
Fenikkusu Sureiyā

Promising his late grandfather that he was going to be one of the 5 heavenly Generals like he once was. 9 years have passed since then, Cory decided to build a team of slayers (samurai) so he travels the continents searching for people who are qualified. Starting with his brother but instead of finding his brother, he finds out the unbelievable truth about the slayer system the more he finds out the worst it gets so he decided to stop the corrupted system that’s led under the elders. A dark fantasy world with glorious fights, dark secrets, mysteries, demons, love and not to mention a world where dreams can come true with hard work, but don’t be fooled because dreams can also die. join my discord I will be posting pics of characters and we can have discussion on any one of my books https://discord.gg/zDJ34NWW

Parago_n · แฟนตาซี
84 Chs

P.S= #53: Elliott and Sydney vs Kimmy

[Cory's Team]

"It's best if we slip up and cover more ground Cory u have the ball right?" Asked Elliott.

"Yea I do." Cory replies.

"So me and Cory and you and Sydney." Said Soranel.

"Yea." Said Elliott.

They slip up and go different ways but out of nowhere Kimmy throws a punch but Elliott and Sydney dodges it BOOM!!! she hits the ground and make s huge hole.

Kimmy, who had been looking for a fight, rubbed her sore knuckles after her punch had missed its mark. She looked up to find Sydney and Elliott staring at her. She sighed and got to her feet, feeling embarrassed. "Oops," she muttered, looking down at the huge hole she had made in the ground.

"Guess I wasn't expecting you two to dodge that one but wow you two are fast are you both using foresight or you guys are naturally fast?" Kimmy asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Sydney said while appears behind Kimmy. Sydney grabs her hair and draw her back and jump into the air and kicks her in her chest.

Huh? wow she fast and strong. Elliott thinks to himself.

"Look out." Elliott yells TOOWISHBANG!! Sydney turns around and blocks her punch and hits her sending her flying.

"Do you know stage 2 Haku?" Sydney asked.


"Then come on back me up here her skin is tough we can't use normal attacks on her."

Elliott coat's his hands in Stage 2 Haku


They both dash towards her TEEEEEP!!!! TEEEEEP!!!! TEEEEEP!!!! damn she's faster than me and I'm sure she's not using her full speed. Elliott thinks to himself.

TMP! she jumps into the air Elliott goes in for hand to hand combat

He manages to land a few strong punches and kicks, but Kimmy is still standing strong.

Kimmy coats her hands in Stage 2 Haku and counters with a powerful uppercut that sends Elliott flying back. she then charges forward and delivers a flurry of punches and kicks WHAM!! WHAM!! WHAM!! the attacks knocks Elliott down to the ground.

Kimmy smiles and dusts off her hands, ready for the next attack but Sydney come out of the sky with too huge hands made of Haku and hits her with them WHAAAAMM!!! THUD! Sydney lands and grabs Elliott.


"That girl wasn't she from earlier I got to say she's strong." Said Indi.

Now that you think about it Elliott has never use Haku without his magic not only him but the same goes for Cory and the others. This competition should made them a bit stronger because back then only thing he use was only Haku and so did he and him. Nathaniel, Ichika and Ankoku only used Haku. Ava thinks to herself.

[Elliott and Sydney]

Kimmy gets up and brushes herself off "Damn that was close good thing I'm a EHA."

"A what now?" Asked Elliott.

"A Enhance Human Ayakashi." Sydney Replies.

She was experimented on. Elliott thinks to himself.

"My skin is as tough as iron." Said Kimmy.

"I coated my hands in Haku and it didn't do anything." Said Elliott.

"How about when you land your attacks you release your Haku." Said Sydney.

"Huh? why would I do that?" Asked Elliott.

"Because Haku surrounds all of us."

"Yea I know that."

"Because you coated your hands in Haku and she's surround in Haku both will clash and repel each other so the next best thing is to release it." Said Sydney.

"I will go for it then." Said Elliott.

"And I will land the final attack." Said Sydney.

TOOWISH!! Elliott and Kimmy coats their hands in Stage 2 Haku they both dash towards each other Kimmy punches at Elliott but he quickly ducks, avoiding the punch and counters with a jab to Kimmy's stomach.

Kimmy doubles over, but quickly recovers and retaliates with a roundhouse kick to Elliott's face. Elliott ducks again, but this time Kimmy manages to catch him with a hook to his jaw. Elliott stumbles backward and Kimmy charges forward, throwing a flurry of punches.

Elliott manages to block all of them and corner with a punch to her stomach but as the punch lands he releases his Haku which goes into her body and attacks the inside because his Haku was release his fist his her in the stomach which damage the outside when his Haku damage the inside she start to cough up blood.

"Move now." Said Sydney.

Elliott moves out of the way Sydney creates arrows out of her Haku and release them which pierces her body.


Elliott and Sydney walks up to the het "Do you think there more of them?" Asked Elliott.

"Who knows." Said Sydney.

dialogue and description with action

Stage 2 Haku aka body coating is when someone coats their body or part of their body with Haku normal attacks can't break it only way to break it is to coat your body or weapon with Haku and hope that your haku is the strongest this stage can be use like a shield which will protect anything it's coated around it can also you to boots one power just like Sydney said earlier if release after hitting something it will damage the Haku inside.

Parago_ncreators' thoughts