
Chapter 1


On the sterile hospital bed, Hao Yu lay frail and vulnerable, a mere whisper of the strength he once possessed. His once-vibrant blue-grey eyes now glazed with the weight of life slipping away, struggling to focus on the flurry of activity surrounding him. The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor echoed through the room, a haunting reminder of the precious seconds slipping away.

Nurses and doctors moved with a sense of urgency, their hushed conversations blending with the sterile clinking of surgical instruments. Tubes and wires snaked across Hao Yu's body, connecting him to machines that fought to keep his weakening heartbeat in sync.

As the room buzzed with life-saving efforts, Hao Yu's senses were a blur. His once sharp perception dulled, rendering the world a haze of indistinct shapes and sounds. The pallor of his skin mirrored the ebbing vitality within, a stark contrast to the memories of his vibrant self.

His heartbeat now slowed to a fragile melody as he layed in a delicate dance between life and the impending stillness that awaited.

'How did it all come to this?' He wondered. 'Where did I go wrong?'

30 years worth of memories flashed in his mind as he tried to recall where he had gone wrong. What sin he had committed to be subjected to such a life. Such suffering.

All he had done was love one person.

Just one.

How could he be punished like this?

He used to be a good Alpha. One of the most handsome eligible ones in the country. He came from an affluent family and everyone used to respect him. He had many omegas lined up, all wanting to get married to him.

How did he allow himself to end up like this? Reduced to a vegetable, just some minutes away from death.

Hao Yu regretted it. He regretted everything he had done. He regretted falling in love with the man that drove him insane and caused him to be like this.

'Curse you, Wei Long.' He cried in his mind. "I hate you. I hate you so much.'

Hao Yu wished he had never met Wei Long. He wished Wei Long had just left him to die in that fire. It would have been better to die then than live such a horrible life.

One in which he had been disowned, defamed and became a laughing stock of the entire country.

An Alpha loving another Alpha.

It was unheard of. It was abnormal but Hao Yu didn't care then. He didn't care about whatever the world said about him or how they perceived him. He was young and carefree. Full of vigour. All he knew was that he was in love and it was the most wonderful feeling. The greatest thing in the world.

Now, he wished he had never fallen in love with Wei Long for it was the worst thing that had ever happened to him.

The image of the man he loved bloomed in his mind, forever etched into his brain. No matter how much he had tried to forget it, he couldn't. It was like a tattoo, permanently stuck to his mind, his heart, his very soul.

He could see the inky black hair cascading down Wei Long's face in sleek waves, framing a face sculpted with a fusion of cold elegance and intense charisma. His sharp brown eyes, reminiscent of both rich chocolate and frosty determination, held an arresting gaze that could pierce through the deepest layers of emotion. His pale skin seemed to carry an ethereal glow with a sharp jawline which defined the contours of his face, adding a touch of rugged allure to his otherwise refined features.

Wei Long was the most handsome man he had ever set his eyes on. The most powerful Alpha with pheromones that could make other Alphas fall to their knees.

But he was also the most wicked, the most heartless, most despicable being.

Hao Yu desperately wished he could erase Wei Long's existence from his mind for it annoyed him that even in such a state, Wei Long was the only person he could think of.

He could vividly remember the time he had confessed his feelings to the Alpha. It was Wei Long's birthday and he had prepared well. Brushed his teeth, gelled his hair, wore a new set of clothes and shoes, bought Wei Long's favourite wine and some white roses which were Wei Long's favourite flowers.

Under the pretext of a class project, he had told Wei Long that they should meet up to discuss and had set the meeting place at a high class restaurant Wei Long frequented. He had booked a private box and ordered all of Wei Long's favourite meals.

When Wei Long strolled in, his heartbeat had quickened for he was nervous but elated at the same time. He had wished Wei Long happy birthday and Wei Long had smiled at him. It was just a simple raise of the corners of his lips but that was the way Wei Long smiled. It didn't matter and he had felt honoured to be smiled at.

After the dinner, he finally and boldly expressed what he had kept hidden in his heart for years.

"I love you, Wei Long." He had blurted out. "I've loved you since the day you saved me from that burning building when we were 12. My heart belonged to you there and then. I love you a lot and although we're both Alphas, I-

"Stop." Wei Long had ordered him, causing him to shut up immediately.

What followed shattered his innocent heart to pieces.

Those brown eyes had gazed at him with no emotion and Wei Long's cold voice rang in his ear. 'You disgust me.'

Right there and then, Wei Long stood up and went to the small sink by the corner that was used to wash hands. He stuck two fingers down his throat and emptied the entire contents of his stomach.

He took his time to clean up then glared at Hao Yu fiercely. "Never contact me again."

With that, he left Hao Yu sitting there, completely heartbroken.

Hao Yu knew that he was going to get rejected. He had prepared for it and although he had fantasized about being with Hei Long for a long time, he had never once allowed himself to think they could actually be together.

What he wanted was just a chance to express his feelings and hopefully, forget about them. Instead, his heart got trampled on before he could even finish what he was saying.
