
Summer Vacations:

*Beep* *Beep*


Me:Mmm Hello *I answer the phone in half asleep*

JK:Hey Toto Good morning are u still asleep?

Me:mmooorrrnnnnniiiinnnngggg kookkiiee why are u calling me soooo early, today is a holiday u know?

JK:I am outside your house sleepyhead.*chukle*

Me: Ohhh...WAIT WHAT *wide awake*I-I'm coming

*Runs downstairs* *Wears slippers* *opens door*

What are u doing here so early???*huff**huff*

I ran outside and saw jungkook standing outside my house gate with a bag in hand.

JK:Pfft u look adorable Ha ha ha *laughs*

I realised that I am wearing a hoodie that's length is till my things and a hot pant underneath on top of that my headband is made in rabbit ears.

Me:*blush*Ahhhh don't look.Come inside I will get ready in a minute.

I invite jungkook inside when my granny comes out from the kitchen because of all the noise.

Granny:Omo tomo u are up so early and who is this handsome young man is he your boyfriend??

Me,JK:*blush* NO HE IS NOT/ NO I AM NOT.

We look at each other then look down blushing.

Granny:Oh dear u both look so cute together.

Me:GRANDMA!!He is one of my friend I told u about his name is Jungkook.And jungkook this is my grandma.

JK:*bows*H-Hello grandma it's nice to meet you.*smiles*

Me:Kookie sit in the sofa for a bit I will freshen up and come down.Until then u can play with coco.

JK: *tilts head in confusion* Coco??

Me:Ah that's the name i gave to the puppy I picked yesterday.Come here coco.

I pick up coco as he comes running to me when I call him.

Me:Awwwww u are so cute darling*chu*good boy good boy .

I kiss Coco and I hand him over to jungkook.

Me:Kookie play with coco until I come back.

JK:Okay. Hey coco my name is jungkook.

I freshen up change my clothes and wear a skirt and crop top.And as soon as I come downstairs I see coco and kookie playing they looked so cute that I couldn't stop smiling.

JK:Ah hey Toto I got something for u and Coco. Well it's not exactly me who bought it.It was tae hyung yesterday I told him that u picked up a dog and he told me to give u some pets stuff cause he have extra.

Me:Woah isn't that too much, let's see there is a dog collar, sanitary mat,dog leash,eating bowl and dog biscuits. The collar is in pink it will totally look good with Coco's white fur.*exitedly*Coco come here let me try this on you.

Coco:Woof woof *runs*

JK:Oh he is so obedient.

Me: Hehehe I trained him a little last night after giving him a shower. *puts on the collar*Awwww u look sooo cute.

JK: Toto and Coco ahahaha *laughs*


Granny:Tomo jungkook come here let's eat breakfast.

Me: Coming grandma, let's go Kookie.

Coco come here I will give u some warm milk and biscuits in your new bowl.

(I pour some milk in the bowl and place some biscuits beside it in a plate)

JK:Yummm these pancakes are soo good.

Me:pfft u eat like a kid u got some on your face *wipes*.

Soon I realize what I just did and look at jungkook slowly getting red at that sight I blush too.

Me:Er.. sorry

JK:No it's okay.

Me:(It's so awkward i should change the topic)Ah right jungkook let's go to others after eating I have to thank Tae and do my part time there.I think I should take Coco to what do u think?

JK:Uhh it's a great idea Tae Hyung will love to meet him.

After finishing our breakfast we head outside together.I make Coco wear the new collar and leash that Tae oppa gave. After walking for 5min we were near our destination just then I saw someone,the colour of my face drained and I drag jungkook to the nearby convenience store with me and hide behind the shelves.

Me:Oh shit!!!! why now of all times.

Want to find out who is this someone that made Tomomi's face loose colour find out soon



Agust_D_03creators' thoughts