

Walking through the doors of the hospital filled my entire body with anxiety and anticipation, it was really hard for me to get the name of the hospital from Mrs Jones but with a little emotional touch here and there she spilled the beans. "How can I help you" the beautiful receptionist called out, I rushed over to the desk which made her beauty much more pronounced. "Erm, I..I am looking for Taylor Smith", "I see, any relation?" She asked, " well am her friend from school". She looked up for Taylor through the computer before raising her head to look at me, "room six, her family is already with her", "ok, thanks" I said before leaving to find number six. My anxiety was a disturbance before but now it mutated to a level five, meeting Taylor is one thing but with her family members after the incident is another. What am I going to say or do, I breath a sigh of relief before making my journey to the door, it wasn't that far. I knocked on the door waiting for some one to answer, the door slowly opened revealing Mrs Smith, her face was pale and her eyes was red like as if she cried for a very long time. "Good afternoon Mrs Smith" I greeted, "oh, Sarah come in" she said, her voice really low, filled with pain and coarse. I let myself in to see Taylor lying unconscious on the hospital bed, it broke my heart. She must be feeling lots of pain in that state and I couldn't bring myself to look at her, I lowered my head, "she's being like this, the whole time" Mrs Smith said, "and I can't do anything about it" she cried. Honestly I also wish I could do something but sadly I couldn't, I want her back, I want Taylor back. "Are you one of her friends" Mr Smith asked from outside the door, Mr Smith and I rarely see each other so it's not a new thing if he doesn't know me."yes sir" I replied, he nodded. He came inside while giving me this kind of cold attitude, I felt uncomfortable, "she will be fine honey" Mr Smith told his wife whose tears formed once more, I can't say nor do anything at this point, if I actually want to help them, then leaving is the best way too. "Mrs Smith, I will take my leave now, thanks for having me", she didn't answer nor did she show any sign of reaction whatsoever. I took that as my que to leave, I opened the door, went outside and waited to gather my thoughts,"can we really trust her" Mr Smith voice can be heard through the door, " what are you even saying, that's Taylor's friend" Mrs Smith answered, " I just don't trust her;I never did like her and I always hate when she is near my one and only child" Mr Smith went on stabbing me from every angle he could, I understand your feeling but you can't just be going around pointing fingers you know. I Took a deep breath then left, went straight for my house, my private space;my room, for some peace and quiet.

Naturally that is what I was expecting but "Sarah won't you tell me why you left school before I could come get you and where did you even go" my stepmother kept on and on, " no where" I answered every single time but she just won't give up with the questions. "You don't even know this place well enough to be going around by yourself" she said, " well after someone seduced my dad and convinced him to live here, I just couldn't memorize the streets" I said back, " watch your mouth young lady" she scolded and I couldn't care any less. "Whatever just let me alone for tonight" I said while walking up the stairs leading to my room, "want about dinner, aren't you hungry" she shouted, I shrugged. "Sarah, get back here, sarah,sarah you ne.." I slammed the door shut cutting of her voice not wanting to hear what she was about to say. I let out a sigh, threw my bag on the floor and laid face flat on the bed, "I'm tired" I mumbled in between my sheets. Raising my head up, I faced my desk filled with a pile of papers; some trash, some important. I will definitely sort that out later, I hope. I don't think I will, that's a lot of papers, during weekends I hope. Letting out a heavier sigh I turned my face to the other direction where my eyes locked with my backpack, I felt a hunch like I had something to check that was in there but I just couldn't put my mind on it, sitting up I stared at my bag for a few seconds before it hit me, "damn the letter, how could I forget something like that" I wondered, I stood up, picked up my bag, opened it, took out the letter and dropped my back at that same spot; I didn't have the energy to move it. I sat on my chair, pushed a few books here and there to create space for the letter before placing it on the desk, "time for a thorough examination" I said, scanning the envelope there was nothing out of place then I took the letter out, looked at it closely but nothing strange other than the actual werid 80's letter. Though I knew it was stupid but I had to do a thorough examination, I switched off the bulb light and place the letter close to the lamp but nothing like a secret message "tch" I said out of irritation, switching on my room light, I sat back down on the chair and placed the letter on the desk. My hope was diminishing as my inner voice read through the letter again but I suddenly stopped at a word that was written boldy than the rest of the other words "alsayaarat " I tried to pronounce it but I couldn't ,but what does it mean, lucky we have a lot of search engines today, I will just look it up, I typed the word alsayaarat and I couldn't believe my eyes when it said car.