
Part Sixteen

I popped the hood of the car and checked everything. I saw that something was wrong with the engine. I went into the car and tried starting the car,but it kept making this scraping sound. I knew exactly what the problem was. I grabbed my toolbox and fixed it.

I went and turned on the engine and it was working perfectly fine. I turned off the engine and closed the hood of the car. I finally could get my car back.

While I was in there, I decided to do some work in the garage. I was doing these wooden toys that I was going to donate them to a children's home for them to play,but I never finished them. For about 2 hours that's what I did. I finished about 75 of the toys and I was happy about it.

I looked to the sun and saw it setting. I didn't want to miss the sunset so I closed the garage, ran inside and went up to the roof. I sat down near the chimney and watched the sunset.

I stayed staring with amazement. "It's so beautiful" I said and someone said behind me "not as beautiful as you". I got so scared I almost had a heart attack. I turned around and I saw Devon standing there looking at me. "Really Devon you nearly gave me a heart attack" I said "sorry Babe,but I wasn't lying you are more beautiful than the sunset" he replied as he sat next to me. "Oh stop it" I said. "But I can't stop I like annoying you" he said. "And yet you are a pain in my ass" I said. "No you are a pain in my ass" he said. "Oh please you love me" I said. He stayed still for a moment and it looked like he was thinking. Then he said "yes I do". I turned to him and looked at him with a puzzled face.I asked "what" and he answered "I love you".

When I heard those words I was shocked. I can't believe someone said that to me. I couldn't believe someone actually really loves me. "Nikky please say something" he said. I looked at him and quickly pulled him into a kiss.

He was stunned at first then began to kiss back. His lips was soft and so amazing. It was so passionate. I pulled away just a tiny bit and said "I love you too". He had a big smile on his face when I said those words and he pulled me back into our kiss. It was so nice and passionate. I wanted more. He started to kiss me harder and it felt so good.

Then he whispered in my ear "we should stop or else I would not be able to control my self" and I whispered back "then lose control". I swear when he heard what I said his face lit up.

(Mature Content Ahead You may skip to next dotted line)


He quickly got up, picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. Devon climbed down with me to his room and once we got into his room I wrapped my legs around his waist and faced him. I quickly pulled him into a kiss. He walked over to the door of his room as we were kissing, closed it, and locked it.

Then he pushed me against the wall and we started to make out like crazy. We both wanted eachother so bad. I didn't want it to stop. His hands began to explore my body and his touch on my body felt so electrifying. Next thing you know, we were basically ripping off each other's clothes.

He picked me back up and pushed everything off his dresser and sat me down on it. He began to knaw on my neck as his hand was in between my legs rubbing on my "you know what" harder and harder.

I wanted more of him. It felt so good that I began to moan softly as he kept going. I could feel him smiling against my neck.

When he pulled away from my neck he began to kiss me hard then I heard the sound of a zipper. Devon was taking off his pants. He then slowly injected his dick in me directly, causing me to scream out loud in equal parts of pleasurably pain and delirious ecstasy.

Only my scream was immediatly muffled by Devon's tongue which had again invaded my mouth. He is so lucky I'm on the pill or else this would have gotten very bad. His dick felt so thick. I could feel him fill up my entire body with every thrust. It was just amazing. It seemed like nothing could stop Devon as he started fucking me, giving over his body completely to the raging lust that was consuming the both of us.

Devon eventually stopped for a little bit and picked me up, not breaking our kiss and carried me to his bed. He set me down and continued.


The bed underneath us groaned due to the force with which Devon plunged his dick again and again into my widening cave. I could not help but shout even while I was being kissed. Completely consumed by the lust and passion I felt, I simply closed my eyes and reveled in the incredible sensations.

With my mouth opened, my screams grew steadily louder while Devon licked and sucked on both my lips and tongue. Almost unconsciously, I dug my fingers in deeper into Devon's back. As if that pain had awoken something in side him, he raised his body and let out a groan. I felt my mind going blank as Devon somehow started to increase the speed at which he went in and out. This was definitely the fastest that I have seen a man go.

