

"One more shot please!"


In a corner of a noisy pub, a young man with black hair and red eyes was drowning himself in alcohol.

"Damn! Its been a few days but there's no sign of Surtr's blood."

I took another shot as the warm feeling evaded me I let the ethanol enter my brain as a rush of dopamine assaulted me.

"Ahhh. Fuck I miss this feeling!"

I felt all my worries go away.

I looked at the time as I realized it was already night.

"Thank you I'll be going now."

"Visit us next time sir."

"He was sooo hot."

"Shut up he can still hear you."

I paid the bill as I struggled to walk towards the door.

I walked out of the pub as I shouted.

"Fuck! I'm drunk Haha!"

"Young man don't curse in front of children."

Said young woman who was holding a kid.

"Ow sorry haha!"

As I was walking towards my hotel I suddenly saw a goddess in armor with fiery red hair and brown eyes walking on the side of the road. Her face as if carved from porcelain glistening.

"Fuck! What would I do just to fuck her."

My face change as I immediately realized that I shouted that.

The goddess looked at me as I saw the blue fairy tail guild mark on her arms.

"Oh shit!"

"Pervert huh! Time to teach you a lesson not to say that to a woman."

She dashed towards me at a great speed.

Immediately she arrived in front of me ready to slap me.

"I'm sorry miss I didn't mean to say that."

I turned my head to the side evading her hand.

"I guess you have some skills lets see you try to dodge this!"

A red magic circle appeared on her hand as a sword appeared.

I was shocked because the magic circle actually looked incredibly similar to my spell called "Armaments" except it doesn't have the image of a dragon instead it has the image of Trident. I felt a certain suppression of my elemental soul.

"Miss stop! Are you in anyway related to an Iron Dragon."

"What the are you talking about? Trying to distract me huh?"

She stabbed at me with her sword.


A black sword appeared in my hand as I parried her attack destroying her sword instantly and sending her flying backward.

"Shit I used too much strength!"

I dashed towards her as I realized she was unconscious among the rubble.

"Hey what was that noise!"

The guards where quickly alerted of the noise.

"Fucking hell!"

I grabbed her unconscious body as two black horns appeared on my head as black light surrounded me as I blend in within the shadows.



I felt a strong hand was wrapped around me as I saw a devilishly handsome young man with a black horn on his head holding me tight.


I dashed towards the window of my room at the hotel.

I opened it as I placed her on my bed.


'What the heck is this dream!'

I opened my eyes as I saw a young man that looked similar to the guy in my dream without the horns. He was half naked as he was wrapped in a towel clearly he just finished showering.

I looked at myself as I realized that I was naked!.

I tried to summon my sword as I looked at him.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

He looked at me lazily as he spoke.

"This isn't what it looks like. And don't bother to use magic you won't be able to use it for a while."

I tried to Channeling my spell but nothing, I felt as I something was blocking my mana from transforming.

"What have you done to me! I swear I'm gonna kill you for this."


"I know you won't calm down so I blocked your mana. And for you being naked its because our little fight yesterday almost consumed all your soul so I needed to extract all my remaining magic from your body."

"So what do you plan to do with me."

She stood up as I had a full view of her body.

My eyes glowed as I felt my blood boiling as if telling me to Fuck her up literally. 'Control! Control!'

I calmed myself down as I spoke.

"I know you saw it."

She looked at me with confusion.

"What are you talking about."


A pair of black horns appeared on my head as she looked at me with shock.

"You have a Demon soul so what? One of my friends has one as well. Now let me go!"

I was shocked as I realized that she thinks this is some kind of magic.

"Oh! Yes, you are right this is my magic that I'm hiding! You seem quite ok being seen naked."


"I'm comfortable being naked."

"Ok! I'm gonna have to ask you who is holding Surtr's blood among you?"

I couldn't help but take a look at her pink nipples as I spoke.

"I don't know what this "Surtr's blood" is and never heard of such a thing."

"Miss don't tell me I'm gonna have to torture you!" I said nonchalantly.

"I really don't if I knew I would have told you already." She said while crossing her arms beneath her giant breast.

"Ok you seem to be telling the truth but why do I feel a certain suppression from you."

"Again I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Just give me a little bit of your blood," I said to her while I cut my finger as black, silver and red blood flowed out not mixing together as if water and oil.

As a mixed dragon and a fire Giant, I have three types of blood. Each having their own cells as they coexist in my body.

She also cut her self with her own nails as red blood rushed out.

I chanted a spell as the drop of blood came floating towards me.

My three types of blood floated towards her blood.

First was the giant's blood

No reaction.

The second was the fire dragon blood

No reaction.

The third was the Adamantite dragon blood


Sorry I didn't post anything last Sunday.

MoonSwallowing_Dogcreators' thoughts