1 The Mysterious Bookstore

In the new marketplace of Miara Kingdom, bustling with merchants and customers of different races, a mysterious figure walked gently beneath the twin moons. Though the structures appeared medieval with cobblestone roads, the kingdom was illuminated by luminous crystals, towering machinery and mana-powered vehicles silently transported cargo.

When the figure reached an empty spot between two buildings, he murmured, "This will do." and snapped his fingers.

A swirling dark-blue mist filled the empty spot, dissipating as quickly as it appeared to reveal a stunning two-story wooden building, its glass windows and inviting doorway gleaming in the moonlight.

Despite a whole building materializing out of thin air, the passersby seemed utterly oblivious to its sudden appearance.

Ding! The bell rang as the figure opened the door and entered.

He surveyed the cozy interior with satisfaction. Bookshelves lined the walls from floor to ceiling, filled with aged tomes and books. Plush armchairs and reading nooks were situated invitingly among the stacks. A fire crackled in the large hearth, casting a warm, dancing glow over everything.

"Just as I imagined," he said, looking around. "But what should I name this place?"

With a wave of his hand, a book titled 'Fate Weaver' appeared.

"Fate Weaver Bookstore..." he muttered, and with another snap of his fingers, a sign with that name appeared over the door.




"Captain! Are we just going to let them do as they please?!" Ray, a tall, lean man, argued hotly as they patrolled the newly constructed shopping district during their usual morning rounds, navigating through the crowds of people.

"Ray, you must calm yourself. This is neither the time nor the place for such discussions," Captain Lupin said quietly.

"But Captain—"

"That's enough!" Lupin ordered sternly, ending the conversation. Captain Lupin understood where Ray's frustrations were coming from, but everything had its proper time and place - and in the middle of their patrol was simply not it. They had just departed the palace after another meeting where the nobility issued orders that sat ill with Lupin's conscience.

They continued their patrol in silence, following their usual route until they reached the spot between two shops—a familiar shortcut to the other side of the shopping area. But today, something strange caught their eye. Where yesterday there had been nothing but an empty lot, a fully built two-story shop now stood.

"What in the blazes...?" Lupin muttered, his brow furrowing as he studied the unexpected new structure. Ray could only open his mouth in shock at the bizarre sight.

Lupin felt the familiar unease in his gut, honed by too many nights lying awake, haunted by memories of friends killed in senseless conflicts driven by the nobles' endless greed. His faith in their leadership had died years ago during the Drakkmare Battle. He could still hear the screams of his soldiers falling against ravenous monsters, all so the nobles could seize new mining lands beyond the kingdom's borders.

After that, Lupin channeled his outrage into protecting the common folk from the nobility's corruption. He climbed the ranks swiftly, getting promoted to Captain by exploiting a system he no longer respected. Keeping the streets safe brought small comfort, but his true goal was gathering allies to eventually rein in the rulers' corruption.

So the sight of this mysterious new bookstore materializing overnight only heightened Lupin's suspicions. He didn't trust anything out of the ordinary anymore—especially anything that could potentially involve the nobles.

"Ray, was there anything here yesterday?"

Ray shook his head. "No, Captain! I've thoroughly checked every store in this area. There shouldn't be a new store here...at least not yet." His voice took on a puzzled tone.

Lupin didn't doubt Ray's words one bit. Despite his lean frame, Ray had long proven his worth went far beyond mere combat ability. Ray's intelligence and skill at information gathering had earned him the role of vice captain.

Lupin read the sign 'The Fate Weaver Bookstore' and felt a sense of danger. He trusted his gut instincts, and they were warning him now.

Without a word, Lupin undid the strap holding his greatsword on his back and slowly approached the store's entrance.

Ray mirrored his captain's guarded stance, readied his mana gun, alert for any threats, and followed closely behind Lupin.


The cheerful chime of the doorbell announced their arrival but did little to dispel the tension as Lupin and Ray took their first steps into the bookstore's interior. The wooden floor creaked ominously beneath their boots. The air felt heavier somehow, as if a force pressed down upon them.