Opening my eyes, I saw the crazy look on Devon's face and clutched at his hands, placing them on my breasts. His fingers directly reached my nipples and pinched them hard, making me scream my throat out while this enormous dick impaled me again and again at that dizzying speed.

We had reached the perfect rhythm, moving as one single entity. Even our shouts seemed to be in sync, echoing throughout the room one after another. Finally, with one humongous push, Devon went completely inside and came, injecting the load that had accumulated since so long deep into me.

I had been close to cumming myself. The feeling of his hot fluids entering my body pushed me over the edge, making me cry out one last time before collapsing on the bed, shaking.

A content smile spread on my face. I just looked at him and hugged him. After a little while he extracted himself from my embrace and said I'm sorry... If I hurt you". Shocked at what he said, I said "hurt me? That was amazing".

Listening to me say that he pulled me into a kiss and laid next to me in bed, pulling me close. Soon later, sleep took over us and we slept.


The next morning, I woke up naked and wrapped in a blanket on the bed. Last night was amazing and I was so happy, but my body felt so sore. Devon really did an amazing number on me last night and I loved every moment of it.

After zoning out for a little bit rethinking about yesterday, I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I knew it was Devon because he started to kiss along my back up to neck. In between every kiss he made a little smile.

I turned to look at him and he had a big smile on his face. "You seem happy" I said and he said "I couldn't be anymore happier". I giggled a little and pulled him into a small but passionate kiss.

I turned to the clock and saw it was 8 o'clock in the morning. "Hmm I still got time before I leave for the fair. Want to do a quickie before I go" I said to him in a flirtatious way and as soon as I said that his "thing" got a little turned on. "I guess that's a yes then" I said and then I pulled him into a kiss and he made love to me once again.

After making love, I got dressed in my clothes from last night and as I was getting dressed, Devon wrapped his arms around me and started to kiss my neck again. I laughed a little and said "really dude I got to go".

Then he said "but I don't want you to go" he said as began to hug me tighter. "I know you don't want me to go,but I have to go. I promise I'll see you later" and he said"okay" and then he let me go.

I gave him a kiss goodbye and he said "I love you" and I said "I love you too". I then went through the window and went into my room. I went and took a shower and got dressed for the fair ever so slowly because I can barely walk right.


Two weeks passed and fair was coming to an end. After performing our last show Mrs.Griffith(marching director) asked the seniors to come up in front of the stage and say their name, how many years they were in marching band, what college they will be going to and what we're going to be studying.

I went up front and was unfortunately called to go first by Mrs.Griffith. "Umm, Hello everyone my name is Nikky Vell. I have been in marching band for 4 years and I will be going to Florida State University and study music education,chorus, band performance and criminal justice". Everybody began to cheer and then everybody else took their turn.

When we walked back to our homebase everybody looked happy and sad at the same time. Most of us graduated and we were going to miss it.

When we all went outside we said our goodbyes. As everybody separated, I felt like they needed to be cheered up with our call. I yelled out "PEPSI!" and while they were walking away they yelled "COLA!". I was happy when they yelled it back.

I drove back home in my mom's car and was kind of sad it was over, but then I remembered that we were leaving in a couple of days to Florida and I still had packing to do. I quickly took a shower and got dressed and then started to pack.

By the end of the day my whole room was packed except for a couple of clothes that I was going to wear and my bed which I was not taking. I can't believe we are going to live in Florida. I was excited. Devon and I already sent some of our stuff and cars to our house so there wasn't alot of stuff that the truckers needed to take. I was tired from packing so I went to sleep.

The next day I spent the whole day with my mom. I was going to miss my mom so much.

The next thing I knew the day had come. Our moms drove Devon and I to the airport and when we got there it wasn't easy saying goodbye,but we did. Brendan and Isa met us at the entrance and we all got on the plane.

Throughout the whole time we all were asleep. We were all tired. Soon later we were woken up by the flight attendant saying that we were landing. My eyes were blinded by the sun when I woke up. It hurt. Eventually we all got off the plane and felt the Florida air hit our bodies. It was so nice and I was glad it was going to be like this for the next four years.
