
The Beginning

All I can ever think about is the beginning.


I ran as fast as I could. I kept running till there was no tomorrow. I ran to runaway from all the bad and death I caused. I ran from my father and his marriage, the evil, the town, but most of all from the death of my mother.

I ran through cornfields and forests. I ran till I could no longer move then I laid down to die in a peaceful place. I stared at the evergreen trees above and smelt the moss on the ground and dew on the grass. This is a good place to die so my body will be one with the earth. I close my eyes forever.


Is death wet, because that is how I feel right now. something wet keeps licking my face. It is all gross and strange. So I open my eyes to see a wolf, bigger than a normal wolf but smaller than a large grizzly.

I realize two things, one I am still alive. Two the wolf in front of me is one of my kin. I sit up and start to stand, the wolf helps me up. When I can stand up by myself the wolf starts to talk to me.

"Child where are your parents? And what are you doing sleeping in the middle of a battle in the forest. Lucky that I found you and not someone else." She asks so many questions that if I didn't have a great memory then I would look like a dunce.

"My parents are dead, and I didn't know there was a battle in these woods I just ran. And my name is Rose Wood," I state. Her expression changes to a very concerned look. Her dark grey fur stands on end when she hears a wolf howl.

"I am Willma everyone calls me Will. Also you need to get on my back if you want to live today." Willma turns around and I climb on because she is nice to me. When I am on and grabbing her fur she starts to run like the wind.

After 5 minutes Willma stops running and I see an Alfa male coming towards us. I climb off and Willma bows her head in respect, then explains why I am here. The alfa allows me to stay as long as I don't cause trouble.

To be continued!
