
11. The World.

However, Luna had never once been on the receiving end of Jade's episodes of unwarranted anger, hence, the reason why she couldn't comprehend the gravity of her words.

Meanwhile, Aurora finally removed her hand from Luna's mouth before facing "Luna?" She said, placing her hands on Luna's shoulders.

Luna tilted her head to the side in confusion as to why Jade would suddenly leave the room after Aurora placed her hand on Luna's mouth.

'Was it something I said? But I only told the truth,' She thought to herself.

"Big sis Aurora, did I do something wrong?" She asked, trying to understand what just happened.

"Listen, Luna, cooking is a very sensitive topic for big sister Jade. Next time, try to read the room before saying anything," Aurora cautioned and Luna nodded her head in understanding.

She never intended to insult Jade's cooking and she felt sad now that she understood the meaning of her words.

"I understand big sister. I'll apologize to big sister Jade first thing tomorrow morning," She promised.

"Good girl, I'm sure your big sister would love that," Aurora assured her and a big smile appeared on Luna's face.

With that out of the way, Aurora and Luna grabbed their plates and returned them to the kitchen before they both went to their various rooms.

Zach also returned to his room with the tablet in his hand and the moment he entered his room, he decided to take a look at his status.

=== STATUS ===


Name: Zach Darkmoor

Age: 17

Level: 1 (1/1000)

Race: Human, ??? (Locked)

Title: World Walker.



Strength: 52

Agility: 52

Endurance: 53

Intelligence: 60

Charm: 70

FP: None

AP: None




> Appraisal [Locked]

> God's Hand



> Ambitious

> Composed



> Cooking {Intermediate}

> Drawing {Advanced}


[Extra Skills]

> Enhanced Reflexes and Senses.

> Predatory Instinct


Physique:- Pink Fox Beast Physique


Bloodline:- Pink Fox Bloodline


Favourability:- Luna (10% --> 15%) Aurora ( 3% --> 7%)



Zach noticed that not only had Luna's favourable impression of him risen from 10% to 15% but Aurora's favourability had increased as well.

He was pleased with what he was seeing, knowing that it was only a matter of time before Luna and Aurora's favourability increased beyond fifty percent.

Now Zach couldn't wait to see their impression increase even more. He focused his mind on what was more important and took a look at the tablet.

He swiped the screen and surfed the Internet about the world and what happened centuries before he was born.

It turned out the world was spherical and it was called Hestia.

"Huh? The world is spherical? It appears I've been deceived. I always thought the world was just a big round doughnut," He jested before directing his attention back to the tablet.

Hestia was made up of two super continents.

The first super continent was a large mass of land completely occupied by the demons while on the other side of the world was the second super continent.

Centuries ago, the second supercontinent split into five different continents and all five continents were separated by oceans.

The Central continent was separated from the Eastern continent by the Java Ocean, and the Central continent was also separated from the Western continent by the Whispering Ocean.

The Kala Ocean separated the Northern continent from the Central continent while the Mystical Ocean separated the Central continent from the Southern continent.

The Northern continent belonged to the Dragon race.

The Western continent belonged to the Elves and Mermaids.

The Eastern continent belonged to the Dwarves and Humans.

The Central continent was mostly occupied by Humans as well.

And finally, the Southern continent which once belonged to the Beastmen was now occupied by the demons who invaded them.

The beast continent used to be a land of diverse beastmen tribes and primal energies. However, following the invasion and domination of the demonic forces, the once thriving and harmonious continent became tainted by darkness and subjugation.

The beastmen, once a strong and prideful race, now struggled against the demonic tyranny of their ancestral lands. The continent currently bore the scars of the demonic ruling, with the beastmen yearning to reclaim their heritage and restore balance to their fractured homeland.

However, this was easier said than done.

As for Zach and everyone else in the mansion, they now found themselves in the Eastern continent, the second largest continent among the five continents, with the Central continent being the largest one of them all.

The continent housed more than fifty cities and was home to both humans and dwarves.

However, this didn't mean that one couldn't find other races roaming the streets.

With the subjugation of the beast continent, those who managed to survive and escape found themselves seeking refuge in the Eastern, Western and Northern continents.

Since the Eastern continent consisted mainly of humans and dwarves, the collaboration between the two races led to a remarkable advancement in craftsmanship and technology, resulting in a society where innovation and creativity thrived.

The intricate craftsmanship of the dwarves was evident in the city's architecture, with ornate metalwork and finely detailed designs adorning every building. This allowed the continent to become a stunning blend of natural beauty and advanced technology.

Sprawling cities adorned with sleek metallic structures and towering skyscrapers dominated the landscape. The skyline was also constantly dotted with flying cars, trains zipping through the air, and hoverboards gliding effortlessly across the street.

The cities were a hub of activity, with bustling markets showcasing the latest technological marvels alongside traditional artisan crafts. The fusion of dwarven craftsmanship and human ingenuity led to groundbreaking inventions ranging from advanced mechanical marvels to intricate clockwork gadgets.

Also, the landscape was as diverse as its inhabitants, featuring green valleys and majestic mountain ranges where dwarves produced the finest technological inventions.

The continent was also home to expansive underground cities where the dwarves' expertise in mining and engineering created vast subterranean metropolises filled with cutting-edge technology.


A/N:- You are also more than welcome to read my other novel that's tilted, My Evil Stepson System.
