
Feathers of Life

At what age does life become easier or is everything just a raffle draw full of bullshit luck waiting for you at the next chapter of your life. I never finished highschool for many reasons and my family was more broken then happy or even partially together. Today I turn twenty yet nothing feels accomplished and no matter how hard I try things seem to go left till the glass falls. Most people will use that reference about glass half full or overflowing but mine is unbalanced and always tipping over. My first relationship happened at a bad moment in life and I can only assume he was a good guy but is that my fault or my luck in life, does anyone need to claim fault or does it make us feel better. I was struggling inside my head at the time which made arguments from nothing and they just spiraled endlessly. I tried the doctors and the medication but I was killing a part of myself with each pill and that made me even more depressed. The last argument told me that this relationship wasn't meant to be since my beliefs and his clashed. He wanted me on the pills so I could always be calm, yet I couldn't continue down that road knowing I was losing pieces of me. it's true if we could only argue then why did we not end sooner but how do you end a relationship that became a lightning rod anchoring you. He was a shelter no matter our problems created by me and that shelter kept me safe from the horrors waiting for me everyday I was awake. So I never ended it till that single moment he basically told me, it was okay to lose me if it helped me be at peace inside. I can't blame him or those words but I also couldn't stay in that relationship, but just maybe if my life was different it would have been beautiful. Every day after that I had to cope with myself and find the correct way to coexist inside my own head, a battle I win and lose everyday. A few months later my job had to lay me off due to money and merging companies which made living arrangements problematic. Going home was an option but to what end exactly since going back to a broken home wouldn't help me in any capacity. So a friend let me rent her spare room which was a storage closet but I couldn't complain if it gave me a roof and somewhere to sleep. She was a good girl that made her way in life following the rules but she was never a push over either. Leading me to often wonder if I was a pushover and I just never noticed it. Within a week I had found a job at a cafe and part time work at a construction job which helped me bring in cash quickly. My managing skills came in clutch with that job since they had no other openings and my experience was above the requirements they wanted. working at a factory gave me something useful at least and all the aggravations leading those people paid off for me. Even though my mind is a mess I can work effortlessly and keep moving forward in life with minor hiccups. After a month of saving I found a building that needed an owner which now serves as my home and business. The couple gave me an offer I couldn't turn down and equally they couldn't wait to go on vacation which is where all my money went but it made me feel good inside at least. Some good happened but a lot of bad followed alongside it equally and before my birthday arrived I found myself sitting in jail for trying to help a stranger. Even though it was a misunderstanding, it affected some of my work and even my own business creating problems and creating decisions. {Some missing text due to limited length for this part, this is the introduction to the story though.}

Lightxxseeker · LGBT+
8 Chs

Chapter 1

Feathers of Life Chapter 1

Choosing clothes for any occasion involving friends is a hassle for me because i don't understand the point of wearing expensive stuff, adding in the fact they could get damaged. While I'm sure fashion is mostly for those with money to throw away, I dont think I'll ever get to that point. While I do love my friends who work with me and my occasional issues I involve them in, they do have this habit of making me get fashionable. So when occasions like this pop up i will be prepared but i can't complain since its my style just more money then normal. Tonight was a girls night of blind and most likely terrible choices but it would certainly be a night of fun that I need. After twenty minutes of getting dressed up the texts came flooding the chat we all used asking if i was ready yet and then the car horn could be heard outside.

After settling into the backseat wedged between both Erin and Tori was when the party started for us but Andy was our designated driver tonight. With a bottle of cherry home made wine from Felicia and my favorite cheese with crackers, which does not sound like much of a party. If it wasn't for me living with Felicia I probably wouldn't have gotten closer to these three since I tried keeping people at a distance before. When life had me down hard they picked me up and when that relationship failed with life following up making me homeless, they were there for me. The second night at Felicia's was a slumber party which got wild for everyone with all the intoxication from alcohol and wine. That's how I learned about Erin's wild party girl style and how good her body was when she stripped for everyone.

Erin was a good dancer who could turn anyone on with her body alone but she kept most of the goods hidden that night from us. Andy and Erin ended up kissing which became a kissing game between us of who can last the longest, through that i learned how much Andy liked to kiss. Even though she was a little taller than me for some reason it was a turn on to have someone taller than me kiss with my head tipped back. Tori and Felicia did not join us and we just assumed it was because of their situations, Tori was dating someone and Felicia had standards.

