
Character info

Name: Ragnar

Age: 18

Height: 6'5

Race: ?

Weapon: Stormbreaker (indestructible, same enchantment as Thor's hammer)

Abilities: all of Thor's powers

• Super Strength

• Supers Human Speed

• Heightened senses

• High Healing Factor (almost immortal but can die)

• Control/creation of Lightning and storms

• Flight (doesn't need the axe to fly)

Axe's abilities:

• Indestructible

• only he can wield it

• enchanted so that it alway returns to him

• can teleport him to different locations

(think of it like the floo in Harry Potter, he has to call out his destination and the axe will take him there via rainbow bridge but not as big.)

Pairing: Beatrix-Ragnar

A.N: I own NOTHING other than my created Character. Also, I will add in some other stuff into this story form Norse mythology as too what….. I'll keep that to myself for now.
