
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
215 Chs

Ch 133 – School

Walking through the hallway of the building my classroom was in, I stared around with curiosity at the technology-filled campus. It felt surreal to live in this world, to find a world whose magitech is far superior to the ones back in the Magic Kingdom, the most advanced kingdom in Terra. It felt new and refreshing, along with a sense of awe to it.

Many students just like me walked around, and all of them were humans. There were no elves, demihumans, dwarves, merfolk, only pureblooded humans who tainted the world of Terra from a time long past. It felt kind of disgusting to walk amongst these beings who ruined my original world, yet I held back the faint urge of starting a massacre and destroying this entire world by letting loose, and instead follow my father's plans.

"Why am I in school anyway," you mask ask. Well, it's because my father said this would be a great learning experience for me. To assimilate myself fully into human society and learn of its societal norms. Though, there are some things I am confused about. Like the heavy racism, the racism here was at a level far higher than back on Terra. There was also homophobia, brain-dead Twitter users, and such.

To see so many humans waste their lives pursuing meaningless goals when they can pursue knowledge and growth, it irked me in a subtle way. Porn, social media, bad food, I've never once indulged myself in those filthy acts. The average citizen of the Magic Kingdom is far superior to any random humans living in this world, which gave me a sense of pride in a way.

So many fucking obese fuckers saying body positivity and such, they should just go all die if they're already heading for their impending doom by destroying their body. It's not hard to eat less, and it's not that hard to lose a little bit of weight, they're fully grown adults, yet they can't even take care of themselves.

I'm going on a tangent here, basically, humans who live in this world are pathetic. Well, most of them are, there are a certain few who prioritizes growth over self-indulgence, and I respect them. But sadly, we were born on the wrong sides. The invaded versus the invaders.

Those titles can be switched between both Terra and Earth. Terra was invaded by Earth, and now, Earth is being invaded by Terra. I don't know what my father and the Demon Lord are truly planning, but I for sure know it would total in a lot of people dying, which doesn't really matter because they're on the side of the treacherous Goddess.

Taking a deep breath, I finally arrived at the entrance to my classroom, Class 1-A. I could already see what the future holds for me.

A fun school life, where I create friends and find the love of my life. From hardships to becoming the very best in this world of hunters, losing friends along the way to unlucky moments while facing dungeons and monsters, a whole story played out in my hyperactive mind in a split second.

Chuckling to myself, I let all of my worries go away and become unnaturally calm and cool-headed, a skill I developed under many months of being an assassin, a cold ruthless killer who does what my father tells me to do. With a beep, the door then opens, allowing the sound of my classmates chattering inside to enter my highly develop ears. All of the Dragon Meat, Dragon Heart, Phoenix Meat, and other mythical beasts that I ate were like natural steroids, but by a few magnitudes higher, allowing me to develop a physical body at the very peak, one can say I'm at Z-Rank in terms of physical strength already.

And with my speed, I'm basically unrivaled at this point.

So, the notion of death never once entered my mind, until now that is when I'm specifically thinking about it.

Walking through the door, I held my head down, not daring anyone to see my obviously cute appearance. I know those lustful gazes of the people back in the Magic Kingdom, I could always feel a chill crawl up my spine when they look at me with eyes that want to eat me whole. I shudder at the mere thought of what plans they have in store for me, but just like always, I run away from my problems and back to the warm embrace of my family.

Looking around, I finally found a vacant seat, far away from any students who have already made friends with each other. Ugh, friends, I'm a lone wolf who has no need for friends who are obviously far below me. Whoops, I almost let out my killing intent, though compared to Papa, mine is like a small puddle. Papa's killing intent is so strong, that I still remember vividly the moment when he killed an Ancient Dragon, a Z-Rank Monster, by just glaring at it.

As I sat down, I placed my bag on my desk and lowered my presence drastically using a combination of magic and an assassination technique that requires me to halt my breath, slow the beating of my heart, and such so that I naturally lower my aura. Opening the zipper lightly, Porky's slowly walked out, his body drastically smaller than before, now only the size of my eraser.

"Oink (Raiden-sama! Are you okay?)" Porky asked, his head tilting to the side as he walked up to my hand placed on the metallic desk.

"I'm fine, Porky. Just kind of bored having to wait for classes to start," I responded. Stretching out my finger, I stroke Porky's head while feeling slightly bored. But I've learned that I must be on high alert every single second while on a mission, so boredom really isn't much of a problem to me.

I have a full spatial awareness of everything that is happening inside this room and all the other rooms on this floor already due to my training in the manipulation of space, allowing me to spy on various people while not allowing them to find out about my existence. Though, the range of this 'omniscient viewpoint' is incomparably small compared to Dada, who can view the entire world when he activates his eyes at full power, though he already does it automatically with his true body back in his own personal plane.