We got intimate and close in a single night of alcohol and partying without restraints enjoying each other's company. Every so often I noticed that Tori watched us intently when we kissed or did some intimate dancing which made me curious. So after everyone was passed out i took a leap of faith with my alcoholic courage and crawled on top of her slowly, i started with soft kisses on her jawline till she woke up. We didn't say anything but I could feel her body reacting and her breathing picked up so I whispered to her softly which led to us sharing a deeply long kiss. The way she kissed was submissively intimate like we were taking a journey together through a single kiss, it was perhaps the most perfect kiss ever for me. After that she became a little more assertive with wanting to be involved in those wild parties which happened every sunday or saturday were we let go of life.

while driving to the unknown destination the birthday celebration party was already starting in the backseats with wine bottles and cheese with crackers. Andy was making verbally sure we didn't make a mess with our shotguns and other loud craziness since this was her beloved vehicle. While I never minded a kiss or two between my friends since it always felt nice but they seemed to enjoy it far more tonight, which wasn't a problem to me. The taste of the wine had a hint of cherry to it as the liquid passed around between me and the other two which often caused lots of laughing.

" Hey, I think Erin got more wine than me."

" Not possible, I think Tori is making white lies again."

" Alright girls, tonight isn't about getting wasted quickly, besides I'm the birthday girl who shared equally. I can't help it if Erin has a longer tongue then you Tori."

Everyone seemed to like that comment which led to some teasing and questions from the others but she wouldn't comment unfortunately. When we arrived at a red light with heavy traffic I decided on one more mouthful of wine leading me to quickly lean forward to capture Andy in a deep kiss. She let out a loud squeak before being silenced by my lips but she accepted every drop and unlike the other two our kiss was a little longer which caused some jealousy from the backseat. My ass got hit roughly enough to get me to fall back into my seat with a burst of laughter.

"Hey now, no spankings."

" Well you better save some for tonight's dates, never know how lucky you will get."

"Yeah because Erin picked the dates, and we all know how wild her tastes are."

" Hey, I resent that. My tastes are like this bottle of wine thank you very much, besides we can't all have a mister perfect stud in a suit like you Tori. My partners have always been the best of the options available. And our birthday girl, Hannah, will get no less from me."

" Gee, thanks for the consideration. How many of these options did you take for a test drive?"

" The first two are way too easy and good for the quick lay but if you want something serious the last two are good choices."

"So they are all arriving tonight?... That seems like a little overloading for me."

" The good ones won't arrive till much later so don't fret over it too much, just have fun birthday girl."

Before I could protest any further we had come to a stop and everyone was getting out of the vehicle heading inside quickly. Even though they are my friends I sometimes hope they will change this excitement of partying and maybe be like the golden girl who never joins us. Once inside the building it seemed strange at first with how quiet it was but the moment I pulled the curtain back to open the main room a bright light stole my vision. Then a mix of voices loudly start chanting and singing that damn song I desperately hate to hear each year. When my eyesight readjusted I could see a lot of familiar people here and even the golden girl who never parties with us.

" Felicia, you never come out with us. But I'm guessing this isn't a partying and blind date setup after all.?"

"Nope, well yes and no. I bought the building out for tonight because I have never missed your birthday. plus someone needs to control the wild girl that always gets you into trouble. So tonight have fun and enjoy yourself, i'll keep her in line."

" Don't have too much fun with that, Felicia. so this is still a blind date then and my birthday party?, didn't we agree on no more birthday parties."

" Sorry you got outvoted, now your first date is Max over there. He seems like a sleaze so be careful. The others should arrive later."

Another warning that the first guy for my blind date tonight was no good for the real thing which i appreciated, Felicia was always a reliable friend. If she stopped following the rules I believe she could have many people at her feet worshiping her like a goddess. But everyone knows she has standards that no one has filled yet but who could blame her in this world where people lack integrity and honesty. When my eyes finally set on him it was like looking through a wiki and my friends' words became even more true. The way he smiled was skin crawling and cringy which made me take a quick detour away and hide in the crowd hoping the others would be better. I just couldn't even attempt to start a conversation with someone like him and that obviously over dressed getup. I'm sure he had cologne that could kill an elephant which is an even bigger problem for me, so why even try to get to know him better to just wait.

