dragons). Rem was a avid fan of the fire emblem series that Mire has taken notice of. Interested with Rem, he granted him the chance to reincarnate in the world of Fire Emblem Fates. Join Rem's adventure as he kill and conquer those who oppose him. A journey of a person who is a hypocrite that knows the difference between the right and wrong but will still do things regardless if it is right or wrong for the sake of power and immortality. Let's look at the story of someone who is not a hero nor a villain but can be either one when he wants to. --End of Synopsis-- You've read it right, the protagonist of this story will be a hypocrite who will do anything for the sake of power. So, you might see him kill innocent people and maybe even do things that are morally wrong, then say to other people that it is wrong to kill, just so he can keep his image good. He might even betray those people close to him if that's the answer to get stronger, so if you hate this concept already then go along and find another book. This book are for readers that can tolerate the MC's questionable actions. Note: The cover is not mine, and I just edited it so if it someone owns it and wants me to take it down then I will do so.

Lunarem · วิดีโอเกม
35 Chs

Chapter 16 - Three Companies

While those events are happening at Macarath, Rem's clone at Cheve was having a awkward time with Alex. Well, it was most likely Alex was having an awkward time with him. Rem can notice that Alex was guilty from what happened before, and was having a hard time to apologize. Every time that Rem will be close by, the kid will run away with a flustered face.

"Brother Alex is still shy to apologize." Alen sighs as they rest from their training.

"Sorry if my brother didn't have the courage to apologize yet." Axel said.

"It's okay. Actually, can you tell him that I forgave him already." Rem replied.

"Really? I'll tell him that then." Alen smiles as he hears Rem's response.

"You're not only talented but also nice, Ian." Axel says with admiration.

"Hehehe thanks for the praise." Rem scratches his nose as he says this. In reality though, Rem is far from nice since this was only all an act for him to have a great image and reputation.

"What are you three talking about?" Wallace says as he walks towards them. Geen and Warren was behind him and was holding a tray of food towards them.

"Here's your lunch." Wallace passes along the food towards Rem and the other two. They went to the canteen to fetch some food to eat in the training grounds since Rem and the others are lazy to move. Thankfully, Warren and Geen are nice people.

"Thanks, Warren." Rem says.

"You're welcome. Also, I've told you before to just call me big bro. Don't tell me you're shy to call me that." Warren grins as Rem just nodded while chewing on the bread he received.

"Warren, have you decided which knight company you'll be picking?" Geen asked as they sat down. Rem made sure to listen since he might get useful information.

"Not yet, but most likely I'll be joining the Crimson Snow Company. I've heard that they treat their knights equally better compared to the other two companies. Besides, the most common outcome will be for us to join the Crimson Snow since we might not have the qualification to join the other two." Warren answered.

"That's the weakest of the three though." Geen commented.

"In the eyes of us students they may be the weakest, but they are all equally strong."

"That's what they say, but you can't deny that the other two companies are superior compared to the Crimson Snow in terms of individual prowess of their members. Crimson Snow only has the advantage of numbers."

"Can you tell us more about the three companies, big bro. I want to know what there differences are." Wallace ask making Rem save him the trouble of asking that question.

"Well, the Crimson Snow are experts in having great horse riders and close range fighters. They are great in teaching combat in close range. They have greater number in knights compared to the other two companies. As for the Eucalyptus Wind, it is a company that has great wyvern riders and archers. They are knights that dominates the sky and in terms of the individual prowess of the knights there, they are stronger compared to those in the Crimson Snow." Warren explains.

"And the most famous knight company is the Onyx Storm. They are the knights that are an expert in every field. The knights that can join there are those that are geniuses since they have to be at least an expert in every field. They have to know how to fight in the sky, land, and sea. It was said that a single knight there can equal to 20 knights in the Crimson Snow." Geen excitedly says.

"Then that means one should join the Onyx Storm as the goal." Wallace muttered.

"Yes, but one can only join the Onyx Storm when they pass their test. The test consist of fighting against 3 Crimson Knights at the same time. Even I can't achieve that, at best, I can only fight one Crimson Knight and I won't even be sure if I'll be able to win." Warren sighs.