*** (20 Minutes Later)

"Raiden, it's your turn to introduce yourself to the class!" The teacher in front of the room called out to me, and I nodded my head.

Welp, I guess it's time for the whole world to see just how cutesy I am, ehe!

"Hello, my name is Raiden Stolas. I'm 15 years old, and my hobby is watching anime and reading manga," that's a lie, my hobby is fighting against myself from different time frames to the death. Most of my practical fighting experience comes from killing myself, in fact, I'm not the original Raiden of this world, so that's that.

Though I do enjoy anime and manga, I have more priority in training myself. But, if we look at the time I spent watching anime and reading manga, it's far above the time I've spent killing myself. Well, that's due to the fact that a certain someone can run at lightspeeds without breaking a sweat, so most of my fights take seconds to end.

"Thank you, Raiden. You may take your seat."

"Holy crap, are you sure he's not a child?"

"Who cares if he's a child, I'd definitely-"

Nope, I'm not listening to any of your fantasies. Zoning out those horny male and female classmates of mine, I listened to the others introduce themselves and class finally started. Acquisition of knowledge, here I come!

*** (Nearing the End of Morning Classes)

School? Fuck that, school in this world is fucking useless! Why the fuck do I need to learn language to fight fucking monsters inside a dungeon, huh?!

I thought this is a school to train talented hunters, not a useless school that teaches useless, unusable knowledge!

History? Who the fuck cares about history if I'm fighting to the death?! Chemistry? Well, do you guys know the chemical composition of the monsters in the dungeons?! Nay, nay, nay! School is useless!

I didn't even listen to any lessons after Math, because advanced math is useless for real-world stuff unless you're a super genius like my dad who can throw a stone and cause a tornado to form on the other side of the world, which I can also do if I do some space-time shenanigans.

As I heard the school bell ring that indicates the end of classes, I let out a groan and felt my stomach rumble.

"Okay, class dismissed! Remember to be back before classes!"

With the students around me heading out of the classroom to buy lunch, I instead took out my bento box from my bag and waited for the room to be entirely vacant. Nodding to myself, I slowly pulled off the lid of my bento box, and could already see the bubbling air pressure inside waiting to burst out.

A silent bang and an explosion of glorious scent wafted to my nostrils. It felt like I was enveloped by the warm and relaxing embrace of a phoenix, enveloping me in its mellow flames and feeding me-


Opening my eyes, I was greeted by a world stopped in time. I noticed that weird sensation of time stopping while I was enjoying the glorious scent of the phoenix wings, and now, I widened my eyes in surprise upon being greeted by this halted world.

The white steam rising from my opened bento box was stagnant in the air. The rays of light poking through the transparent windows showed the dust particles in the air, a beautiful sight it was. I slowly stood up, my originally surprised eyes turning calm and collected.

I grinned lightly before a crimson hoodie suddenly covers my entire upper body. It seems like father's estimation on where cheaters will gather is true, to think a cheater who can control space-time would appear here so blatantly.

"So, it seems like the bunny has come out to play.

It's time to reveal the truth, I'm actually here to assassinate any potential cheaters that might appear in Seoul High. Seoul High is the number one high school in Korea, which means a higher chance for cheaters to gather. Yes, I was never here to study or anything like that, I was here with a mission to kill.

­Why am I trying to kill them exactly? It's because they pose a major threat to my father's plans, so dealing with them early on will lead to our win in the long run. The problem of Angelica noticing her cheaters dying is taken care of by father and the Demon Lord through their secret plans, so I only need to worry about killing the targets.

I felt slightly exhilarated, to think I'll get the chance to kill a cheater. Never did I get the chance to kill any of the nine Reincarnates on Terra, with my father saying it will bring too many risks. But now, I can do the hardest challenge I might possibly face, to kill a cheater.

Closing my eyes, I was greeted by the entire floor where my classroom resides inside the building. The students were walking around, with goofy faces and weird postures. Many looked unfortunately ugly in stopped time due to the wrong timing of this incident, before I started to expand my field of omniscience, well not really omniscience but more of being able to see everything field, I wonder what the word is to describe this field of mine.

As I was thinking about random things, my eyes finally opened as I sensed the source of this stopped time. There he was, a first-year student of Seoul High just like me, groping a teacher with his dick out in the air, dangling wildly.

"Ha! Jackpot!" I grinned lightly and prepared to set out and kill this horn cheater.

AN: This chapter has 2033 words.

Don't worry, this useless school arc will end with a literal BANG next chapter.

And were you surprised by Raiden's true nature? To think he was actually a smart kid instead of the usual cutesy anime character.

(August 25, 2022 – 274th day of writing)

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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