After a few hours the lights went down and people were split between dancing and the birthday cake with plenty of spiked up punch. It did not take long for my next blind date to be brought over but after the first one I couldn't help but be skeptical and a little shy. This person didn't seem to be the second bad choice chosen for tonight which I was grateful for but it did make me curious about her. When Erin left us to talk it didn't take long for us to know we would be better friends then dating and that was still better than gaining nothing out of this. While talking and learning more about each other it was becoming clear that the blind dates knew about me from Erin, which made me feel a little strange. After spending so much time with her it seemed to be the time for a switch when Felicia brought over a guy who thankfully didn't give the same vibes as Max from earlier. Since Felicia brought him over he couldn't have been the second bad choice which was making me curious and even more worried in a way.

Through short conversation I learned quickly he was best friends with Max and that was enough for me to keep my distance. He seemed to be a nice guy with his life together and our conversations seemed to flow properly but Max was a big red flag to me. Even though I made new friends and didn't find someone to put in the dating category, tonight was at least fun. When my friends started shuffling over to me, Hank decided to take his leave heading over to max from what it looked like.

"So three of the four choices tonight made by me were good, right?. Well, more or less good."

"Is anything ever good with you Erin, I mean Hank is a nice guy and he has the looks but i spotted several warning signs. Karla seemed like a good choice but you could easily see her working habits were bad, definitely not good for our girl either. And Max is like the biggest joke around."

"Well not everyone has your standards, besides Hannah needs fun too. She can't be single forever after all. Are you trying to convert her to follow your way of life?."

Everyone had a good laugh from that but Felicia was fierce and stood her ground which turned into the usual friendly bickering back and forth. Tori was quietly sipping away at her big glass of whatever concoction she created this time and as time ticked by the night was winding down. Just as we started to get our things to head back home I couldn't resist the urge to ask anymore. I waited all night for the mystery person that never showed up after all.

"Hey, Erin. Who was the last person that didn't show up?"

"Oh, Kacy. She was  gonna come with her brother which was the biggest surprise tonight, but I guess they couldn't make it tonight."

"So two blind dates stood me up. That makes me feel like shit honestly, And i hold you responsible fully."

She couldn't help laughing while everyone else joined in on my suffering even though I didn't care about the blind date thing, being stood up was like the worst thing that could happen to me. While in my intoxication state I started talking a little badly about being stood up and ranting a lot when the blind dates appeared. Since I had no idea everyone just continued laughing even harder making me feel terrible, then Erin spoke up loudly.

"Hey Kacy, you made it."

My embarrassment was through the roof and I wanted to curl up and die, I couldn't even begin to apologize to her. So I just pulled my shirt's hoodie up and walked away quickly hoping to disappear into the night and forget everything that happened tonight, because  I felt like shit now.

"Slow down a second, let me apologize. I deserved all that, I'm sure. So can I at least explain first?"

"I'm sorry."

my voice was small and her smile grew after i spoke but who could blame her when im acting like a shy school girl dying of embarrassment. All I could do was nod and hope this conversation would end so I could go home and bury my head like an ostrich.

"So Erin knows my brother, and he isn't a good guy exactly. He has a lot of bad habits and friends, so I decided to come to make sure nothing bad happened. I did tell her it was a bad idea to involve him but she didn't listen and even pulled me into the whole thing. I'm late because he decided not to come after saying he would come, so i'm here for both of us i guess. But I only know Erin so it was awkward for me to show up… So I stalled coming here."

Her words seemed to be filled with so much honesty it was shocking but it was a good enough reason for me to accept her apology. Much like me she was pulled into this weird blind date thing so how could I fault her for not wanting to show up.

"Well all the blind dates didn't work out for me so it's alright, But tonight was my birthday. So I got a little extra drunk and did not control myself or words, sorry."

"Then how about I take you out for a pastry and coffee as an apology tomorrow?, if you wanna finish the blind date thing i can even bring my brother with me and have him apologize as well."

"Just you should be fine, since I don't need anything bad in my life right now. So I can give you my number and wait for your call tomorrow."

After we agreed and my friends gave many whistles we parted ways and I could head home for sleep but not before listening to the onslaught of questions. I did give my number out but at best it's just as friends and we barely had a chance to talk so i don't even know how this could progress. The only thing on my mind tonight was my stress levels being much lower than earlier and that means I can survive another day without an outburst.