
Fenikkusu Sureiyā

Promising his late grandfather that he was going to be one of the 5 heavenly Generals like he once was. 9 years have passed since then, Cory decided to build a team of slayers (samurai) so he travels the continents searching for people who are qualified. Starting with his brother but instead of finding his brother, he finds out the unbelievable truth about the slayer system the more he finds out the worst it gets so he decided to stop the corrupted system that’s led under the elders. A dark fantasy world with glorious fights, dark secrets, mysteries, demons, love and not to mention a world where dreams can come true with hard work, but don’t be fooled because dreams can also die. join my discord I will be posting pics of characters and we can have discussion on any one of my books https://discord.gg/zDJ34NWW

Parago_n · แฟนตาซี
84 Chs

P.S= #69: Why Regenerate When I Can Heal

As soon as Ava hit the ground, the Ayakashi was on top of her. She barely had time to raise her arms before the Ayakashi attack. He coats his fist in stage 2 Haku and slammed into her chest she coats her chest in stage 2 Haku but she felt the air leave her lungs when his fist hit her in her chest.


"Is that all you got?" Ava taunted, gritting her teeth against the pain.

The Ayakashi snarled, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth, and raised its fist for another strike. But before it could land the blow, Ava coats her right foot in stage 2 Haku and kicks him in his hand then coats her forehead in stage 2 Haku also and bucks him and rolled to the side and sprang to her feet. Ava opens her mouth and fires an ice blast made out of ice at the Ayakashi VOOMISH!!! BOOM!!! but he dodges it with unnatural speed.

Ava had to jump back to avoid its counterstrike, but she couldn't dodge all of them. The Ayakashi's claw pierced through her stomach, causing her to cry out in pain. Ava grabbed hold of the Ayakashi's arm and let loose another blast of ice blast from her mouth VOOMISH!!! BOOM!!! which shattered the Ayakashi head and his upper torso with a few trees behind them. She tossed the lower half of its body away before it could regenerate.

"You're a feisty one," the Ayakashi growled, its head already beginning to reform. "But you're no match for me."

"Is that so?" Ava replied, her eyes glinting with challenge. "I guess we'll just have to see about that."

"Hahaha, you're bleeding. Unlike me, you cannot regenerate," the Ayakashi taunted.

"Why regenerate when I can heal," Ava said.


Ava body starts to heal itself as her Haku surged through her body healing her organs and skin.

After healing herself Ava transforms into her hybrid tiger form. She grows a blue and white tail with cat ears with white and blue fur with two pupils in her eyes.

"What the?" The Ayakashi was momentarily stunned, giving Ava the opening she needed.

With a fierce cry, she charged at the Ayakashi, moving with a speed that left the Ayakashi struggling to keep up. She appeared beside him, delivering a powerful kick to his head, and then disappeared only to reappear behind him, kicking him to the ground.

He got up, regenerating his head. She's faster than before. I can't let my guard down around her. The Ayakashi thought to himself.

Ava rained down blows upon the Ayakashi, her agility and speed keeping him off balance. He parried her attacks effortlessly, but Ava was undeterred. She pressed on, her determination unyielding.

"You're not as tough as you look," Ava taunted.

"Neither are you," the Ayakashi retorted.

They circled each other, panting with exertion.

"You know you can't win," the Ayakashi said, its eyes glittering with malice. "You're just wasting your time."

"Maybe," Ava replied, her voice low and dangerous. "But I'm not going down without a fight."

They circled each other, panting with exertion.

"You know you can't win," the Ayakashi said, its eyes glittering with malice. "You're just wasting your time."

"Maybe," Ava replied, her voice low and dangerous. "But I'm not going down without a fight."

With renewed determination, she charged at the Ayakashi once more, raising her hands and conjuring ice swords. The Ayakashi braced itself for the attack, knowing that it could always regenerate, but this time Ava was ready. The swords pierced the Ayakashi, and as Ava closed in, she fired another blast of ice, destroying the creature's core.

Panting with exertion, Ava stood over the Ayakashi. "You're not so tough after all," she said triumphantly.