"Welcome, guests."

A deep voice called out from the shadows behind the counter, startling them. Despite the warm glow of crystals hanging from the ceiling, bathing the space in ample light, the figure who had spoken remained shrouded in darkness. All they could discern were two piercing dark-blue eyes gazing intently in their direction.

Lupin tensed, and his battle-hardened instincts screamed at him, but he kept his sword sheathed.

Those eerie blue eyes seemed to study them a moment longer, and he remained utterly unconcerned by the threatening posture of the two men.

"Please, there's no need for such hostility," the deep voice chided calmly from the shadows. "You are more than welcome here in my new bookstore."

"Are you the owner?" Lupin demanded, "How has this place appeared here overnight?"

A low, rumbling chuckle echoed from the mysterious figure, and with maddening nonchalance, the figure stood up from behind the counter, finally allowing the crystal's soft light to illuminate their features as Lupin's breath caught in his throat. Before them stood a man with long black hair past his ears, piercing dark blue eyes, and his skin had an otherworldly jade-white hue. He wore a sleek black suit with a dark blue vest matching his mysterious eyes and a black fur cloak draped over his shoulders. The cloak swayed slightly as he moved with unhurried calm.

The man gave them a disarming smile. "I am the owner, yes. Though I'm known by many names, you may call me Fate Weaver or Bookstore Owner," He waved a hand casually. "As for how it came to be, it was established through proper means, I assure you. Just a new business opening up in this shopping district."

Ray frowned, "That's hard to believe. Buildings don't just appear overnight."

"I understand your skepticism," The Fate Weaver replied. "But I employed some...unconventional construction methods, let's say. All perfectly above board, of course." His piercing blue eyes held Lupin's gaze. "This is simply a bookshop, Captain. A haven for books and knowledge, as I'm sure you can appreciate."

"Then what is your purpose here?" Lupin asked, his tone hardening. "This kingdom already has too many bookstores..."

The Fate Weaver responded bluntly. "To sell books and the like, of course. Because I believe my books have powers, to inspire and raise questions—something this kingdom could use more of."

Ray tensed, but Lupin held up a hand to calm him down. "What do you mean?"

"Can you truly say the kingdom's rulers only have the people's best interests at heart?" the Fate Weaver asked. "That they are serving Miara, not themselves?"

An uneasy silence fell. Lupin felt a knot in his stomach, for those words rang true to his own doubts.

"You're treading on dangerous ground, sir," Lupin warned, "Talk like this could count as treason."

"Is it treason to ask questions?" the Fate Weaver asked, a hint of a playful smile adorning his face as his gaze turned to Ray. "Nonetheless, I only deal with advice and books here, how others may be inspired or influenced is out of my hands."

Lupin's gaze followed the Fate Weaver's and it landed on his vice captain. He watched the conflict play out on his face, sensing the Fate Weaver's words were striking a chord with the doubts they both had. He knew all too well that the kingdom was marching towards its downfall.

The Fate Weaver spoke again. "Perhaps you would benefit from a particular book," he said, raising one hand, and with a subtle gesture, a large tome appeared on the counter, its ancient leather cover embossed with odd symbols.

Lupin stiffened. "What is this?"

"Merely a suggestion," the Fate Weaver replied calmly. "It is a tale of a kingdom that mirrored your own in many ways."

Ray glanced at the book before asking,

"And what purpose would we have for reading such a thing?"

The Fate Weaver smiled enigmatically. "Why don't you examine it first? As my first customers, consider this book a token of goodwill, free of charge."

Lupin studied the ancient book, unable to sense any traces of mana from it. He exchanged a wary look with Ray, who nodded in response. After all, they came here to investigate.

Finally, Lupin spoke in a gruff tone. "Very well. We'll accept your...token of goodwill."

Extending his hand, Lupin reached for the book's weathered leather cover. The Fate Weaver's smile seemed to widen with satisfaction. But the moment Lupin's fingertips brushed the surface, they were no longer in the bookshop...