"Yeah, it is hard to achieve that. That's the reason for their few numbers unlike Crimson Snow where the prerequisite is to only graduate at the academy. As for Eucalyptus Wind, one will need to at least have a bit of talent in magic. Well, me and Warren don't have that, so we're basically stuck at the Crimson Snow. If we ever get stronger in the following years, we might be able to join the Onyx Storm but that will be hard to achieve." Geen says making Warren nod.

"Are there any advantages in joining the Eucalyptus Wind and the Onyx Storm, big bro?" Wallace ask.

"Yup, the advantages are basically having more resources being poured to you. The Eucalyptus Wind basically teaches you magic which is the greatest advantage, and it also comes along with other privileges. As for the Onyx Storm, they'll teach you basically everything and they'll even allocate stat boosting items and foods to you." Warren explains. Rem was surprised when he heard about stat boosting items and foods.

'Joining the Onyx Storm company have became a must now with those stat boosting items. It's too tempting to pass up.' Rem thought as he listen.

"Those are amazing rewards!" Alen shouted.

"That's right. So, you should train diligently so you can join the Eucalyptus Wind or Onyx Storm." Geen chuckled while messing up Alen's hair.

"Hey, don't mess it up, Geen." Alen smacked Geen's hand while pouting.

"Brats! Stand up! Break is over!" Fernand shouted to Rem and the others. At the same time, Alex arrived making his brothers come to him. Alen and Axel was whispering something to him while Alex was looking at Rem then to his brothers.

"I'm sorry from my actions before, Ian. I was just jealous of your talents, it just seems so unfair that I and the others don't have that. Please forgive me." Alex came up to Rem while bowing his head. Fernand and the others are watching the show without saying anything.

"It's okay, Alex. I forgive you. I'll try my best to help you train if that helps." Rem replied making Alex smile brightly.

"Hug it out, you two!" Geen teased making Alex's face reddened but still do what he was told to. This surprised Rem but he returned the hug to the kid.

"Alright, let's go start the training then!" Fernand shouted with a stern voice but everyone can see that he has a smile on his face. Rem and the others nodded while following the stances that Fernand was doing.


"Punch harder, Kein! You won't stop punching that stone until I told you so!" Sean shouts as Rem was forced to punch a stony part of the mountain.

'This might have been painful if I didn't have any of my defensive skills.' Rem thought as he continues drilling the stone.

"What kind of training is this? I don't get what the young master will learn from this?" Ven ask beside Sean and Hane.

"I'm trying to make Kein exhaust himself by doing this. It's to train his stamina to last longer." Sean explains making Ven understand.

"Sheesh, you brought us out of the tribe just for this? Ughh, you and your idiot training methods." Hane commented.

"Shut it, flat woman!" And here comes the daily dose of them berating each other.

"And here I thought that they'll be getting along at least for this day." Ven face palmed herself while looking at the two.

'I want to train my beast transformation to another degree. Like training it to just partially transform my body. Mire said before that I can partially transform unlike the normal Wolfskin. I want to see if I can transform my arm into it's werewolf form and discover what effects it might have. I should probably ask Sean to give me sometime to train this. Maybe, I should practice this in my spare time, and then show this to Sean.' Rem thought as he continues to punch the wall.

"Young master Kein! Young master Kein!" A tribesmen shouted as he run towards Rem's group. This made Hane and Sean stop bickering while looking curiously at the running man. Rem stopped his training and transformed back to his humanoid form while looking at the man.

"What happened?" Sean asked.

"*Pant* Elder *Pant* Oro *Deep Breath* said that the young human girl has woken up." The man answered.

"Then we should go back and see it, right, young master?" Hane asked.

"But what about his training?" Sean butted in.

"That can continue another day. Just make the young master train twice as hard to make up for the loss training." Ven suggested making Sean nod along.

"That's a great idea, Ven. Why can't that flat woman be smart like you." Sean says while shaking his head.

"Why you!" Hane punched Sean's shoulder making the guy shout in pain.

Rem and Ven only shook their heads and started to walk back to the village without giving anymore attention to the two.